How do escorts deal with obese clients?


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Out of all the vermin I see downtown the ones that really make my stomach turn are the morbidly obese.

I see them wobbling down the street, sweating like pigs, smelling like feces because they can't wipe but yet stuffing there mouths with pitas, etc.

I hate fat people. I won't lie. I could not imagine having sex with some fat hog, fat thighs and dripping lard sweat.
How the hell do escorts deal with fat guys?
They should charge by the pound.

Obesity is a sin BTW.

I read the OP's post and thought fuji was going to be all over this. Cue Post #2:

Doggy style so they don't have to look at the guy? Also it's probably comfortable for the morbidly obese john since he can flop his huge stomach on her ass and use it as a stomach rest.


Mar 15, 2012
I climb them like mountains and swing from them like trees. I slam up against them in rapid-fire, so they shake like jelly, then I slither my wet lips over everything. There's a lot of area to cover, so I make them do me like a bowling ball and wiggle their fingers while they're inside. When that's done I mount their face and paint circles of cum as I gyrate.
At your size do you ever get lost in the folds?


Mar 15, 2012
I have just one point about your airplane comment. Why aren't passengers weighed with their luggage? I mean ... I was dinged 20 bucks american cause my suitcase was 1kg overweight returning from mexico... but hell, the woman behind me weighed at least twice what I do. I could carry a lot more luggage if they considered total weight of passenger AND luggage. Rant over.

WOW!!!!! You are worse than me you hypocrite. BTW I will give fatties a pass on the seats. I am a power lifter and at 8% BF I am wide as a house and I don't fit on those seats. My shoulders always pass to the other seat. Never had any complaints though and some ladies love sleeping on them. Admittedly my hygiene isn't great. I shower every day, sometimes 2x but I don't use manufactured deodorants which is offensive to some but turns others on. Pheromones.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
Admittedly my hygiene isn't great. I shower every day, sometimes 2x but I don't use manufactured deodorants which is offensive to some but turns others on. Pheromones.
wow. just wow.
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Oct 26, 2002
This post was really helpful for me. I learned that several people on this site are actually dickheads who I want nothing to do with.
lol, surprised it took more than 2 years for you to discover that.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
moeman doesn't like large people with poor hygiene that stink, yet his just admitted to being a large person with poor hygiene that stinks. wtf is this thread even about lol.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
WOW!!!!! You are worse than me you hypocrite. BTW I will give fatties a pass on the seats. I am a power lifter and at 8% BF I am wide as a house and I don't fit on those seats. My shoulders always pass to the other seat. Never had any complaints though and some ladies love sleeping on them. Admittedly my hygiene isn't great. I shower every day, sometimes 2x but I don't use manufactured deodorants which is offensive to some but turns others on. Pheromones.
I would not throw a life jacket to a stinky powerlifter


Jul 1, 2012
In my bum
Why else would you do it?
Why do you go to the gym? Does it exude more pheremones out your pores? I.E. Your musk and salty balls stench.

Does this really get girls lined up for you?


New member
Jul 4, 2011
WOW!!!!! You are worse than me you hypocrite. BTW I will give fatties a pass on the seats. I am a power lifter and at 8% BF I am wide as a house and I don't fit on those seats. My shoulders always pass to the other seat. Never had any complaints though and some ladies love sleeping on them. Admittedly my hygiene isn't great. I shower every day, sometimes 2x but I don't use manufactured deodorants which is offensive to some but turns others on. Pheromones.
You don't use deodorant? WTF? In this heat this summer, you must stink to high heaven! I can't imagine the stench.


Sensual Seduction
Feb 1, 2008
... totally agree.

Kindness and cleanliness is more attractive to me as a provider than any other factor. I would choose to book a nice guy who may be heavy over a guy who thinks he's hawt despite an unattractive personality or lack of hygene any day.

We don't do this looking for a boyfriend.... if we did, we'd be emotionally -incapable of doing what we do. The ability to see the attractive assets a person posesses while not really caring about things some may consider imperfections is probably what allows women in this industry to make the people who see us happy. I figure everyone has their reasons for coming.... if Ive made someone feel good without judgement... I can look at myself at the end of my career and feel that despite how some may judge me for what I've done, I treated people well with kindness and without judgment. don't throw stones right?

I'm not perfect either.
I was anorexic in high-school. It's the opposite of over-weight but my experience was enough to make me realize that someone's body is not representative of one's character or beauty.

There are always adjustments to our sessions based on a client's wants, or personality, or body-type. It's a non-issue.

%100 agree. You say very clearly what many of us feel and think but do not have the writing talent to express. You rock :)


New member

%100 agree. You say very clearly what many of us feel and think but do not have the writing talent to express. You rock :)
... you are way too kind.. There are a lot of ladies here who can write and you are certainly one of them..

Thank-you sincerely <3

there's lots more to say but I have a feeling that most of the posts i wanna reply to are undeserving of the effort. No one is perfect and we all have our faults. I will always prefer to meet a bigger guy than a jerk. We aren't judging the quality of our clientele on their place on the hotness scale..... cocky guys really have no need to be full of themselves. We don't care. Shy guys have no need to feel insecure. We don't care . We do what we do and do it well bc we can treat the person who sees us well regardless of the superficial faults that society may claim exist.


