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Half of men would ditch woman who gained weight


New member
Dec 20, 2010
Interesting opinions. Survey didn't quantify how much weight. 10-20 lbs is ok, but chronic over-eating is probably a symptom of a much larger problem.

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Men are more concerned with their partner's body type than women but they also seem to value family more highly, according to a new survey released on Tuesday.

Nearly half of men questioned in the poll of 70,000 people said they would ditch a partner who gained weight, compared to only 20 percent of women.

Two-third of men also said they had fantasized about their partner's friends, while only one-third of women had done so.

"Even as men are getting more comfortable with meeting their girlfriends online and less anxious about who she's 'friending' there, other romantic behaviors have proven to be timeless ones: chivalry isn't dead, size matters, and women forgive while men forget," said James Bassil, editor-in-chief of AskMen, which conducted the poll jointly with

While only 18 percent of women said they would want their mate to be better endowed, more than 51 percent of men said they wished they themselves were.

But the survey also found 39 percent of men chose family as their top choice of the ultimate status symbol. By contrast, 43 percent of women selected a beautiful home, compared to only 6.5 percent of men. One-quarter of women named a successful partner as a top status symbol.

But men were more likely to lie about the number of sex partners they had had (50 percent) than women (35 percent).

One thing both sexes agreed on was an as-yet undeveloped male birth control pill, an idea that proved popular all around. More than half of women would want their partner to take it, while more than two-thirds of men were ready for male birth control.

But the sexes differed about paying for dates, at least in the early stages. More women, 38 percent, think each should pay their own way, versus 33 percent who think men should foot the bill. But 59 percent of men think they should cover the tab, at least until a relationship is established.

Nearly 80 percent of men said they feel cheated by the divorce courts. But more women feel the sexes receive equal treatment than those who agree the men get a raw deal.

Women are also far less comfortable with their mates keeping in touch with their ex. More than two-thirds of men are okay with their partner friending an ex on Facebook, as opposed to 38 percent of women.

But three-quarters of men surveyed said they consider sexting cheating.

The full results of the poll can be found at and at

(Reporting by Chris Michaud; editing by Patricia Reaney)


New member
Aug 23, 2005
Meanwhile 85% of women just decide to cheat on their man after he gained weight. At least men have the balls to dump them first.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Meanwhile 85% of women just decide to cheat on their man after he gained weight. At least men have the balls to dump them first.
I think it's the other way around; women dump while men cheat but are too lazy to dump


New member
Sep 18, 2002
0.00001% of men give a shit about these statistics.


Jan 31, 2005
I think it's the other way around; women dump while men cheat but are too lazy to dump
A gentleman always lets the woman end the relationship. The way the dynamic between the sexes work men chase women. So we're used to rejection, we learned how to deal with that. Women are uesd to being pursued, and really can't handle rejection nearly as well, they're almost psychologically scarred when a guy dumps them. A classy man gives the woman an excuse to move on, so that she can do so with her self respect intact.


New member
Jul 4, 2011
A gentleman always lets the woman end the relationship. The way the dynamic between the sexes work men chase women. So we're used to rejection, we learned how to deal with that. Women are uesd to being pursued, and really can't handle rejection nearly as well, they're almost psychologically scarred when a guy dumps them. A classy man gives the woman an excuse to move on, so that she can do so with her self respect intact.

How the hell would you know how a gentleman behaves? And it's not class that makes the man give the woman an excuse to move's usually cowardness at facing a confrontation.


Mar 21, 2011
A classy man gives the woman an excuse to move on, so that she can do so with her self respect intact.
So now its classy to cheat.
That ought to add another 20 pages to the bash Fuji thread, way to go.


Jan 31, 2005
How the hell would you know how a gentleman behaves? And it's not class that makes the man give the woman an excuse to move's usually cowardness at facing a confrontation.
Actually, no, if you've decided to end a relationship the goal would be to precipitate a confrontation, one that allows her to move on in style. The goal would be to precipitate a confrontation that allows her to leave with less emotional scarring than would result from ditching her. Picking just the right conflict requires some considerable social intelligence, and yes, doing that is very classy.

Women really do prefer to be the ones to call it quits, whereas men really generally don't care who actually ends it. A classy man understands that.


New member
Dec 20, 2010
Actually, no, if you've decided to end a relationship the goal would be to precipitate a confrontation, one that allows her to move on in style. The goal would be to precipitate a confrontation that allows her to leave with less emotional scarring than would result from ditching her. Picking just the right conflict requires some considerable social intelligence, and yes, doing that is very classy.

