Your point of view and your justifications of cost, miss the point.
The fact is people are fed up with costs increasing and getting nothing more in return, infact often getting less. Students just have the wherewithal to protest, and a desire to change the system. Sheeple who work are too scared to protest, because they might loose their job, and they don't have the time, they have to work.
The world is changing JTK, those old norms and ways of thinking are being questioned and disputed around the globe, not just in Montreal.
You think the world is changing? Really?
I don't.
To paraphrase Don Draper (the TV show, not the Terbite), "I hate to break it to you, there is no system. There is no big lie. The Universe is indifferent"
I believe this to be very true. Always has been, always will be.
So many people think that without higher education you are not worthy. I would say that more depends on the character of the individual and the smarts of the individual rather than the amount of higher education. For example, I have two degrees after my name. My boss has high school (ironically in Quebec). He dropped out of the program I have a master's degree in. Yet I work for him. (Though I own the second most shares in the company, he is without a doubt my boss and he can fire me.)
I look at it and I figure that he took a different road than me and he gambled everything he owned and started the company I now work for. He didn't need the master's degree to do it. Maybe if he had the master's degree, he would have ended up far less successful than he is. One can look at any number of high achievers and see the same example. Hunter Harrison (former CEO of CNR had highschool. Made 55 million a year at CN). Bill Gates, Larry Elison, the list goes on and on.
Here's something else to think about......
They should publish the photos of every student in Quebec who is "on strike" on a webpage. That way, future employers could check out potential hires.
How do you think that would work out???
If it's such a "noble cause" - I would think that the so called "students" should be lining up to have their identities posted. No?
After all, the world is changing right?