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Gunfire on Morningside!


Dec 11, 2011
No, as the Parliamentary Budget Officer said, it's likely billions. On the other hand the feds and the Police here both believe those low-cost—not so much as a hundred mill—youth diversion projects do actually work.

Although Rosedale folks and even Etiobickians do shoot each other now and then, I somehow don't think it's the fear of jails that keeps them from doing it more often.
i'm sure these programs do help some kids, but these programs I would argue they benefit the public sector bureaucracy who gets a paycheque much more. Private charities like Big Brother etc are far more effective, these kids need a father figure who actually donates his time cuz he gives a fuck. broken homes is the major cause, most of these kids come from homes with no fathers and their mothers work two jobs and can't raise them. their young minds also get brainwashed by the propaganda thats in the black community that says your black and worthless being victimized by white oppression, plus the gangsta rap culture in the black community doesnt help, you have fake gangsta's in the media glorifying a lifestyle to sell records and these kids eat it all up. if youve been ignorant all your life, once you become a young adult you have no knowledge, nothing going for you in your life. there is perpetual poverty in these neighbourhoods and the govt doesnt want them to get out of poverty, the more ppl dependent on govt cheques means guaranteed votes for those who supply the gravy


New member
Apr 4, 2002
In the corner
Our namby pamby liberal judges have a lot to answer for. They let people out who clearly should never be bailed and then sentence them to a few months. Longer sentences and deportation for non citizens must be part of the solution.

Stands back to be accused of god know what!!


Committee Member
Oct 29, 2002
Our namby pamby liberal judges have a lot to answer for. They let people out who clearly should never be bailed and then sentence them to a few months.
The judges are probably worried for their own lives, hence the lenient punishment


Dec 11, 2011
The judges are probably worried for their own lives, hence the lenient punishment
what I find funny is many of them are former crown prosecutors....its all politics and corruption. when they are prosecutors they are harsh and when they become judges they become lenient. watch the wire it pretty much sums up the justice system.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Our namby pamby liberal judges have a lot to answer for. They let people out who clearly should never be bailed and then sentence them to a few months. Longer sentences and deportation for non citizens must be part of the solution.

Stands back to be accused of god know what!!

How do you know these guys are reoffenders? How often has someone killed after serving a life sentence? I have not heard of it happening and there would be quite a media buzz around such a situation.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
We should teach all of them proper shooting technique. They are mostly aiming at each other, so more accurate fire would be a good thing. Most of the innocent people are killed by misses.
in the movies rapid fire handgun shooting will result in hitting the target you are aiming for every time. rapid fire handgun shooting in real life will result in you possibly maybe hitting the the target the first time and then unloading your clip at random things until you stop shooting.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
execute everyone in the prisons now. then first offense teach them a skill and 1 year in prison, 2nd offense 1 year in prison and upgrade your skill, 3rd offense death. no appeals or any bullshit.


New member
Jul 4, 2011
Many years ago i was in NYC. While in Manhattan a cop car pulled over a car with 3 black men in it. The cops drew their guns and used a megaphone and ordered them out of the car with their hands up! They did and then spread and searched them against the car. One cop held them at gunpoint while the other searched the car and found a gun under the seat. They immediately handcuffed them, called for more back up and then put them in the cruiser. There was no fucking around there, i can tell you that much! I watched this all before my eyes amazed at their efficiency.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2001
Life means nothing to these assholes. Nothing at all. Because they dont have a life. Inflicting yet another black eye on Toronto. Amazing.
Chances are these idiots were filling the air with lead shooting gangster style. Once caught they should be taught how to fire a handgun properly with a live demonstration.... From the receiving end.
Agreed. Who in the hell do these animals think they are?


Dec 11, 2011
another thing about the whole social program debate such as youth workers etc is obviously not every kid has the balls so to speak to hurt or kill someone. these are the kinds of kids who go to these programs, they WANT to avoid trouble bc they are not made to be a gangster. so these programks arnt rehabilitating bad kids they are giving the good kids a place to go and avoid the gangs


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Watching the news (CTV) at 6 I was struck by two things

1) Impressed that a black religious leaders basically said that men need to step up and start parenting these young boys.

2) Some sort of religious group was also stepping in to help

3) You have young teens as well as people who live in the neighbourhood willing to go on camera and say they don't want to live like this

The first three points are significant as often it's percieved as the community is accepting of this.

4) Mixed message of Rob Ford. On the one had he says that the shootings are isolated incidents but on the other hand he says that he will run these guys (gangs) out of town with the help of the premier and a few other politicians. Talk about bold words and hollow promises. As if previous mayors didn't try to fight crime.

We need Batman to stop busking for change at Yonge and Dundas and start busting heads. :D

5) Interesting to hear the police chief talk about similar things as the community about giving youth safe places. I know partly he has to say something along those lines but at the same time I hope that he genuinly means it too. I honestly think that's where police work needs to go in the future which is look at crime prevention on a much longer time frame.... i.e. it might be more effective to combat crime by helping kids before they are already gang banging and have rap sheets.


Jun 6, 2009
Watching the news coverage and noted one things. Three women hand cuffed, wtf. Were they suspects, witnesses, or just giving grief to whomever?


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
With regards to sentencing. I think that tougher sentences before being elgible for parole is an option but we have to be ready that this will cost us more money to do. I'm cool with it.

Also, maybe there needs to be laws that say if you commit a crime and are an immigrant of under X number of years you can be sent back to your home country and not allowed back.

As for gun control maybe it's too sci fi but maybe when you buy a gun you have a thumb print scan and the gun is assigned to you and only you. In other words you have to get a gun activated. But that involves technology that probably doesn't exist and it would require all gun manufactureres to be on board.

Maybe that's what needs to happen the gun industry needs to get together and put some engineering towards reducing underground guns. I know it's against their interests because they don't give a shit who uses their product.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
execute everyone in the prisons now. then first offense teach them a skill and 1 year in prison, 2nd offense 1 year in prison and upgrade your skill, 3rd offense death. no appeals or any bullshit.
This is kinda funny coming from an admitted criminal. lol


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
I think anyone committing a homicide with a handgun should be charged with first degree murder. It should be legislated. If you carry a handgun, that act is, in itself, premeditation.
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