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How do escorts deal with obese clients?


Nov 25, 2005

The more I think about it, the more of a smug hateful person you are. I can not get past that you referred to people as 'vermin". As you threw in the element of SIN. It would seem to me you take some presumed moral high ground. People come in all qualities and calibers. Personally I prefer it down here with the real honest people. You stand in judgement where you have no right. Let's not forget where we all are here. This is forum largely concerned with prostitution. So accepted is it in this realm, that we have our own lingo, ratings etc. However, it should not be forgotten that to society at large this might seem tawdry or improper. So how is it then, you stand in judgement of anyone? I'm no fan of religion and although I disliked your post from the start, the sin bit told me who, and what you are. You're smug and arrogant and you cast aspersions at others far too easily. If your so great, then take the real high ground and leave the escorts to the old, fat, and lame among us. Clearly, you are so superior you need not mix with the vermin. I say again, get off your high horse and remember where the fuck you post that garbage opinion of yours.

Buick Mackane

Active member
Mar 1, 2012
The OP was talking about the smelly obese ones who couldn't wipe themselves, Sweet lil Jessica.
Start a new thread if you want to talk about clean obese men. :p


New member
just so you know, most larger men I've met are actually very clean. I've run into slim men who have worse hygiene. Generalizations ... fack they drive me batty.
... totally agree.

Kindness and cleanliness is more attractive to me as a provider than any other factor. I would choose to book a nice guy who may be heavy over a guy who thinks he's hawt despite an unattractive personality or lack of hygene any day.

We don't do this looking for a boyfriend.... if we did, we'd be emotionally -incapable of doing what we do. The ability to see the attractive assets a person posesses while not really caring about things some may consider imperfections is probably what allows women in this industry to make the people who see us happy. I figure everyone has their reasons for coming.... if Ive made someone feel good without judgement... I can look at myself at the end of my career and feel that despite how some may judge me for what I've done, I treated people well with kindness and without judgment. don't throw stones right?

I'm not perfect either.
I was anorexic in high-school. It's the opposite of over-weight but my experience was enough to make me realize that someone's body is not representative of one's character or beauty.

There are always adjustments to our sessions based on a client's wants, or personality, or body-type. It's a non-issue.


New member
The escorts I see don't see fat guys. They are very selective and only see clean cut white men. You know the girls I am talking about.
You can't pay them enough to have some 400 pound walrus smelling like feces humping them. Some women still have their self respect.
Highly-doubt that. It's not sexy to kiss-and-tell to begin with.... no ones going to give you accurate descriptions of their clientele because you don't want to know. Perhaps you met someone who complained about a body-type... (which says more about her personality than what it says about her clients' bodytypes ). We all see larger guys.

Gotta agree, the escorts on here who say they enjoy smelly fat men humping them are liars!
... you don't understand what we value or how we think if you believe that... smelly is never attractive of course but I certainly do enjoy the guys I know who are heavy. A guy's physical attributes play absolutely no part in my enjoyment of a session. I'm confident that most providers share my view.

we don't have an easy-breezy profession at times and there are always things to worry about. Our views on what makes a good client aren't based on how hot society may think a guy is. If that was part of our client screening process, we'd frankly be dumb.

You're naive.


Mar 15, 2012

The more I think about it, the more of a smug hateful person you are. I can not get past that you referred to people as 'vermin". As you threw in the element of SIN. It would seem to me you take some presumed moral high ground. People come in all qualities and calibers. Personally I prefer it down here with the real honest people. You stand in judgement where you have no right. Let's not forget where we all are here. This is forum largely concerned with prostitution. So accepted is it in this realm, that we have our own lingo, ratings etc. However, it should not be forgotten that to society at large this might seem tawdry or improper. So how is it then, you stand in judgement of anyone? I'm no fan of religion and although I disliked your post from the start, the sin bit told me who, and what you are. You're smug and arrogant and you cast aspersions at others far too easily. If your so great, then take the real high ground and leave the escorts to the old, fat, and lame among us. Clearly, you are so superior you need not mix with the vermin. I say again, get off your high horse and remember where the fuck you post that garbage opinion of yours.

And this is why G-D put you in a wheel chair........


Mar 15, 2012
... totally agree.

Kindness and cleanliness is more attractive to me as a provider than any other factor. I would choose to book a nice guy who may be heavy over a guy who thinks he's hawt despite an unattractive personality or lack of hygene any day.

We don't do this looking for a boyfriend.... if we did, we'd be emotionally -incapable of doing what we do. The ability to see the attractive assets a person posesses while not really caring about things some may consider imperfections is probably what allows women in this industry to make the people who see us happy. I figure everyone has their reasons for coming.... if Ive made someone feel good without judgement... I can look at myself at the end of my career and feel that despite how some may judge me for what I've done, I treated people well with kindness and without judgment. don't throw stones right?

I'm not perfect either.
I was anorexic in high-school. It's the opposite of over-weight but my experience was enough to make me realize that someone's body is not representative of one's character or beauty.

There are always adjustments to our sessions based on a client's wants, or personality, or body-type. It's a non-issue.
Yes one's body is representative of character-

Obese and Morbidly obese show a lack of discipline and trust. They lack control and should not be trusted.

Anorexia has deeper issues. To sum up someone who starves them selves is usually bat shit crazy and should be avoided.


Mar 15, 2012
Highly-doubt that. It's not sexy to kiss-and-tell to begin with.... no ones going to give you accurate descriptions of their clientele because you don't want to know. Perhaps you met someone who complained about a body-type... (which says more about her personality than what it says about her clients' bodytypes ). We all see larger guys.

... you don't understand what we value or how we think if you believe that... smelly is never attractive of course but I certainly do enjoy the guys I know who are heavy. A guy's physical attributes play absolutely no part in my enjoyment of a session. I'm confident that most providers share my view.

we don't have an easy-breezy profession at times and there are always things to worry about. Our views on what makes a good client aren't based on how hot society may think a guy is. If that was part of our client screening process, we'd frankly be dumb.

With all due respect you are a whore. You lie and "pretend" for a living. The face you show here is what the masses want you to show. Anything for a buck. Tell me- you're last 20 boyfriends- were any of them morbidly obese?

I thought so. Nice try hypocrite but at the end of the day you are nothing more than a chameleon. You know that 85%+ of TERB are fat or morbidly obese therefore you customize your answer accordingly. In real life you probably wouldn't even throw a life jacket to a drowning fat fuck.


Jul 1, 2012
In my bum

I'm not perfect either.

Uhhhh..........yes you are. Too perfect for Troops. I'd cum too quick. 2,3 jerks i'd be done with you. Even your pics make me cum to quick.


New member
Sep 24, 2011
And this is why G-D put you in a wheel chair........
I'm shocked - shocked - to see a pious John. Good luck trying to out-lawyer G-d with whatever loophole you've found.


Jul 1, 2012
In my bum
As far as i'm talks. so i doubt theres any sp's not seeing bigger guys.

If i was an sp.......i would not turn down a 300lb woman. If she smells then i'd ask her to shower. But i would have to close my eyes when doing the deed and think of someone sexy


Nov 25, 2005
And this is why G-D put you in a wheel chair........
You are even more of a misguided idiotic vile creature than I thought. Cling to you imagined superiority, heightened from behind a screen name and a distant computer screen. That's all you have so..cling fucker, cling! As for me, I don't look at this chair as a punishment. It's been a hell of an education on how NOT to be. Currently from where I sit...I'm doing ok. Oh and by the way, God and I are just fine....nothing to do with any book though. Anymore shots you want to take at me from your lofty fuckin height...PM away!
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