Toronto Girlfriends

GTA puts a ban on plastic bags by 2013.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Are councillors going to put a ban on condoms in the year 2013 as well ?
Please dont give them any ideas. They are retarded enough to do just that


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
the article i read after hearing the news story says jan 1 2013.


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2012
Glad to see the lefty morons on city council continue to be lefty morons. Gives those of us in the burbs something more to chuckle at.
Try reading the paper buddy. It was Ford's own allies that voted to ban plastic bags.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Does this include garbage bags ? I find plastic botttles more of a nuisance. They are strewn all over the places with people throwing them out of car windows and in parks people too lazy to put them into wast containers.
They should have deposits like glass bottles; a bit more dough in BottleDude's pocket and a much cleaner environment would result. The stingy would have that much more incentive to make their run to the Beer Store, and it might just result in fewer sales to begin with.

Wins all around. Except for Coke and the other guys filtering your tap water and selling it back to you more expensively than gasoline.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Try reading the paper buddy. It was Ford's own allies that voted to ban plastic bags.
In fact it was David Shiner, a noted conservative Councillor and Lastman's former Budget chief who proposed it.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
That is going to take some getting used to... I never remember my re-usable bags. I guess it's a good idea though, I would remember to bring them if I had no way to bring back my purchases. lol
Retailers would still be able to 'give' you bags, TANSTAAFL. But not plastic bags. Keep your re-usable ones in the car, not in the house, and do as Europeans did for eons; carry a string or nylon bag that takes up no room.

We should recall it was the sainted Brian Mulroney, of blessed memory who pointed out the virtue of charging and noting separately on the bill the things we too easily imagine are free. Of course that was in the context of the GST, but the principle is good. When we had to pay 5¢ apiece we stopped littering the world with 'free' bags. Mighta worked just as well if clerks had always asked, although the 'are you nuts' looks woulda killed that fast.

But—speaking of TANSTAAFL—at least they ask about AirMiles. Now if they'd just print the cost on every bill …


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Paper bags leak much more then plastic bags do
That's why you have a plastic pail and bins. The bags are just bin-liners—and not actually needed at all—not carriers. And for the few cases where leaks matter, bags bought for the purpose will be stronger and much more certain to be leakproof.

Way cheaper too.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Joe Warmington:

Freeze! Drop your contents you Polyethylene punk!

It’s the Bag Police!

Sorry. Plastic Bag Enforcement Unit.

You just know it’s going to happen because, unless we are being punked, come Jan. 1, plastic bags will be outlawed in Toronto.

Unless, of course, I hear all of this wrong.

You sure that wasn’t Toronto banning gangs?


No, it’s bags.

Plastic bags are our main nemesis and concern here. Think of the bags of money that will be in play in this sure-to-be-filed legal action.

Singapore has banned chewing gum, New York sugary drinks and now it's Toronto’s turn to make its mark in the theatre of the absurd.

If only they’d pick on the bad guys instead of the bag guys.

Why zone in on families going to get milk at the store, or the small business person already starving in a globalized world of competition where the off-shore competition pays their workers slave wages?

And what about how this will inconvenience Toronto’s bag ladies?

We go easier on the people before the courts on serious charges, who have gang connections, than we do on people just trying to live normal lives.

“We can’t notify an employer and say ‘you need to watch out for this guy’ or ‘this guy put in an application and he’s abandoned the process,’ but that’s what happened,” Toronto Police spokesman Mark Pugash explained on Newstalk 1010 Wednesday. “We are not allowed to share the information that we come up with in the course of the background check with anyone other than the applicant.”

Too bad because if they had been able to, perhaps a 13-year-old would not have had a bullet removed from his brain.

You’d think if police flagged somebody in one of their checks they would at least be able to alert a probation officer or bail conditions monitor?

The gangsters are laughing at us.

But, at least come 2013 law enforcement will be able to call in a bag squad officer if they see a gangster walking down the street packing plastic — unless the courts make them get a warrant first.

This place is turning into Alice in Wonderland. Only in Toronto could we get bag cops instead of bail cops.

But seriously, how do you get one of those $100,000-a-year bag-enforcement officer jobs?

Can you work for a while without a proper criminal background check first?

I can’t wait to write the first story on the first person fined by a bag assassin.

And speaking of fines, will it be higher for carrying a plastic bag than for selling it?

How about trafficking in plastic bags?

It will give the gangs some more contraband to move in the black market. Maybe bag turf wars?