Women really do prefer to be the ones to call it quits, whereas men really generally don't care who actually ends it. A classy man understands that.
There's a 20% chance that I'll dump a woman who doesn't want to have sex on the first date.

There's an 80% chance that I'll dump a woman who doesn't want to have sex on the second date.

There's a 100% chance that I'll fuck an escort after the 3rd date and then I really don't give a fuck who dumps who. A classy man understands that a gentleman never asks twice (or 3 times for that matter) without consequences. And prudes who say 'things happen for a reason' now understand why they're the reason. Has religion failed yet? lol


Jan 31, 2005
GrandBlasterK, I think after only 3 dates there isn't a relationship present. In that case you can simply stop taking her calls. I'm talking about where there's an exclusive relationship in effect, and how to end it.


New member
Dec 20, 2010
GrandBlasterK, I think after only 3 dates there isn't a relationship present. In that case you can simply stop taking her calls. I'm talking about where there's an exclusive relationship in effect, and how to end it.
Yeah Fuji, I understand. But with all due respect, one cannot establish an exclusive relationship until there is sex. Women do not get emotionally damaged as a consequence of sex, they get it from the ensuing drama and consequences that unfold when they withhold it.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I'm not going to dump a GF because she puts on 10 or 20 pounds, but if she goes from 120 to 230, then yeah, it's going to be over because it shows that she can't control herself and it's no different than if she had a drinking problem or drug problem that had gotten out of control.

BTW, there are just as many fat-ass guys out there who let themselve go.


New member
Apr 28, 2011
I am disgusted by fat women and junior just will not rise to the occasion. If it is a SO who has let herself go, I'll try to be a sympathetic partner to a degree but junior will not change his values.

Personally, I find that the weight gain is just a symptom of a larger problem: once most girls get a SO landed, the idea of keeping themselves attractive around their S.O. and friends disappear. I think they have this concept that their SO is stuck with them/ loves them no matter what physical changes they go through even if the changes are by choice (diet/exercise). It's like the battle is over and any dignity or self respect is out the window.

My first S.O. looked like a girl that would never get fat but she ended up porking up without restraint and never wore maker up, nice clothes when we were together (except parties). I tried to get her to exercise with me or limit the fatty foods/desserts but it was a no go. She couldn't understand why I bothered shaving, combing my hair and looking my best every weekend morning when I didn't have to. Finally I figured that wasting my life in what amounted to be a self imposed prison sentence was ridiculous. I think my decision was accepted better with friends and family because I wasn't dumping her because I had a new girlfriend.

A friend of mine dropped his fat lazy wife and now has a wife that always dresses to look good, goes to the gym and has not changed her sex habits since they started going out. It's been 10 years and his wife is still treating him like they were single.


Jan 31, 2005
I would not marry a woman unless she enjoys athletic activities and physical fitness. I might date a woman who is not athletic, but I wouldn't stick with her. 100% of the reason is because the non-athletic women eventually get fat. Sure, there is a chance the athletic one will turn into a couch potato too--but it's less of a chance.

My wife hits the gym daily. She's been doing that since before I met her--it was one of the reasons I chose her.

In fact my own level of fitness has improved because of her--working out is something we sometimes do together, and I do it a lot more because of her than I did before I met her.


New member
Dec 20, 2010
I would not marry a woman unless she enjoys athletic activities and physical fitness.
I just hope the pleasure derived from regular sex (me physical, her emotional) would inspire my gf/wife to look and feel sexy and stay in shape because as OnlySex and I mentioned, a woman who gains weight is a symptom of a much larger problem (eg - guilt from cheating perhaps?). Sooner or later, the truth will come out under the sheets. :)

Fuck, I agree some women totally throw out their dignity and self respect after marriage and it may also have to do with bad influence from their envious and evil girlfriends who aren't getting laid. Beware of those cunts, perhaps treat her girlfriends like shit so they know who's in charge and who's fucking who.


Jan 31, 2005
Fuck, I agree some women totally throw out their dignity and self respect after marriage
Personally I think what's going on is that everyone tries to look their best when they're looking for a mate. The ones who do it the hard way--by dieting say--can't stick with that for life. The ones who do it by living a healthy, active lifestyle can keep that up. At least that's my theory and why while I'll date a woman who is attractive, I won't start a long-term relationship unless I see evidence she's got a sustainable lifestyle, like a love of athletics.
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