Sensual Seduction
Feb 1, 2008
... you are way too kind.. There are a lot of ladies here who can write and you are certainly one of them..

Thank-you sincerely <3

there's lots more to say but I have a feeling that most of the posts i wanna reply to are undeserving of the effort. No one is perfect and we all have our faults. I will always prefer to meet a bigger guy than a jerk. We aren't judging the quality of our clientele on their place on the hotness scale..... cocky guys really have no need to be full of themselves. We don't care. Shy guys have no need to feel insecure. We don't care . We do what we do and do it well bc we can treat the person who sees us well regardless of the superficial faults that society may claim exist.
See? There you go again :) Very well said.

Madeline Rhodes

Den Mother Extraordinaire
Jul 23, 2010
I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. I have tears streaming down my face.

Lola... Sweetie... You can grab hold and swing off me ANY TIME! ;)

Years ago I tried to explain the beauty of having a curvy, hourglass figure and not being a slim woman in this industry. To put it simply... It made life much better. I didn't have to see men like moeman123.

I've once again been validated to embrace my inner fat chick, love my ass that is the size of Toronto Island, and relish the thought that I could use my thighs to crush someones head. Or maybe my voluminous breasts to stop their air supply... Don't worry sweetie... My waist is such that you could still hold on for dear life with your hands clasped together and have some space left over.

The thing is darling moeman123... I'm sexy and I know it. Even if I am not a size 2.

You said in one of your posts that you are a power lifter with 8% body fat. Keep power lifting... Most power lifters are mesomorphs. I am. I did it at one point. My mistake. Goodness help you if you ever get sick and can't hit that gym for any amount of time. A mesomorph will not atrophy like an another would. You will quickly find a layer of fat forms over all that built up muscle you are sporting. The kicker is that when you work out you will continue to bulk up underneath and often times will struggle to tone up. That isn't to say it can't be done but you will struggle harder than many others.

Having lived that life, and knowing what I do... I know this: Even if YOU have an 8% body fat. YOUR BMI is so far over the range as a power lifter that by all rights you are actually out of the "healthy" range. I don't know 1 power lifter who is able to step on the scales, then use the calculator to figure out their "BMI" and enjoy the process.

Now right about now... Some of those I am friends with from yesteryear, or even maintain friendships with right now are likely choking on their coffee. Love you all to bits!

Now if you will excuse me I am off to take my fastidiously clean self out in public to inflict my dangerous curves upon the masses.


P.S. When I was much slimmer I use to be a chubby chaser. You see... When you are chubby chasing you have this awesome pad of flesh just above that rubs all the good bits. When you are too lean and you bump uglies with another lean person all you get are hip bone bruises and spaces where nothing is rubbing and touching. Thank goodness for vibrators eh.


New member


Active member
Oct 19, 2002
i don't like to take my shirt off in public cause i have a little tummy. but it seems the fatter you are the more accepting of yourself you are too. thinking about it, it kinda works like that. if you don't care how you look, anything is ok, why not enjoy all the food and tv you can?


Sensual Seduction
Feb 1, 2008
I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. I have tears streaming down my face.

Lola... Sweetie... You can grab hold and swing off me ANY TIME! ;)

Years ago I tried to explain the beauty of having a curvy, hourglass figure and not being a slim woman in this industry. To put it simply... It made life much better. I didn't have to see men like moeman123.

I've once again been validated to embrace my inner fat chick, love my ass that is the size of Toronto Island, and relish the thought that I could use my thighs to crush someones head. Or maybe my voluminous breasts to stop their air supply... Don't worry sweetie... My waist is such that you could still hold on for dear life with your hands clasped together and have some space left over.

The thing is darling moeman123... I'm sexy and I know it. Even if I am not a size 2.

You said in one of your posts that you are a power lifter with 8% body fat. Keep power lifting... Most power lifters are mesomorphs. I am. I did it at one point. My mistake. Goodness help you if you ever get sick and can't hit that gym for any amount of time. A mesomorph will not atrophy like an another would. You will quickly find a layer of fat forms over all that built up muscle you are sporting. The kicker is that when you work out you will continue to bulk up underneath and often times will struggle to tone up. That isn't to say it can't be done but you will struggle harder than many others.

Having lived that life, and knowing what I do... I know this: Even if YOU have an 8% body fat. YOUR BMI is so far over the range as a power lifter that by all rights you are actually out of the "healthy" range. I don't know 1 power lifter who is able to step on the scales, then use the calculator to figure out their "BMI" and enjoy the process.

Now right about now... Some of those I am friends with from yesteryear, or even maintain friendships with right now are likely choking on their coffee. Love you all to bits!

Now if you will excuse me I am off to take my fastidiously clean self out in public to inflict my dangerous curves upon the masses.


P.S. When I was much slimmer I use to be a chubby chaser. You see... When you are chubby chasing you have this awesome pad of flesh just above that rubs all the good bits. When you are too lean and you bump uglies with another lean person all you get are hip bone bruises and spaces where nothing is rubbing and touching. Thank goodness for vibrators eh.

O.M.G. ROFLMFAO I think I love you. :)
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