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Netenyahu the ignorant zionist


New member
Oct 12, 2010
I don't think that ancient events are an important factor, but Netenyahu does as he is trying to persuade the Americans with the argument that Persians wanted to get rid of us then and they do now. He is trying to make this a war of cultures and people against each other which is truly a shame.

His facts are not solely true either as the existence of the Jews is somewhat owed to the great Persian king Cyrus The Great and the Cylinder of Cyrus The Great which is also known as the Declaration of Human Rights which is over 2500 years old.
Cyrus the Great is mentioned 23 times by name in the hebrew bible (old testament). Cyrust The Great the king of Persia was the king under whom the captivity of the Jews ended, in his first year of his reign he set a decree that the Temple of Jerusalem should be rebuilt and that the Jews should return to their land for this purpose.
Cyrus The Great after capturing Babylon freed the Jews and gave them safe passage to return to Jerusalem.
I don't care if Cyrus is mentioned in every verse of the NT and IT. Iran must stop developing nuclear weapons. I am sure Cyrus would have abided by the anti-prolif treaty if he was still running Iran...


New member
Oct 12, 2010
The problem is that letting the Jews dictate their religion to others by where the live because they believe that is their right and at the same time denying the same right to others (Palestinians) is the problem itself.
How is that in anyway just?
There are two separate questions there.

1) Is is just for jews to have a jewish homeland.

2) Is the way the jews are treating the palestinians just.

The first one I would suggest is easy to answer yes. The second one is much more complicated.


Apr 14, 2011
I don't care if Cyrus is mentioned in every verse of the NT and IT. Iran must stop developing nuclear weapons. I am sure Cyrus would have abided by the anti-prolif treaty if he was still running Iran...
question, should Israel give up its nukes?..if Iran agreed to stop making theirs?


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
I don't care if Cyrus is mentioned in every verse of the NT and IT. Iran must stop developing nuclear weapons. I am sure Cyrus would have abided by the anti-prolif treaty if he was still running Iran...
I don't think that ancient events are an important factor, but Netenyahu does as he is trying to persuade the Americans with the argument that Persians wanted to get rid of us then and they do now. He is trying to make this a war of cultures and people against each other which is truly a shame.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
You really need to learn how to read.
Read the first post in this thread and then the one you are referring to. Its not me who is trying to do this but Netenyahu unless you are unaware of the gift he provided to Obama while on his last visit.
No Netanyahu was giving Obama a present which commemorated the Jewish holiday of Purim which at the time was a few days away. There was nothing more complicated and sinister than that. If his visits was at another time of year the present might have commemorated Chanukah or Rosh Hoshanna or whatever.

You are inventing things just because it fits your narrative.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
The problem is that letting the Jews dictate their religion to others by where the live because they believe that is their right and at the same time denying the same right to others (Palestinians) is the problem itself.
How is that in anyway just?
There is absolute freedom of religion in Israel. You should start looking at facts and not the talking points which the clown brothers keep spewing.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
No Netanyahu was giving Obama a present which commemorated the Jewish holiday of Purim which at the time was a few days away. There was nothing more complicated and sinister than that. If his visits was at another time of year the present might have commemorated Chanukah or Rosh Hoshanna or whatever.

You are inventing things just because it fits your narrative.
Again you have a hard time reading and understanding.
This is what Netenyahu told Obama as per the article "Then too, they wanted to wipe us out," Netanyahu told Obama, according to an Israeli official."


New member
Oct 12, 2010
question, should Israel give up its nukes?..if Iran agreed to stop making theirs?
I think it is unfortunate that Israel got nuclear weapons.

Now your question is really tantalizing, but a tough one. I think the better question is should Israel give up its nukes in exchange for all its local enemies not being able to build nukes (practical issues aside). That one would be very hard to say "no" to, although there are some arguments against it.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Again you have a hard time reading and understanding.
This is what Netenyahu told Obama as per the article "Then too, they wanted to wipe us out," Netanyahu told Obama, according to an Israeli official."
Yes. That is the story of Purim. He may just as well have been talking about the Babylonians or the ancient Egyptians. That is the unfortunate history of the Jews. Persecuted and attempts to annihilate them for centuries. Which part don't you get.


Puttin' in Face Time
Oct 8, 2003


Apr 14, 2011
I think it is unfortunate that Israel got nuclear weapons.

Now your question is really tantalizing, but a tough one. I think the better question is should Israel give up its nukes in exchange for all its local enemies not being able to build nukes (practical issues aside). That one would be very hard to say "no" to, although there are some arguments against it.
i could see it being a VERY positive the same time, i understand Israel's stance that besides Iran, there are other regimes within the middle east who are antagonistic towards Israel..and giving up all nuclear weapons(with Pakistan having them as well)is not feasible..but if both Iran and Israel can disarm,i hope that it would be a concrete step forward to deal with the rest of the change and a digital media that is connecting the world, i think it's possble...i also think the "hawks" are into deep, and can only see war as a end to a resolution...ughhh, i';m getting a headache


New member
Oct 12, 2010
i could see it being a VERY positive the same time, i understand Israel's stance that besides Iran, there are other regimes within the middle east who are antagonistic towards Israel..and giving up all nuclear weapons(with Pakistan having them as well)is not feasible..but if both Iran and Israel can disarm,i hope that it would be a concrete step forward to deal with the rest of the change and a digital media that is connecting the world, i think it's possble...i also think the "hawks" are into deep, and can only see war as a end to a resolution...ughhh, i';m getting a headache
The other argument is that Israel's conventional enemies enjoy overwhelming numerical superiority on the conventional front and thus they need nukes to defend themselves.

