Will North America recover economically, politically, culturally?


Jun 6, 2009
Not that I'm an export on this kind of thing, since I don't hobby, but from what I get from other posters, that a lot to pay for a BJ or a really cheap FS. Each to his own.

Never seen that gif before. I bet you've been saving that one for something special like losing your cherry. Congratulation.
In post #155.....
That's it. That's the post that your basing your comment/accusation/observation on. It specifically says I'm no expert (so I can't spel) and I'm NOT a hobbyist. What are you reading? You better thake another drag on your spliff Woodie. Then get out of your parents basement once in a while.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
If you don't hobby, then why oh why do you spend such an inordinate amount of time on a Hobby Board???

Is it just to shill for Apple, or is there another reason?...


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America

No answer/obfuscation to that? .....


Jun 6, 2009
If you don't hobby, then why oh why do you spend such an inordinate amount of time on a Hobby Board???

Is it just to shill for Apple, or is there another reason?...
Your first question has been answered at least twice before as best I can recollect and you were around for both those conversations.

I spend time on a number of BB covering a few topics; two professional and another for another interest of mine. I find some of the topics on this BB really interesting (food, drink, travel, sports, electronics, oh ya and sex, I do like sex) some of the posts are interesting/entertaining and some not. Remember I have 3 screens and I 'can' multi-task. Sometimes I have to sit in front of my screens and wait for my computers to do their jobs/work or spend a lot of time on hold on my phone, which I can't stand more than almost anything else in the world. It makes the time go faster.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
3 screens, eh???
Perhaps you should switch to Linux!
With Linux I work with 4-5 screens at once ALL on one PC!
Multi-tasking is a snap with Linux!.....

Sorry to hear you can't do that with your Crapple.....


Active member
Mar 18, 2003
what an interesting read this thread is. until 'someone' had to ruin it, that is
id like to see it back on track. in particular, a comment made by ceiling cat, about preparing for the future
(sorry the quote button would be handy now, but alas)

this topic interests me greatly. a question to all:
given your opinions, what are you doing to prepare for the changes ahead?
“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising them the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over a louse fiscal responsibility, always followed by a dictatorship. The average of the world’s great civilizations before they decline has been 200 years. These nations have progressed in this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to great courage; from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to selfishness; from selfishness to complacency; from complacency to apathy; from apathy to dependency; from dependency back again to bondage.”

This sequence seems to repeat in spite of attempts to entrench the importance of liberty so that it is passed from generation to generation:

Through monuments: Statue of Liberty

Through religious warning against rule by man:
‘He said, “These will be the ways of the king who will reign over you: he will take your sons and appoint them to his chariots and to be his horsemen and to run before his chariots. And he will appoint for himself commanders of thousands and commanders of fifties, and some to plow his ground and to reap his harvest, and to make his implements of war and the equipment of his chariots. He will take your daughters to be perfumers and cooks and bakers. He will take the best of your fields and vineyards and olive orchards and give them to his servants. He will take the tenth of your grain and of your vineyards and give it to his officers and to his servants. He will take your male servants and female servants and the best of your young men and your donkeys, and put them to his work. He will take the tenth of your flocks, and you shall be his slaves. And in that day you will cry out because of your king, whom you have chosen for yourselves, but the LORD will not answer you in that day.”’

The lesson of history is also unheeded:
“Those who do not learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat its mistakes”

I don’t know of a permanent solution, whereby we are maintained in a position of liberty and abundance. If you are asking for a personal solution, I can only recommend producing and saving. When saving, I recommend that you consider the inherent worth of the thing you are saving. Is a bank or investment company trustworthy to protect your savings? Is there a limit to which government can insure savings? Is fiat currency worth more than the paper on which it is printed? When my family members came upon hard times at the hands of their government, they bartered with tobacco grown (produced) in their gardens.


New member
Jan 18, 2009
The statement means that if you or anyone is too stupid to know what the effects of a policy are, their opinion of that policy is worthless. I don’t know how to be any clearer.

Not worrying about idiotic claims blaming foreigners for the downfall of western civilization.
'someone' was a dumb liberal claiming to be an professor of eonomics yet he couldn't comprehend the effects of immigration (legal and illegal) on economies. It's safe to say he's making minimum wage somewhere now that his delusions of grandeur have evaporated. Reading and regurgitating economic theories doesn't make one useful. A good economist is one that understands economic theory and its practical application by taking into consideration the human element that is the engine of economies.

