All true, and very touching, but that's what friends, not clients, are for.
I once booked with a hot young EE lady. We were very intimate in our booking and she was very complimentary. I just chalked it up to her being very good at her job. A few months later we met at a TERB party downtown. We left about the same time, and though the intention was not to leave "together", that's more or less what happened.
2 Years later she was in trouble with her landlord, breaking up with her boyfriend, and a mother of a six month old. She looked me up, readily admitted it was a stretch, because, as she said it, she had no friends in this town, and I stood out in her memory as a sweet and memorable client and under her circumstances, was the closest person to a friend she could think of. The fact that she was travelling with a baby made her seem somehow more safe. Personally I thought it was very sweet and touching that, despite her desparation, she remembered me at all, let alone thought of me as a friend she would trust to bring her troubles and child to.
As it turned out she was using her client list as a resource list across town, looking for easy marks to con out of a few nights, weeks, or months of room and board. It always ended with some kind of petty theft.