I don't think you will see an I for an I nuclear disarmament swap. Part of the problem being Iran's reluctance to allow appropriate inspections. Israel would have to trust Iran and I don't see that happening.


Jan 31, 2005
Cyrus The Great the king of Persia
It's too bad that the Iranian regime today is instead a nasty dictatorship hell bent on violence and terrorism, an international pariah in dangerous pursuit of nuclear weapons technology. The Iranian people deserve so much better.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
question, should Israel give up its nukes?..if Iran agreed to stop making theirs?
Should the US or Russia or UK or...

Israel was a nuclear power before the NPT had existed and would therefore have the same rights to nuclear weapons as any other preexisting nuclear power.

Would be nice if they were all gotten rid of but I doubt the other nuclear powers are interested.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
The problem is that letting the Jews dictate their religion to others by where the live because they believe that is their right and at the same time denying the same right to others (Palestinians) is the problem itself.
How is that in anyway just?
In what country is that in? Last I checked, Israel allows full freedom of religion, even ceding control of Judaism's holiest site to Muslim control. Only country in the region that is even close is Lebanon but that place treats Palestinians far worse than Israel. Any comment on freedom of religion in regions under full Palestinian control - say Gaza?


Active member
Jul 11, 2008
In Israel you can criticize the government .

Netanyahu, our savior the fearmonger
Netanyahu has built his career on being an alarmist, with an impressive record of incessant fearmongering.

By Gideon Levy

If it looks like a duck (frightened), walks like a duck (spreading anxiety), quacks like a duck (disseminating dread), then it must be a duck (a frightened fearmonger). Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who quacked his fearmongering speech to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee convention on Tuesday, proved yet again that Israel has never had a statesman quite like him - a statesman who has built his career on being an alarmist, and who boasts an impressive record of incessant, decades-long fearmongering.

"Mr. Terror" has over the years become "Mr. Iran," fear-struck even by swine flu, frightening the public and insisting that every citizen be needlessly inoculated. These inoculations cost NIS 450 million, and some have been lying unused and useless in emergency storage since 2009.

Leaders who spread anxiety are abundant in non-democratic regimes. But in Israel, these tactics evidently win elections, as has been the case for Netanyahu. What does he have to offer Israelis but fearmongering? And what will happen after, one way or another, he eradicates the present danger? Will we be infected with a new one? Will he invent one?

And what about imbuing us with some hope for change? A young person born in Israel 30 years ago has grown up only on Netanyahu's fearmongering: terror, swine flu and nuclear armament. Nothing else.

Netanyahu's speech at AIPAC was interrupted 46 times by rousing cheers. He knew what he was doing when he delivered this speech at AIPAC, of all places. It is the home turf of conservative Jews, his natural bastion of sympathy, his America.

"Wow, just like in the Knesset," he said bitterly at the start of his address, upon hearing the cheers. But if Netanyahu is giving a speech that favors missiles striking Tel Aviv over a nuclear Iran, then he should have found the courage to give this speech in Tel Aviv, where those missiles would actually fall. Not to a blindly, automatically, intoxicatedly cheering Jewish America, which is in no danger of even the tiniest missile.

Young Tel Avivians deserve to hear about their prime minister's plans before the residents of old-age homes in Florida do. But forget about geography - Netanyahu also reverted once again to history. He pulled a document from the Holocaust archive and waved it around like an amputee waves his stump. In the United Nations over two years ago, it was the Auschwitz maps; Tuesday it was the letters of the Jewish community in America. And the message is the same: We are on the brink of another Holocaust.

To compare Nazi Germany to Iran, to compare Munich to Tehran, is to minimize and trivialize the Holocaust. But the Jews of America love it, this improper use of the memory of the Holocaust. People in Israel even love it. According to a survey by the Israel Democracy Institute - published by Haaretz about two months ago - 98 percent of Israelis pointed to the Holocaust as their most important guiding principle. That is the outcome of Netanyahu's speeches. But what does 1944 have to do with 2012? What does Hitler have to do with Ahmadinejad? Isn't the danger of nuclear weapons in Iran serious enough without calling on the Holocaust to magnify it? And perhaps there has been enough of the assertion that "in every generation there are those who want to destroy the Jewish people," as Netanyahu also recited Tuesday.

This must be reiterated: The danger of a nuclear Iran is real and serious. Israel has the tools needed to deter Iran from using nuclear weapons, to the extent that using them would be suicide for Iran. Tehran knows this. Of course every effort must be made to prevent Iran from getting the bomb, but not by means of messianic leaders who think they are saving Israel and the Diaspora from another "Holocaust" that is not even on the horizon.

Then again, most Israelis do believe in the coming of the Messiah, don't they? No less than 55 percent of Israelis said they did in the above-mentioned survey. So what do we end up with? A prime minister who scares his people, a people that believes in the coming of the Messiah, and Netanyahu casting himself in the role of the Messiah - who, meanwhile, has not come, nor have his footfalls even been heard.


Jan 31, 2005
What? Hasn't Netanyahu issued a fatwa ordering the murder of anyone who publishes things he doesn't like?

OH wait that's Iran that does that.
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