Ashley Madison

Do all escorts despise clients?


Jul 27, 2011
Bang on. Sp's like some of their clients, are neutral with of some of their clients, and dislike a few of their clients but can tolerate them. That is no different than any corporate environment where sales or customer service staff like, dislike and are ok with their clients.

If an SP despises a guy, then he is really not a client and she should not see him anymore.
Finally someone gets it. One tiny point of clarification the guy may not be a future client, but if he came to the door, he is in the group of men called clients. Just not that SP's client.


Active member
Dec 1, 2005
Nothing we do leaves us unchanged. I got in, paid all my debts and tuition and got out. I had never had an older man as a bed partner before and it changed me. I discovered that I loved being someone's little princess again, and having sex with an older experienced man was far better than with guys my age. My goals in life, and my desires changed because of my working as an SP. But yes you are right, I did it because I had few options. None that I could think of.
There are always options. Lets look at your rationalization for getting in. You are saying you had debts and tuition. If you have debts there are no debtor jails, or you don't suffer anything (esp. if you do not have assets) and your credit resets in 7 years. You could also declare bankruptcy. If your debts lead to indentured servitude or slavery, then you may have an arguement. Fortunately, in this country, slavery and indentured servitude is abolished centuries ago and having a debt, for all intents and purposes, means nothing.

For tuition, you have OSAP and if you are good with grades, you have a scholarship. There are plenty of students in the system who don't sleep and get paid in order to make ends meet in that way, what are their options? They happen to find options, or realise, living in a first world country, tuition and debt really do not mean anything.

No I'm not juding but there are always options. You choose this because it's get rich quick and you like sex. I still think it's risky because you are dealing with the public and you don't know what nut you may get int he course of business. People could get attached, carry a concealed weapon, have counterfeit money, they know where you live, STD risks, stigma, etc.... If you think the reward outweights the risk and fact that you were used for sex by dirty old men, then all the power to you. But there is always options.

Very true. Bulls eye. Also some days I start pushing back on the BS.[/QUOTE]


Jul 27, 2011
there are always options. Lets look at your rationalization for getting in. You are saying you had debts and tuition. If you have debts there are no debtor jails, or you don't suffer anything (esp. If you do not have assets) and your credit resets in 7 years. You could also declare bankruptcy. If your debts lead to indentured servitude or slavery, then you may have an arguement. Fortunately, in this country, slavery and indentured servitude is abolished centuries ago and having a debt, for all intents and purposes, means nothing.
As I slipped farther and farther behind I borrowed money form relatives, friends, everyone. Some, especially my aunt lent me more money than they could afford. I guess I had a choice of giving up on school at the beginning of the mess. But not repaying people who had tried to help was not an option I could face,

For tuition, you have osap and if you are good with grades, you have a scholarship. There are plenty of students in the system who don't sleep and get paid in order to make ends meet in that way, what are their options? They happen to find options, or realise, living in a first world country, tuition and debt really do not mean anything.
OSAP is in Ontario. There are no equivalent programs for foreign students in the US. My father is far from rich but given his money, I was not eligible for any assistance. He was not supportive of my going to school. I do not think you Canadians realize how rare and fortunate you are to have your educational system.

No i'm not juding but there are always options. You choose this because it's get rich quick and you like sex. I still think it's risky because you are dealing with the public and you don't know what nut you may get int he course of business. People could get attached, carry a concealed weapon, have counterfeit money, they know where you live, std risks, stigma, etc.... If you think the reward outweights the risk and fact that you were used for sex by dirty old men, then all the power to you. But there is always options.
Other than killing myself, or accepting I would be a waitress, or going into the family business the way my father wanted, I could not see any. Yes my actions were high risk, yes I only paid what I was because I was lucky, yes I got out healthy and un-scared because I was lucky. I did not get into it because I like sex. I had a half dozen BFs before. And never had a real orgasm with them or when working.

I responded seriously because you seemed serious and acting like a person.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009

are you still here :confused: ?
nothing personal but you should stop trying to justify your relationship to people you don't know and should just go enjoy your relationship. have fun, enjoy the money and sex and good times while they last. we don't need to say if it is right or wrong, we don't matter in your life. just have fun while it lasts.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
is she talking to me ? I posted that like 3 hours ago can see the time posted if you look a little harder lol

she's been on ignore ever since... I just saw that cause you quoted her
uh, not to be a dick or nothing but it was 2 hours and 45 min ago. get your shit straight.

