I don't agree at all. There is very much an awareness of people like Timothy McVeigh and now this guy. It's just a false claim. It is taken seriously, and Carling has no reason whatsoever to think that it is not. I pointed out that it's taken seriously by the FBI, and Carling has provided no reason anywhere to think that it isn't taken seriously. It's just an expression of his resentful bitterness, I think.
It's amazing how you have your finger on the pulse of white america.
You think white America is enlightened but you forget that
-there are states that won't teach evolution or want the acknowledgement of intelligent design.
-there are poor whites
-there are uneducated whites
-there are whites raised as racists
-there are whites who have not left their home towns
Obviouslym this can be applied to any race
But my point is that given the variance in the population you can't assume the majority think the same way as the FBI
If people were as enlightened as you'd like to think then homegrown terror in the form of white supremicists should be small and not a problem. Sexual harassment in the work placue shouldn't be a problem. Hell harassment even happens in places like the RCMP. Of course it would be silly to assume that we would see 0% incidence but my point is that it's still a problem.
Have you ever been in a staff meeting where you manager reminds you annually about something you are not supposed to do. And you think to yourself "why are they telling me this again?!!!" and the answer is that even though it's obvious to you there are still idiots out there who need to be reminded not to do X, Y or Z at work.