You might want to check the timeline again, and again, check Germany's major trading partners to see whether they all went deeply into debt.thats right, maybe you didnt know this but there was a credit boom in virtually every western nation. going back to the original point/argument, the euro hasnt benefitted germany look at europe now the euro has only been around for 12 years, it was a doomed currency from the start due to its unintended consequences. anyways, this new leader in france all he wants is for the ecb to print money and finance the french and other govts allowing them to temporarily keeo the debt party going, hes an idiot who wants inflation to destroy europe. austerity hurts at first, but in the long run you prosper
It's also a head scratcher that you think you're entitled to post on economic topics, while fundamentally failing to understand why Europe's biggest exporter would benefit most from the removal of trade barriers.