Art Mann

May 10, 2010
I had a half dozen BFs before. And never had a real orgasm with them or when working.
Now that is a damn shame. Speaks volumes about the quality of your BFs, also your clients. Might explain something about you too.

Just one point of confusion:

Do you have "real" orgasms now that you're married? If so, what is he doing now that he wasn't doing as a client?


Jul 27, 2011
Now that is a damn shame. Speaks volumes about the quality of your BFs, also your clients. Might explain something about you too. Also may explain the context of your other oh-so-contentious thread.

Just one point of confusion:

Do you have "real" orgasms now that you're married? If so, what is he doing now that he wasn't doing as a client?
yes I am. What is he doing? I think it is more about me than him. I respected him as soon as I grew to know him, but now I think I am respecting me more.


Jul 27, 2011
nothing personal but you should stop trying to justify your relationship to people you don't know and should just go enjoy your relationship. have fun, enjoy the money and sex and good times while they last. we don't need to say if it is right or wrong, we don't matter in your life. just have fun while it lasts.

hug, I am


"The Gatekeeper"
Aug 29, 2006


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
You got a hard on for her? Same comment in two different threads.
nope was just trying to convey the message of the longer she spends here defending her relationship the less time she actually spends enjoying her relationship. some times a reminder is needed.


New member
Dec 31, 2003
I do think there's a percentage of escorts out there who truly do despise their clients. Very few people 'want' to become escorts or do so out of their own free will. Not to say it's all slavery (though there is some of that) but that because of many reasons debt/family problems/kids/drugs, they feel like escorting is their best choice for achieving whatever financial goals they have. Technically they have choices, but for example if you owe 40k in student debt, and you live on your own, working at Wal-Mart for whatever the minimum wage is now, isn't exactly a real option. If people think all, or even most, escorts have lots of opportunities, and have the ability to make great money and be secure at a more conventional job, and then decide to escort because they love sex or enjoy meeting new people, then you're not too bright. Sure, some do, and choose escorting, but it's a significant minority I feel. I think alot of escorts choose this profession because of negative circumstances, and view it as a way to get past these negative circumstances and move on with their lives. Which, really isn't too much different from anyone with any kind of job.

Some escorts end up loving what they do, even they wouldn't have chosen this job under ideal circumstances. Some though, the ones who truly don't have other palatable options, or who are driven to do this out of psychological reasons, do end up hating their clients. And let's be honest, sure everyone who deals with people day-to-day as part of their job, comes across the odd asshole or creep. But generally speaking, if you have some random office job, the assholes you deal with, aren't dangerous, or don't demean you or try and slip the condom off during doggy, or try and jam it up your ass, or straight rob you. The asshole quotient is different, which is why they charge these rates, and why some of them hate us. You can't blame them either. Some are already pre-conditioned to hate men, and have gone into this biz because of shit men have done to them. To be blunt as well, sure there's a lot of guys who are perfectly socially adjusted and who escort because of the variety and convinence aspect. But, as we can see on this board, there's guys who can't get girlfriends or even friends because of their personalities or psychological problems. Some are angry at women because they can't get girls. So they take it out on the SPs, or they become fixated on a SP and stalk them. While I think it's probably a minority of clients, it happens more than we might think, especially near the lower-end of the spectrum. One creepy or frightening encounter, I feel, does more to colour a SP's attitude about clients than ten normal clients.

Now I do think the SPs who do despise their clients don't last very long, and probably don't end up meeting whatever goals they have for themselves. Most SPs who take the time to post here don't despise clients and are probably comfortable with what they do. However, even they get a few assholes (they have better screening procedures than average)


Active member
Dec 1, 2005
As I slipped farther and farther behind I borrowed money form relatives, friends, everyone. Some, especially my aunt lent me more money than they could afford. I guess I had a choice of giving up on school at the beginning of the mess. But not repaying people who had tried to help was not an option I could face,
I understand, I thought you were talking about credit card debt. I know that with credit card debt, you have considation loan options, consumer proposals, or just default on it. After 7 years of bad credit you can be reset and apply for new cards all over again. I've been through that myself, reset (after 7 years), applied for new cards, then sued all the collection agencies who dared put anything on my record after the reset, I even took Equifax to court at one time.

