The answer would be Yes, and No.
At my age - mid 40's, a car is not going to get me laid, sorry. Plus, if that's all it takes, I'd rather not.
BUT, a car IS part of the overall package.
If you drive a 10 year old mazda 3, or Accord and the back is full of smelly gym clothes and Tim Horton's wrappers, and the car is in rough shape and you haven't vaccuumed it out in a year or two (we all know guys like this) - you are definitely accumulating a strike. Perhps even 2 strikes.
Any woman worth having is going to look at the man and how he presents himself. The car is part of the equation. Shitty smelly car in bad shape = undesireable man. Now that said, if you're driving a brand new S5, but you're 50 pounds overweight, live in your parent's basement, and dress like a bum - you're going to strike out on the non-car variables. There are probably about 20 things a woman is looking for in a man (hell, maybe more) and car is one of them. 3 strikes on any of them = you're out.
You don't need to drive a BMW necessarily, but your car needs to be clean and respectable (though a BMW never hurts.)