Almost 3 years ago I suggested that immigration is one of the most important issues of the 21st Century. "Someone" balked at the notion, became defensive, and began lambasting me as some type of xenophobe. His lackey blackrock (who is apparently still posting on this board regularily with empty dimwitted rhetoric) supported the imbecile every step of the way.

Immigration and economics:

1) Immigration and politics
North America has witnessed the first of many seismic cultural shifts beginning with the re-election of Obama. Obama's coalition is composed primarily of singles, the poor, women, and minorities. Romney received more of the White vote than any candidate in American history without winning the election and the greatest share of the White vote since Reagan. But Reagan had an 88% White electorate compared to Romney's 72%. The difference is made up by the increasing Hispanic electorate which helped clinch the election for Obama. By 2050, it's expected that there will be more Mexicans living in America than in Mexico. Sooner than that, in 2030, the Hispanic American electorate may double from 20 million to 40 million. Hispanics vote Democrat. This means that the current wave of immigration in America has enormous effects on the direction of future politics - ie. policies that strengthen or weaken the economy. Democrats don't create strong economies. They create policies that allow people incapable of handling money the ability to buy homes they can't afford which leads to recessions; they create policies that favor people based on ethnicity and gender at the expense of ability; they create policies that punish ambitious members of society through taxation and vast mazes of regulation.

2) Immigration and education
Hispanics are the fasted growing minority in America. 1 in 4 school children in America will be of Hispanic descent by the year 2020. 17% of Hispanics drop out of highschool.

Among the 24- to 65-year-old group, data from the Editorial Projects in Education Research Center revealed 64 percent of Hispanics had finished high school or received a certificate of equivalency, compared to 90 percent of whites and 85 percent of African-Americans.

Of the Latinos with completed high school education, few went on to college, with only 14 percent earning a bachelor’s degree or higher.
What does this mean? America will be less competitive because it will have a larger poor dependent unskilled lower IQ workforce. The US already lags behind other nations in math and science, and the situation is only going worsen. Technological advances necessary to keep the US as a leader is unlikely to come from this growing segment of the US population, nor are the skills necessary to maintain current technologies. A bonus and competitive edge for Europe and Asia, a strike against America. Less skills = less high paying jobs = poorer economy.

3) Immigration and culture
Let's ignore the gangs infiltrating America from Mexico - those responsible for 50k murders in Mexico in the past few years (beheadings of gang members, and government officials is commonplace). Some will say Mexicans are simply re-taking lands that once belonged to them. We can also ignore that Spanish is spoken rather than English in many communities springing up in America. Are Mexicans tolerant of other peoples - Whites, Blacks, Asians, other? Do they believe in Western ideals of equality for all? I suspect there will be even more brown-on-black and brown-on-white violence in the decades to come, then there already is. America's deteriorating economy and decaying infrastructure, will result in more fighting among ethnic groups for resources.

I'll leave you with several predictions. By 2030, much more of America will resemble California today - in debt, unable to maintain a budget, hospitals unable to provide care, larger hispanic population. By 2050, America's decline will be apparent to everybody. It'll resemble present day South Africa. Those in our 20s and 30s will live to see the beginning of the end of America as a world power slipping into 3rd world status. Why is this important? Because what happens to America's economy affects the world, including its neighbors like Canada.

That's all folks. See you in another 3+ years, you cunts.


Jul 27, 2011
Wow. We are all really impressed with your enlightened view of different cultures. I bet you eat at McDonalds and vacation at Disney World.

Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. LOL

Have you been to Egypt, Athens, Rome, or even London recently? It is hard to believe they once had so much power and the best standard of living in the world. Other than London they live among the ruins of the days when they had power. Having grown up in Britain, I must admit we did better than the others. But most here have had fantasies about living in a country where they could have meat as often as they want. And not be able to have the entire serving hide under a soup spoon or having roast beef sliced so thick you cannot see through it.

There are rich people all over, but for the average person the difference in living in a world class world power and in a has been country is very very obvious.