If you had debts with relatives, friends, or your aunt, then they love you and would not want you to become an escort, have sex with random men you don't know, in order to pay them back. They would say, 'it's okay, don't worry about it'. If their money helped dig you out of a credit hole, then you could eventually pay them at some point in the future when you are able to. I can't imagine, a relative or friend, that loaned you some money, would want that money back if it meant you having to do this to pay them back and I'd feel very, very low if I accepted that money for repayent of a loan.

mrsCALoki said:
OSAP is in Ontario. There are no equivalent programs for foreign students in the US. My father is far from rich but given his money, I was not eligible for any assistance. He was not supportive of my going to school. I do not think you Canadians realize how rare and fortunate you are to have your educational system.
I think University degrees, particularly undergradute ones are overrated. Lots of people have them and they just hang on the wall. The way the economy is going it's better not to go to school and just start your own business or think of a creative way to make money such as having an invention. Since finding a job is not guaranteed with a University degree, particular a well-paying job, I'm not sure it means as much as it did decades ago when it was a ticket to the middle class. Given it's lower value I'm not sure whether it would be worth all of the fuss to get a degree unless you really, really, really, know what you want in life and are not just getting a degree for a degree sake.

I've looked at news clips from Russia Today, and you can check it on youtube, that show record number of students return home to live with their parents after they graduate and can't find jobs. They shipped the jobs to China and India and the middle class is bleeding. So, honestly, unless Ron Paul is elected and puts everything back to gold standard and increases the interest rates and re-boots the system, I'm not sure where the economy is heading.

mrsCALOKI said:
Other than killing myself, or accepting I would be a waitress, or going into the family business the way my father wanted, I could not see any. Yes my actions were high risk, yes I only paid what I was because I was lucky, yes I got out healthy and un-scared because I was lucky. I did not get into it because I like sex. I had a half dozen BFs before. And never had a real orgasm with them or when working.
You did not want the family business or being a waitress? That would have been your lot in life if you didn't do this. Why would you be contemplating killing yourself for? You had a life set-out for your working as a waitress or being in the family business. If you look at it that way, lots of people are unemployed and have no income. If you had a job, then you are really faring better than allot of people. It's always helpful to look at people who have life worst than you do before being in a state of depression where you are contemplating suicide.

If a University degree GUARANTEED a better job, then it would make sence to get one. However, in this economy you would be lucky to get a job with a degree since lots of undergraduates are flipping burgers or are ending up in jobs they would have had if they did not have a degree in the first place. They are other professions you could get into that is lower start-up cost. Financial services, Real-Estate, etc... don't require allot of money and you could make money that way as well.

It is not a good idea to become an escort if you do not like having sex so it's a good thing you came out of it. Obviously, the reason escorts despise their clients, if they don't like sex, is you must have a sence that men are pigs, right? That they are only interested in one thing, see you as a sex object to stroke their ego, rather than as a person, and you probably see a different side of men in an amplified way working as an escort than you would before you got into this thing.

It is a smart decision to get out while the going was good. Have tried buying a dildo or sex toy and masturbating and using your imagination to generate an orgasm? Would masturbation be better than the real thing perhaps?

mrsCALoki said:
I responded seriously because you seemed serious and acting like a person.
I'm actually surprized you did. I guess you much have struck a cord with me when you said you had no options. I was thinking about that almost all day today and sort of felt sorry for you to read that as I was going through the posts. Actually searched for that particular post and felt compelled to reply to it as it was unsettling. Thanks for your frank answers.

I've also noted your empathy on my other posts when I spoke about street prostitutes and incall escorts. I now understand that you have been one before so I understand why my behaviour could have bothered you since you can identify with them and take back what I said about you being a femi-nazi.


Active member
Dec 1, 2005
I do think there's a percentage of escorts out there who truly do despise their clients. Very few people 'want' to become escorts or do so out of their own free will. Not to say it's all slavery (though there is some of that) but that because of many reasons debt/family problems/kids/drugs, they feel like escorting is their best choice for achieving whatever financial goals they have.
The question is not whether it is the best choice, but if it's a valid choice that respects the moral dignity of the person.

mur11 said:
Technically they have choices, but for example if you owe 40k in student debt, and you live on your own, working at Wal-Mart for whatever the minimum wage is now, isn't exactly a real option.
If someone owes $ 40 K in student debt, they have interest relief and other government programs that will take care of that. It's just a question of paper-work. If you live on your own then you could team-up with a room-mate and share the rental cost. Can also move back to parent's house or a friend/relative's house. Walmart should be paying enough to make ends meet in that scenario. Also can give out resumes and look for better jobs while working minimum wage.