Meanwhile, whatever happened to capitalism and free enterprise?

Wonder what they will conjure up next in this nanny state.

No breathing? A fine for running around naked under your clothes?

What we do know is in 2013 the city will do its darndest to eliminate shopping bags in Toronto.

Maybe one day they’ll focus on eliminating body bags

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Also did city councillors take into account that many jobs will now be lost to this ban?? I dont know which company supplies plastic bags, but if its a local one they just lost a 3 million people demographic market


Dec 11, 2011
they might as well ban plastic water bottles and bags of chips...BUY PRINGLES ITS PAPER!

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Biodegradable bags cost 15 cents a piece. Most people would on average use 4 to 5 bags a week. That means only 60 to 75 cents is added weekly to their grocery bill.

IMO thats the perfect solution. Both sides will be happy


Aug 6, 2006
Customers will start using even more those small transparent plastic bags for fruits and vegetables. Are those being banned too?

They're doing that already to avoid paying 5 cents...............


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
The ban actually annoys me. I often hit the grocery store on my way home, there's one 24hr grocery store that's usually "on the way", and I'm on foot or travelling by TTC. I can walk home from that one in about 10-15min and often do. Now I will have to go home, get a bag, and go back to the store. Dumb. They're assuming people only ever travel by car to shop.
Exactly, they assume everyone drives a car and will be able to keep a cache of reusable bags along with some bins with handles at all times. They must all assume everyone in the city knows exactly what they are going to purchase that day and take the appropriate number of reusable bags with them as they leave for work in the morning, because nobody ever gets a call like "honey, can you pick up a few things on the way home"? Nobody ever does any spontaneous shopping either. Bunch of idiots down at City Hall.

What a stupid thing to ban, but I guess it's easier than stopping manufacturers from using so much in their packaging. The bags did go to land fill, filled with garbage mostly and we buy platic garbage bags to put garbage in. Utterly futile attempt at making things green.
Legislating manufacturers to reduce needless over-packaging is a far better idea to reduce the amount of waste going to the dump. That's probably a federal or provincial responsibility though.

A much better idea would be to implement a law that says all shopping bags sold must be biodegradable. Even if it costs 25 cents extra per bag, thats a price I'm willing to pay for a cleaner environment.

See here:
It doesn't matter as much as you think if shopping bags are biodegradable because to decompose they need oxygen. Most of the stuff in landfills doesn't decompose because they're so deep and get covered with earth that nothing actually decomposes.

Frankly speaking, I'm stunned.

Actually I think it is a good idea. Eventually everyone will adapt, bring your own bags to shop, or buy a paper bag from the store.
That's a great idea, have all the stores replace plastic bags with paper like the LCBO did. Talk about nobody doing the research. We bury trash that we don’t recycle in landfills, including plastic and paper bags.

Plastic bags are extremely compact. Plastic grocery bags and all plastic retail bags together only take up 0.4% of space in landfills, a tiny amount.

You can see this for yourself. Look inside your trash bin. All of that trash will be heading for the landfill. What percentage by weight and volume consists of plastic bags?

Paper bags are far bulkier than plastic take up far more space. Even though consumers choose plastic bags 4 out 5 times over paper, paper bags take up 1.0% of landfill space, more than twice as much as plastic bags.

If plastic bags are banned or subject to a fee, then the space taken up in landfills by paper bags will multiply. How is this a good idea?

Paper bags come from cutting down trees and are far more damaging to the environment due to the increase in resources used to manufacture and transport them.

Why don't they offer paper bags like the in US?
I just answered that question.

Customers will start using even more those small transparent plastic bags for fruits and vegetables. Are those being banned too?

They're doing that already to avoid paying 5 cents...............
That's what is going to happen or as you say, is already happening. The thing is, those bags are so thin they invariable go straight into the garbage instead of being reused as garbage bags.

These idiots really didn't think this through.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
The real question in all the silliness is why the very effective nickle/bag was never directed to any useful purpose. It did solve a litter issue, and folks who always did bring their own are no longer subsidizing the 'double bag everything' idiots, but howcum no one figured out some worthy cause it could have gone to?

But I expect all those righteous righties to demand that paperbags be priced separately and only offered as a customer option, not something forced on everyone and paid by a universal tax in every price. It's the Right thing to do.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
I just heard on the radio there's huge opposition to this by most Torontonians, so there's still a chance the bill might not go through
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