Jun 6, 2009
'someone' was a dumb liberal claiming to be an professor of eonomics yet he couldn't comprehend the effects of immigration (legal and illegal) on economies. It's safe to say he's making minimum wage somewhere now that his delusions of grandeur have evaporated. Reading and regurgitating economic theories doesn't make one useful. A good economist is one that understands economic theory and its practical application by taking into consideration the human element that is the engine of economies.

Almost 3 years ago I suggested that immigration is one of the most important issues of the 21st Century. "Someone" balked at the notion, became defensive, and began lambasting me as some type of xenophobe. His lackey blackrock (who is apparently still posting on this board regularily with empty dimwitted rhetoric) supported the imbecile every step of the way.

Immigration and economics:

1) Immigration and politics
North America has witnessed the first of many seismic cultural shifts beginning with the re-election of Obama. Obama's coalition is composed primarily of singles, the poor, women, and minorities. Romney received more of the White vote than any candidate in American history without winning the election and the greatest share of the White vote since Reagan. But Reagan had an 88% White electorate compared to Romney's 72%. The difference is made up by the increasing Hispanic electorate which helped clinch the election for Obama. By 2050, it's expected that there will be more Mexicans living in America than in Mexico. Sooner than that, in 2030, the Hispanic American electorate may double from 20 million to 40 million. Hispanics vote Democrat. This means that the current wave of immigration in America has enormous effects on the direction of future politics - ie. policies that strengthen or weaken the economy. Democrats don't create strong economies. They create policies that allow people incapable of handling money the ability to buy homes they can't afford which leads to recessions; they create policies that favor people based on ethnicity and gender at the expense of ability; they create policies that punish ambitious members of society through taxation and vast mazes of regulation.

2) Immigration and education
Hispanics are the fasted growing minority in America. 1 in 4 school children in America will be of Hispanic descent by the year 2020. 17% of Hispanics drop out of highschool.

What does this mean? America will be less competitive because it will have a larger poor dependent unskilled lower IQ workforce. The US already lags behind other nations in math and science, and the situation is only going worsen. Technological advances necessary to keep the US as a leader is unlikely to come from this growing segment of the US population, nor are the skills necessary to maintain current technologies. A bonus and competitive edge for Europe and Asia, a strike against America. Less skills = less high paying jobs = poorer economy.

3) Immigration and culture
Let's ignore the gangs infiltrating America from Mexico - those responsible for 50k murders in Mexico in the past few years (beheadings of gang members, and government officials is commonplace). Some will say Mexicans are simply re-taking lands that once belonged to them. We can also ignore that Spanish is spoken rather than English in many communities springing up in America. Are Mexicans tolerant of other peoples - Whites, Blacks, Asians, other? Do they believe in Western ideals of equality for all? I suspect there will be even more brown-on-black and brown-on-white violence in the decades to come, then there already is. America's deteriorating economy and decaying infrastructure, will result in more fighting among ethnic groups for resources.

I'll leave you with several predictions. By 2030, much more of America will resemble California today - in debt, unable to maintain a budget, hospitals unable to provide care, larger hispanic population. By 2050, America's decline will be apparent to everybody. It'll resemble present day South Africa. Those in our 20s and 30s will live to see the beginning of the end of America as a world power slipping into 3rd world status. Why is this important? Because what happens to America's economy affects the world, including its neighbors like Canada.

That's all folks. See you in another 3+ years, you cunts.
You do realize you're ranting about a post that's over 2 1/2 years old and at a member who hasn't posted in a loooooooong time.


New member
Jan 18, 2009
You do realize you're ranting about a post that's over 2 1/2 years old and at a member who hasn't posted in a loooooooong time.
Yeah I do, and if you folks had listened in 2010 (8 full fucking years ago) when I posted this thread, you could have foreseen Donald J. Trump.

Here I was 8 years ago telling everybody explicitly that MASS IMMIGRATION is and was going to be one of the biggest issues of your lifetimes. How did I know? How did a resident economist called "someone" disregard it like a typical elitist prick that studies things AFTER they happen but is completely lost in the here and now and lacks the ability to make predictions? He didn't get it. You didn't get it. I warned you fucks again 6 years ago and you were still living in a dreamland. But 4 years later an old man named Trump did get it and leveraged it to victory to the highest office in the world.

This is my last and final warning to you fucks. This is only the beginning and none of you are ready for what's to come.
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