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Half of men would ditch woman who gained weight


Jan 31, 2005
It doesn't take much for Fuji's condescending and misogynist view of women to emerge
If you think there are no differences between men and women then you are an idiot. Pointing out that we're different is not misogynist. Men chase, and women are chased. That means that ordinarily men are the ones to deal with rejection, and we simply have more practice doing that. Thus if it comes down to a point where a relationship needs to end--and generally both parties kind of know it when that happens--the classy man allows the woman to be the one to call it off.

Most classy is sitting down with the person and saying stuff is not working, so that while each of you might walk away saying "he/she wasn't for me", you don't also say they did something reprehensible too.
This right here is why you are either single or unhappily married. You have no emotional intelligence. You sit down and have a talk like that with someone if you think there is still a hope, so you start trying to talk to each other to work through the problem and save it. Once it's beyond that and you've decided it's time to call it quits if you as the man sit down and have this serious, frank "why it's not working out" conversation then you're just being a jerk. What woman wants a man who is dumping her sitting down and telling her why she isn't good enough for him???? Absolute jerk.

I guarantee you that women are smarter than you are, emotionally--especially you--and they know that you're unhappy in the relationship. All you need to do is drop a few hints that it really isn't going to work out--possibly by transgressing in a variety of ways (nothing too hurtful). Go out with friends and don't call her. Be inattentive. If she doesn't get the message stand her up a few times. She will figure it out and then she will ditch your ass.

If she is one of those rare emotionally unintelligent women who does NOT get the hint then maybe, then after trying for awhile to send her a message then MAYBE as a last resort you sit her down and have this conversation. But really, if you do that, you are saying to her, "you are a stupid woman, who needed me to treat you this way".

I know why I'm on an escort review board: I like to cheat. I like to have sex with a variety of women.

I also now know why you are, and it's not because you like to cheat...


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
Smart men.

Marriages are happier when wives are thinner than their husbands, according to a new study. Researchers at the University of Tennessee studied the BMI (body mass index, a common measure of obesity) of nearly 170 newlywed couples, along with their marital satisfaction over time.

Andrea Meltzer, the lead author and a doctoral candidate at UT, told Discovery News that "We found this effect initially on husbands' satisfaction at the beginning of marriage... husbands were more satisfied at the time of marriage to the extent that their wives had a lower BMI than themselves."

The fact that men tend to be happier with a thinner wife may not be surprising, but Meltzer and her colleagues also found that women who had a lower BMI than their husbands were significantly more satisfied with their marriage over time. Thinner wives make both spouses happier.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
A gentleman always lets the woman end the relationship. The way the dynamic between the sexes work men chase women. So we're used to rejection, we learned how to deal with that. Women are uesd to being pursued, and really can't handle rejection nearly as well, they're almost psychologically scarred when a guy dumps them. A classy man gives the woman an excuse to move on, so that she can do so with her self respect intact.

Men are creatures of habit. We want a stable homelife to come home to. The known as opposed to the unknown. We like what we know and we'll tolerate a lot. Happiness? Women worry about happiness, men worry about stability. We'll stick it out in a shitty relationship more times than not just because we know that all women come with grief anyway.


Apr 8, 2011
I don't see a large number of guys leaving their wives after they have kids, where woman very often gain significant weight.

God I hate statistics, sometimes it seems they just fill the gap that astrology and prophesy leaft behind.


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
I don't see a large number of guys leaving their wives after they have kids, where woman very often gain significant weight.
There's a perceived financial incentive for the man to stay married in situations like that. It's known in popular culture as "cheaper to keep her".


Nov 13, 2011
Love to see stats on % of wives who would leave their s.o. if he turned ugly or short. Although women would never fess up on that one.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2006
Women will dump a man in a second if his wallet gets thinner.


Jun 6, 2009
Love to see stats on % of wives who would leave their s.o. if he turned ugly or short. Although women would never fess up on that one.
So what you're saying is these stats only exist in your mind, to support your view in life, as any that did exist would be false. This old nag is getting a sway back and is ready for the glue factory big time.


Nov 13, 2011
Any moron with half a brain would know it is not sociably acceptable to say & women would not admit that such changed circumstances would make their s.o. undesirable & they more suseptable to leaving or in the very least cheating.


Jun 6, 2009
Any moron with half a brain would know it is not sociably acceptable to say & women would not admit that such changed circumstances would make their s.o. undesirable & they more suseptable to leaving or in the very least cheating.
So all your insight and noted, although not referenced, research goes out the window because people lie. You're spinning in one spot and don't even know it


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
^^^ Shrinkage.....


Nov 13, 2011
HYPATHETICALY: Like what if your s.o. gained 100lbs. I am FULLY aware that the turn ugly or short is an extreem hypathetical & since in fact impossible, is a question not posed. Well....... actually the turn ugly is & in fact was a funny episode on Seinfeld. Elain dated this hot guy that did rock climing, fell & disfigured his face. Of couse she just could not stay with him anymore. So that question could be legitimatly posed: what is your s.o. had an accident & now had a disfigured face? P.S. I did hear of 1 case ( not sure 100% if it be true) that a guy had an accident resulting in leg ( femur bone reconstruction) . For both legs to be same legnth the result was 3" shorter. He went from 5'10" to 5'7". Into SHORT zone. NOW I say I heard about this 12 years or so ago & NOT 100% sure if true story.
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