These are real options.

mur11 said:
If people think all, or even most, escorts have lots of opportunities, and have the ability to make great money and be secure at a more conventional job, and then decide to escort because they love sex or enjoy meeting new people, then you're not too bright. Sure, some do, and choose escorting, but it's a significant minority I feel. I think alot of escorts choose this profession because of negative circumstances, and view it as a way to get past these negative circumstances and move on with their lives. Which, really isn't too much different from anyone with any kind of job.
I think the negative circumstances are over-valued or overrated if it means having to do that. How do guys, or women who choose not to do this survive then in similar negative circumstances? Who want's a perfect life anyway? I mean, if life was perfect and everything went right, I'd be worried the grim reaper may be around the corner. Life is always going to have problems, what builds character is how you deal with the problems. Choosing escorting to get over a hump is not building character in a woman to be a future mother or wife who will have to support her man or family through a rough patch. It is not of faith.

mur11 said:
Some escorts end up loving what they do, even they wouldn't have chosen this job under ideal circumstances. Some though, the ones who truly don't have other palatable options, or who are driven to do this out of psychological reasons, do end up hating their clients. And let's be honest, sure everyone who deals with people day-to-day as part of their job, comes across the odd asshole or creep. But generally speaking, if you have some random office job, the assholes you deal with, aren't dangerous, or don't demean you or try and slip the condom off during doggy, or try and jam it up your ass, or straight rob you. The asshole quotient is different, which is why they charge these rates, and why some of them hate us. You can't blame them either.
As long as they don't take it out on nice clients.

mur11 said:
Some are already pre-conditioned to hate men, and have gone into this biz because of shit men have done to them. To be blunt as well, sure there's a lot of guys who are perfectly socially adjusted and who escort because of the variety and convinence aspect.
Who are cheating on their SO's. Don't they have variety and conveniance in their real life? They can go on adult-friendfinder, chat a random woman up they like, etc... That is a problem with their character.


New member
Dec 31, 2003
The question is not whether it is the best choice, but if it's a valid choice that respects the moral dignity of the person.

If someone owes $ 40 K in student debt, they have interest relief and other government programs that will take care of that. It's just a question of paper-work. If you live on your own then you could team-up with a room-mate and share the rental cost. Can also move back to parent's house or a friend/relative's house. Walmart should be paying enough to make ends meet in that scenario. Also can give out resumes and look for better jobs while working minimum wage.

These are real options.

I think the negative circumstances are over-valued or overrated if it means having to do that. How do guys, or women who choose not to do this survive then in similar negative circumstances? Who want's a perfect life anyway? I mean, if life was perfect and everything went right, I'd be worried the grim reaper may be around the corner. Life is always going to have problems, what builds character is how you deal with the problems. Choosing escorting to get over a hump is not building character in a woman to be a future mother or wife who will have to support her man or family through a rough patch. It is not of faith.

As long as they don't take it out on nice clients.

Who are cheating on their SO's. Don't they have variety and conveniance in their real life? They can go on adult-friendfinder, chat a random woman up they like, etc... That is a problem with their character.
No offense VirginJohn, but as long as you've never tasted pussy or never had a woman touch you in your 'special place' your opinions about sex/romance/escorting are invalid.
Go hang out on a Christian Virgin site, I'm sure there's plenty of those


Active member
Dec 1, 2005
No offense VirginJohn, but as long as you've never tasted pussy or never had a woman touch you in your 'special place' your opinions about sex/romance/escorting are invalid.
Go hang out on a Christian Virgin site, I'm sure there's plenty of those
I think my opinion is very valid because I'm not corrupted in the sence of indulging in an escort and can proudly say I have never taken advantage of any woman for sex who needed money. It would be hypocritical of me to say anything and have any moral authority if I actually did indulge and then encourage escorts to look at other real options that they do have, or guys who have options with women or have an SO not to pay women for sex because the truth of it is that it is unnecessary.

If you think there are cases where women HAVE to do this, then technically you are just another face with a dollar-sign raping them because everything should be a free choice. The only difference is you are paying for it and not getting into trouble with the law. I'd be more worried if there were really no options.


Feb 9, 2012
I think my opinion is very valid because I'm not corrupted in the sence of indulging in an escort and can proudly say I have never taken advantage of any woman for sex who needed money. It would be hypocritical of me to say anything and have any moral authority if I actually did indulge and then encourage escorts to look at other real options that they do have, or guys who have options with women or have an SO not to pay women for sex because the truth of it is that it is unnecessary.

If you think there are cases where women HAVE to do this, then technically you are just another face with a dollar-sign raping them because everything should be a free choice. The only difference is you are paying for it and not getting into trouble with the law. I'd be more worried if there were really no options.
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