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Afgan women disrupt Rememberance day ceremonies


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Some wars are just and necessary, others are questionable in both motive and result, These women have a right to bring up this discussion and it is one we should have though their timing is rather rude and insensitive. Of course, if they tried to make their point in another way, we may have not noticed and the discussion would not occur.


Apr 24, 2005
I wonder how these Muslim barbers would react if James Spencer walked into their shop? (James is a natural born female but identifies as male now.)


Apr 24, 2005
These women have a right to bring up this discussion and it is one we should have though their timing is rather rude and insensitive.
I thought we went to Afghanistan to build roads, bridges, schools, hospitals and give women the vote. Or, is it true that we actually went there to use Afghans for target practice? Is that what the women are telling us?


New member
Mar 4, 2006
Perhaps it was a protest against an unjust war. Which it kind of was the Iraq war. And the remembrance day timing was just to get more attention.


New member
Mar 4, 2006
Some wars are just and necessary, others are questionable in both motive and result, These women have a right to bring up this discussion and it is one we should have though their timing is rather rude and insensitive. Of course, if they tried to make their point in another way, we may have not noticed and the discussion would not occur.
Exactly. The intention was to get attention.


New member
Dec 23, 2005
According to the article, this disturbance happened in Toronto. And unless I missed something, Toronto is still part of Canada. People have freedoms in Canada, like freedom of expression and freedom of speech. While it was pretty freakin' rude & thoughtless of them to do this, they have the right to do so. And while it was rude and stupid, I wouldn't call it cowardly; making provocative statements on the internet under an alias seems cowardly to me, but speaking up in public like they did took some particular form of courage. Canada long had a reputation of being a pretty tolerant place, and sometimes you've just got to tolerate the idiots. Thats part of a free society. If they didn't break any laws, if they didn't hurt anyone (hurt feelings don't count), there's not much to do about it. Even idiots can enjoy our freedoms.
Those who were in attendance of the ceremony , don't they have the right to express themselves by observing the 2 minutes of silence in peace ?


Apr 24, 2005
Those who were in attendance of the ceremony , don't they have the right to express themselves by observing the 2 minutes of silence in peace ?
Respect and tolerance only applies when Muslims are holding a Quad day (or some other protest) at Queen's Park.

seth gecko

Well-known member
Nov 2, 2003
Those who were in attendance of the ceremony , don't they have the right to express themselves by observing the 2 minutes of silence in peace ?
Sure they do, and they express that by reflecting silently for two minutes. This year, as with the past few, I had a drink with some buddies at 11am on Nov 11th. We're remembering sacrifices in a different way. But these woman chose to rant & rave rather than reflect or probably remember - they have the right to do so. Wrong time & place to do it, though.
Does that answer your question?


Male Dancer in Brass Rail
Jan 19, 2002
We need a Deportation Day. A Holiday where we deport peoples who tried to bring in what's bad about their country into Canada.


New member
Jul 30, 2009
Fucking losers. Come to our great Country, get more freedoms then they have in theirs. And still feel the need to shit all over Canada.This is whats wrong with the world today. If you dont want to conform to our Country then get the fuck out.


Mar 17, 2003
We got more bullshit from these pigs !!! Another memorial in Trenton was defaced. This is the repatrition monument dedicated to our fallen in Afganistan. This son of a bitch is lucky if the cops catch him, because if the folks in Trenton catch him they'll cut his balls.

Residents in Trenton, Ont., have expressed outrage and disgust after an Afghan war memorial was vandalized only days after Remembrance Day services.
The incident, which took place early Wednesday morning, has evoked a strong community response.
Home to CFB Trenton, the military plays a strong role in the community of 20,000.

A furious Quinte West Mayor John Williams said he’s received hundreds of emails and notes from residents upset by the recent vandalism attack.
“I’ve heard people on talk-back radio asking what the punishment should be,” he said. “We should set an example when we catch the individual responsible for this. There’s just no excuse.”
Two CCTV images from the memorial’s site have been released showing a man with a baseball cap destroying flowers and plants at the Afghanistan Repatriation Memorial, then walking away.
The memorial site, dedicated just last Saturday by families for soldiers killed in Afghanistan, was not damaged. Wreaths laid at the site were also untouched and city crews have already repaired the plants.
Quinte West OPP are currently investigating the situation.
“We asking anyone who knows anything to come forward with information to police,” said Williams. “We’d be very happy when we catch the person responsible.”
No arrests have yet been made.
Trenton is located about 160 kilometres east of Toronto.

seth gecko

Well-known member
Nov 2, 2003
We got more bullshit from these pigs !!! Another memorial in Trenton was defaced. This is the repatrition monument dedicated to our fallen in Afganistan. This son of a bitch is lucky if the cops catch him, because if the folks in Trenton catch him they'll cut his balls.

Residents in Trenton, Ont., have expressed outrage and disgust after an Afghan war memorial was vandalized only days after Remembrance Day services.
The incident, which took place early Wednesday morning, has evoked a strong community response.
Home to CFB Trenton, the military plays a strong role in the community of 20,000.

A furious Quinte West Mayor John Williams said he’s received hundreds of emails and notes from residents upset by the recent vandalism attack.
“I’ve heard people on talk-back radio asking what the punishment should be,” he said. “We should set an example when we catch the individual responsible for this. There’s just no excuse.”
Two CCTV images from the memorial’s site have been released showing a man with a baseball cap destroying flowers and plants at the Afghanistan Repatriation Memorial, then walking away.
The memorial site, dedicated just last Saturday by families for soldiers killed in Afghanistan, was not damaged. Wreaths laid at the site were also untouched and city crews have already repaired the plants.
Quinte West OPP are currently investigating the situation.
“We asking anyone who knows anything to come forward with information to police,” said Williams. “We’d be very happy when we catch the person responsible.”
No arrests have yet been made.
Trenton is located about 160 kilometres east of Toronto.
The women in the original post have the right to speak, as repugnant as the speech might be.
This dude is different, he should be held accountable for this vandalism within the prescribed limits of the existing laws. Unless he's some PTSD'ed out vet, lashing out at the A'stan Memorial because of his frustration with the half-assed treatment he's getting from his country in dealing with his problems (that's a growing problem; anybody here ever make a donation to the MFF? Anybody? Hello??)
Hopefully, there's nobody within the CFB Trenton community stupid enough to try anything (the same goes to the civilian community, but they're not under a freakin' microscope right now because of some stupidity that happened around Tampa and Langley).

Just my opinion, yours all may differ
Not trying to start anything with you LickRus, just using your post to vent a little.


Apr 24, 2005
Does anybody know if the Japanese or Germans ever disrespected our war dead by creating such a ruckus at a Remembrance commemoration?


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Does anybody know if the Japanese or Germans ever disrespected our war dead by creating such a ruckus at a Remembrance commemoration?

It was more 60 years ago!!! It was a different time... It was a different war.. Fought for different reasons..

60+ years ago a war ended where 45,000 Canadian soldiers lost their lives liberating countries from the Germans and Japanese..

ONE year ago a war ended where 158 Canadians lost their lives INVADING a country to topple a government...

After WW2 a Japanese Canadian would have been MORONIC to try to protest remembering the dead (especially since we had likely just let them out of a concentration camp).

Protesting one is not the same as protesting the other.


Jul 27, 2011
Does anybody know if the Japanese or Germans ever disrespected our war dead by creating such a ruckus at a Remembrance commemoration?
I think they were the aggressors, were they not? What would the sign say "You should have surrendered like nice people"

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