I guess he did not have to pretend that everyone he met was wonderful?
That was a cheap shot. My client was better than I ever imagined. But, in general, simon, could you satisfy randomly selected women and remain unaffected? Or worse, women who for whatever reason need to hire men to be with them?
i as a taxi driver for a lot of years and i had to take all kinds of people, from people that spit on me, to people that insulted my family and me, yelled at me and talked down to me at every turn. i was not given a choice to refuse clients that i picked up.
i'm sorry if you thought that was a cheap shot, i however did not. you are coming off as a very hateful jaded person right now. i am sure you are not but in this thread it does look that way.
as for fucking fat girls, when i was younger i had a rule for sex. never say no cuz there might come a day when they say no. so i fucked everything that i could.