Now official: Asians have the highest income, are the best-educated


Apr 14, 2011
This is one thing I disagree with. They shouldn't be your boss. They should be your parents and that sometimes means be a friend, a good friend and sometimes not.
nope..disagree...if your parents are your "friends" 9/10 they grow up with a sense of entitlement and a complete lack of respect for elders

if you meant, being a nice , open's diffrent then being a "friend"...what i picture is the parent who rolls a joint with their son, when he's 15..and telling other" i'd rather him do it with me then out there." kinda attitude.

great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
doesn't matter...i can live without the 14 7 does well
hey dick size that important to you? i thought 14 inches was just below your asshole's tolerance level?
Cruel. But really funny!!!


Active member
Aug 6, 2006
Why are the Chinese smart?

apart from all the reasons already stated, you just need to look at their language... They have fucking 80,000 abstract and unique characters in their language, although only 3,500 characters are used today. Still compare that to the 24 alphabets of the english language, and north american kids who can't even form a proper sentence using 24 alphabets. Any kid would grow up to be a brainer if they had to learn chinese as a kid. There is a reason why they're good a math and

Tip: send your kid to learn chinese when they're young ;)


Active member
Feb 2, 2002
They are smarter, much smarter, it's in the DNA, and yes, they work harder, much harder, their brains are superior and can endure much higher workloads, again it's all in the DNA.
Not true.

Anyways, Asians in Asia are becoming wealthier at a faster rate and in greater numbers than anywhere else in the world. I'd have to read the WSJ article for more details.


New member
Apr 13, 2012
Tip: send your kid to learn chinese when they're young ;)
why? what use will they have for inferior kids? they don't care what language their organ 'donors' / service providers speak.


New member
May 9, 2011
not your business
Some people suspect that Chinese children learn math faster than Western children because they speak Chinese. It has nothing to do with DNA.
Below, you will see a comparison of the actual words used to say the numbers represented on the left. The first set of words is the number represented in the English language, and the second set of words is the number represented in the literal English translation of the Chinese language. So the sequence is (#, English, Chinese). Here we go:

1: one, one
2: two, two
3: three, three
4: four, four
5: five, five
6: six, six
7: seven, seven
8: eight, eight
9: nine, nine
10: ten, ten

Nothing earth shattering here. When you count from 1–10 in English and Chinese, ten unique words emerge representing the most basic of numbers. But, from 11–20, the languages diverge (#, English, Chinese):

11: eleven, ten one
12: twelve, ten two
13: thirteen, ten three
14: fourteen, ten four
15: fifteen, ten five
16: sixteen, ten six
17: seventeen, ten seven
18: eighteen, ten eight
19: nineteen, ten nine
20: twenty, two ten

In the English language, to count from 11–20, you need to learn ten new words. So, to count from 1–20 in English, 20 unique words need to be learned. In the Chinese language, to count from 11–20, no new words are introduced. Chinese language reincorporates the same words used for 1–10, to cover all the numbers from 11–20. If you can count from 1–10 in Chinese, you can count to 20 by default. What if you expand it to 100 (#, English, Chinese)?

30: thirty, three ten
40: forty, four ten
50: fifty, five ten
60: sixty, six ten
70: seventy, seven ten
80: eighty, eight ten
90: ninety, nine ten
100: one hundred, one hundred

In the English language, to count from 21–100, eight new words are introduced (thirty, forty, fifty…hundred.). In the Chinese language, to count from 21–100, only one new word is introduced: hundred. No new words are introduced to count from 11–99 in Chinese. Therefore, to count from 1–100 in English, you need to learn 28 words. To count from 1–100 in Chinese, you only need to learn 11 words. It’s a profound difference and impacts learning.

Malcolm Gladwell also made similiar arguements:


Apr 24, 2005
They still have the littlest dicks though :)
Asian father giving advice to his son. "Son you don't have a 16 inch cock and you will never have a 16 inch cock, so you have to study and work hard to be a success in life." Guys with 16 inch cock just breeze through life, people throw money at them, doors open for them and women throw themselves at them because, well because, they have 16 inch cocks.


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
Who would have thought that valuing marriage, [dual] parenthood, hard work and career success is a good thing?


Active member
Feb 2, 2002
Who would have thought that valuing marriage, [dual] parenthood, hard work and career success is a good thing?
So true! I'm in Asia quite a bit and they know that education and hard work are the only ways to really get ahead. I look around Canadian society and see a bunch of slackers raised by wimpish parents.


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
It has nothing to do with inherent smartness and everything to do with nurture and hard work in a stable two parent family.
How do we know there are no confounding variables at play such as selection bias? China has a billion people - a large pool to draw talent from. The best, brightest, and most successful among that billion emigrate to North America. So perhaps the small minority of Asians that live in North America actually are smarter than the average North American who was born and raised here.

The opposite example, would be to take all of our highest performing born and bred North American students and send them to a city in China. I'd expect them perform extraordinarily well against most of the Chinese in that city, because they'd be smarter, on average, than the typical Chinese person living in that city.
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