does a car really help you get laid?


Nov 20, 2006
A woman that dresses smartly and has a recent Audi A4 may very well be deep in hock for her clothes and car, but she many have choice in life as to where she shops and what she drives. It does not take long for the truth to show itself. The cracks in her facade will appear soon. The question asked in the thread is if a car will help get you laid. I say yes, it can make a good first impression. Where as no car speaks volumes about you. A guy without a car has little choice, in where he goes and even where he shops. A guy with a busted down rusty bucket of bolts reveals that he has few choices in life.
OTOH a person has said choices with a fully functional Cavalier as with an Audi. More in fact as it leaves more financial resources for other things like early retirement, porn, travel, more porn, donuts, and maybe even porn. Any old car will get you where you need to go and well enough unless you dig road tripping.

Also a person with no car might live downtown and not need one, or might be ecologically minded. I know a couple who are quite well off, travel all over the place, paid off home they even have a cleaning lady come in. They ditched the car and rely on walking, bus or rental and it works out very well for them. They can afford a car but would rather not bother, it saves them money better used for other things.

I'd hate to think someone in that situation would be shit on in the dating scene, but sadly I am enough of a realist to know that the shit, it is a comin.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2006
Chicks don't like taking the bus when they reach "Fucking " age, especially the prissy dolled up ones.

Whether it be for dates or for the environment. Utterly below them really.

Eventually they'll love if you buy them a car too but for now they don't have to be seen taking public transit.

Saw some Ho's just out of a swingers club practically dive in front of a guys Mercedes on Lakeshore to let him know what a nice car he had.

Maybe he went to the swingers club too but got no love.

Once they saw what he was driving they agreed to get into their Plymouth voyager minivan and follow him to a meetup point.

In my days we used to call the girls who liked to receive "rides" in cars gas brains.

On a nice sunset evening out in no mans land, they'd even let you fuck them on the bonnet/hood of the car.

Best to get a stick shift in case she gets bored with normal seating, plus your hands could conveniently keep slipping off the gear shift knob and onto her legs or under her skirt.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Put it the other way around, What impresses you more? A woman that wears Walmart clothes and drives a 12 year old Chevy Cavalier or a woman that dresses smartly and drives a recent Audi A4?
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