You just acknowledged sublte racism. Your article tested only for belief in stereotypes.It's pretty far fetched to believe that minorities stereotype more than anyone else, but are somehow less racist in other ways. Really, pretty far fetched. Especially since you have provided NO EVIDENCE for the alternative view.
Also, what--when minorities express prejudiced views they are just ignorant, but when whites do the same thing--even in subtle ways--it's racist? Come on. You can't change around the definition of racism like that. If you want to be very aggressive in applying the word to even subtle behavior, then when someone blurts out some blatant stereotype, you gotta call it for what it is.
So where are we at--so far we have a bunch of data indicating that minorities are far more racist than whites, and no evidence WHATSOEVER for any other interpretation. That's where we are right now. And you're raising these far fetched claims that stereotyping is not associated with racism, and that when minorities say bigoted, hateful things, it's just ignorance and not racism like when white people do the same thing.
I think you can just resign the debate right now, if this is the sort of retort you've got...
At the very least there are two types of racism right there.
Your "evidence" is based on blacks and latinos in California and you want to expand it to all minorities.
Far fetched is assuming that your observations of chinese + a survey in california = minorities in general
Like I said before I think everyone is racist or at least more inclined to believe the Dr from Yale who has studied racism for 30 yrs plus recieved awards for his work plus has been published in peer reviewed journals that about 80% of people have some form fo subtle racism.
Anyways, if you want to say that blacks in californiaa are more racist than other races you can. But that's it. IF I recall the article correctly.
If you're going to continue to extrapolate studies of a state in the US and it's findings on blacks and latinos to mean it's the same for all minorities maybe you should give up.