If it is a she and the story was sort of true it does make sense. He doesn't want to hear her bullshit so she goes on terb while waiting for her owner to take interest again.
After all, if I may quote again from the immortal bard.
I can't have sex with your personality,
And I can't put my penis in your college degree,
And I can't shove my fist in your childhood dreams,
So why're you sharing all this information with me?
It is true what they say of the immortal bard, Jon Lajoie truly does catch the human condition. These lines for those who lack even the most basic education and cultural literacy are of course from the sonnet Show Me Your Genitals.
To be honest it sounds like the perfect relationship from the male perspective. Get all the eye candy and vagina without having to listen to her prattle on. As well all know women lack accountability and reason.
Of course when I say true, I mean in so far that she was bought and paid for, not the part about the 4.0 99% med student thing. Such a person would be able to use a spell check better and do simple math. Not that there is anything wrong with being bought and paid for of course, a job is a job, as long as you are honest about it to yourself and others. Ted Dibaise was right, everyone has their price.