Allegra Escorts Collective

Ontario Court of Appeal greenlights brothels, sweeps aside many of Canada’s anti-pros


New member
Jan 19, 2006
But Massman, does anyone discuss New South Wales or Western Australia as being "the land of fully legal prostitution?" Not, at least in my experience.


New member
Sep 10, 2002
I would think they would document all of the ladies employed by an agency (like Dancers and licensed MPAs). I don't see them keeping track of clients any more than they do for any other business. I guess independents would not be obligated to join brothels if they chose not to but I'm not sure how they would be managed as they could potentially hire staff as well. Even though protection is supposed to be at the heart of the issue I can't see the gov't not finding a way to collect from a new revenue source. They should have allowed for the hiring of web designers (or other non security role staff) a business person might require.


Dec 6, 2004
I have to admit I am a wary of these laws being struck down in that I like a lot of things about the industry and I'm worried it will get wrecked. In fact, there's really nothing much about seeing escorts that I don't like. It works for me.

I'm a tea-partier on this one: I'm afraid of the government getting too involved.

Don't get me wrong, it's important that escorts to be able to work in safety and without fear. But my concern is that the government will wreck the whole industry to try to protect vulnerable escorts and wind up fucking things up for the escorts who are in no danger, and for the clients that pose them no threat. They'll target a serious problem by going after all the wrong people.

Up until now, we have basically been living under benign neglect, and it is good.

But if the law is rewritten, it could be a real mess. I highly doubt the law will be rewritten from the perspective of us clients. It will be written by people who don't use escorts and by people who pretend they do not use escorts. That's not good.


Active member
Aug 3, 2009
But if the law is rewritten, it could be a real mess. I highly doubt the law will be rewritten from the perspective of us clients. It will be written by people who don't use escorts and by people who pretend they do not use escorts. That's not good.
I fear this too !

Garden of Eden Ladies

#1 Gem Finder!
Supporting Member
I truly doubt that is going to happen.
Think again cause its already happening in some cities. You just don't know about it.

I would think they would document all of the ladies employed by an agency (like Dancers and licensed MPAs). I don't see them keeping track of clients any more than they do for any other business.
Correct if I am wrong but I remember years ago I was looking into what it took to get ladies licensed in cities like Calgary, Edmonton and other cities that require licensing. One of the things I remember was reading that all licensed agencies (this was in Calgary) are required to maintain a record of the clients name, their phone and their address. The time of clients arrival and departure and the fee charged also has to be recorded.

My hopes is that they will keep everything the same, but with some conditions. I personally think that Toronto's industry is professional and mature enough to regulate ourselves. Look how good we are doing without any government regulation.




Cockasian Brother
Aug 3, 2010
Correct if I am wrong but I remember years ago I was looking into what it took to get ladies licensed in cities like Calgary, Edmonton and other cities that require licensing. One of the things I remember was reading that all licensed agencies (this was in Calgary) are required to maintain a record of the clients name, their phone and their address. The time of clients arrival and departure and the fee charged also has to be recorded.
Keeping client names, services rendered and fees charged is a requirement for holistic centres in Toronto.

My hopes is that they will keep everything the same, but with some conditions. I personally think that Toronto's industry is professional and mature enough to regulate ourselves. Look how good we are doing without any government regulation.
The experience of BRPs in Toronto would say the contrary. Sure, there are some good operators, but no one is without problems or has not run afoul of rules. Self-regulation would never be put on the table for consideration. In any case, a precondition of self-regulation is an established professional regulatory body that has demonstrated the capacity to discipline its own members.

As for how good "we are doing"...hmmm. I guess the government should consider the industry upstanding citizens...and disregard the fact that incalls have operated illegally until now. The industry has had to behave themselves to a large extent because it could not afford to draw attention. Staying below the radar out of fear is not the same as capable self-regulation.


Active member
Sep 23, 2010
Correct me if I am wrong, but I haven't seen any of the agencies say anything that would scare hobbyist into thinking the price would go up. I think the price is the least of the agencies concerns. I am pretty sure they are more worried about having to keep extensive records on our clients and SPs. I have enough work already, last thing I need is to have to keep accurate records of all the clients who used our service for the last 6mths to a year and then submit them to the government.


Sorry that i took Ms FemmeFatale literally when she made some statements in this regard. All we are doing is speculating, even if im' wrong there is no harm bouncing ideas around, maybe someone in power is listening in on Terb!

Garden of Eden Ladies

#1 Gem Finder!
Supporting Member
The experience of BRPs in Toronto would say the contrary. Sure, there are some good operators, but no one is without problems or has not run afoul of rules. Self-regulation would never be put on the table for consideration. In any case, a precondition of self-regulation is an established professional regulatory body that has demonstrated the capacity to discipline its own members.

As for how good "we are doing"...hmmm. I guess the government should consider the industry upstanding citizens...and disregard the fact that incalls have operated illegally until now. The industry has had to behave themselves to a large extent because it could not afford to draw attention. Staying below the radar out of fear is not the same as capable self-regulation.
Ok maybe self regulation is a wrong choice of words. What I was trying to say is that I think that most of the high end agencies would still behave once it became legal. Being bad is not always good for business. We might not have a professional regulatory body, but with forums like Terb its not easy for an agency to just go around and do what they want and cause damage to the industry. If the majority of clients stuck to services that had a certain level of service and professionalism then the rest of the undesirables would find it harder to survive. which is sorta like regulating the industry.




Cockasian Brother
Aug 3, 2010
Ok maybe self regulation is a wrong choice of words. What I was trying to say is that I think that most of the high end agencies would still behave once it became legal. Being bad is not always good for business. We might not have a professional regulatory body, but with forums like Terb its not easy for an agency to just go around and do what they want and cause damage to the industry. If the majority of clients stuck to services that had a certain level of service and professionalism then the rest of the undesirables would find it harder to survive. which is sorta like regulating the industry.


Ahhh. In that case, I *almost* fully agree with you. Again going back to the BRP industry, it's pretty clear that the owners with a substantial personal fortune invested in their business tend to behave more responsibly. They have real dollars at stake. In the same way, I would think that an incall owner with a few hundred thousand invested in leaseholds and licenses would not jeopardize her business by flaunting public advertising rules or allowing unlicensed girls to work.

Here's where I can get into trouble. Terb can certainly act as a quality control and consumer-advocacy watchdog (and even then, maybe not. As Fred has clearly said, and as posted on Terb's front page, this is an advertising website, and it caters to advertisers). But there's a mutual interest between suppliers and consumers here. Some of the more mundane, but necessary rules, would be gladly be overlooked by consumers (oh, say, requirements to receipt, ahem or restricted hours of operation - which is now a matter under litigation for BRPs).

Unfortunately, the undesirables in both the SP and MP seem to survive just fine. Perhaps it's just the nature of the beast.


Oct 21, 2006
I know some people said on this topic they expect the police to back off busting incalls for the next year till the government rewrites the law or the conservatives appeal. Is that the consensus view? Or maybe they'll ramp up busts before the law change comes into effect?

Has incall become more or less risky now? Any thoughts appreciated.


Aug 17, 2003
I fully disagree. We are in a plaza with 7 massage parlors. All of them except for us are full service. Not a thing about whats offered where will change. We are still a licensed Body Rub parlor and still have to abide by those bylaws. So federally if a spa wants to scream from the rooftops that they now offer fs, municipally they are still subject to the same infractions/tickets as they were yesterday.
I'd like to give a partial reply / verification for any doubters out there.

I haven't been to Muse Spa, but I'll take Miss Emily's word for it that it doesn't offer FS.

As for her area competitors ... I forget how many spas there were besides Muse ; I'd want to check again before I give a number. Myself, I looked at both sides of the street (i.e. 2 malls). In this instance, that means both 1290 and 1270 Finch Ave. W. By the way, the addresses are "Finch", but the entrances are from Tangiers Road.

I haven't checked out all of the competitors yet and am not sure if I will. I did check one out. Which one? Figure that out yourself from my mini-review. Or don't ---- and check them out one by one. If what Emily wrote is true (and I'm inclined now to think it is), it won't really matter which one you try out. Personally, I'd avoid Solar Spa, if only because it's been a target for holdups.

So, I walk into this spa and am greeted by a nice-looking pleasant receptionist who tells me that the half-hour door fee is $40 (which I paid) and asks if I'd like a "lineup". Suddenly, I felt like I was in an episode of Law & Order. ;)

I suppose the lineups are unnecessary if you already have someone specific in mind, but I didn't so I said the lineup sounded fine. I was taken to a room where I waited and one by one, scantily clad MPAs walked in the room, introduced themselves, shook my hand and walked out. Some of them wore thongs and it was nice to watch them walk away :)

I chose a tall blonde and she escorted me to a room with a shower, where I was told to undress and shower. A sign on the wall reminded clients that it was unlawful not to shower before a massage. On the wall by the door was a flatscreen TV with an image of a man and woman having sex. Subtle reminder of what to expect. I didn't ask if it was attached to a DVD player, not that it would have mattered much to me.

I showered, lay on the table, and waited. In comes the hot blonde who asks me if I've been there before. I tell her I haven't. She asks me what I'd like - an understandable but loaded question. I give a vague reply : "What's available?", while thinking "I wonder how long before we both get irritated at generic answers?". Then she surprises me with the return question, "How much do you have?" (though to be honest, I think I was once asked that in an MPA many years ago?" I answer that I have $100 left. She tells me that for $100, I can get a BJ. I ask her "how much for "more". She tells me that "sex is $130".

I explained that I could get more money and come back. She tells me that there's an ATM on site. I wrapped a towel around myself and went to the ATM, hoping that it wasn't somehow rigged to steal passwords (I can be paranoid that way). After getting the money and going back to the room, she stripped and gave me a forceful but mediocre back massage.

By mediocre, I just mean that there was no genital stimulation, no ass rub. I'm used to that - as a minimum - even when there's no FS offered or given. Then she asked me to flip over and asked why I looked disappointed. When I told her I thought she'd rub me "down there" a bit first, she answered, "but I'm going to do that now" and proceeded to put a condom on me and gave me a BJ for a while. Then she asked if I wanted to be on top or bottom. The FS was nice, but I was wondering if the session was shorter than I hoped it would be because I came too fast or because she was rushing it.

Either way, even if the session was half an hour (and it was probably considerably less) :

$40 door fee + $130 extra = $170 for 30 minutes

I've spent $180 for a GFE FS with an incall Sp who (alas) retired.

So, does it happen in that area? Yes!

Is it convenient? Absolutely!

Value for the price compared to SP? Not quite.
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