Inexpensive Weight Loss Program?


New member
Apr 29, 2002
Yep, anything and everything that has sugar.
I cut coffee out altogether, cream is evil, regardless of how good it is with coffee.

But ZERO sugar, cut it all out.
It works.


New member
Jan 8, 2012
Hamilton, ON
I lost almost 100lbs in 1 year. It actually wasn't very hard, and I could still eat out whenever I wanted to, didn't follow any diet plan what so ever, I just lit a fire under my ass and started eating better. Eliminating stuff 100% is hard, but everything in moderation is fine! If you usually drink 6 pops a day, and start drinking only 1 and replace it all with water, even that will do something. This is pretty much what I did. Depending on the lifestyle, it hard not to eat out, and not everything is horrible, you just have to learn whats good and bad.

- Started taking a 2 a day multi vitamin in the morning, it actually gave me 100x more energy! Ensure when buying vitamins, you buy one that requires you to take 2 a day, your body can only absorb so much then you're just wasting money on expensive pee. Go into GNC, ask about a 2 a day multi vitamin for men your age that would also help your metablosim, then find something similar at Shoppers Drug Mart (it's cheaper)
- Took mulberry root extract in the morning which helps your body metabolize sugars
- No cream in coffee, just skim milk, went from 3 sugar's to 1/2 sugar
- Black tea
- lots of water
- No Alcohol
- No Juice. If I had a craving, I would water down an enriched juice like Oasis and only allow myself 1 cup for breakfast.
- Exercised for 1 hour, 4 days a week. My program was 15 min treadmil or eliptical/15 min Pilates type stretches/15 min bike/15 min weights. Don't push yourself, even if you start off by walking, you're moving, and increase the pace each time you go, don't kill yourself, but push yourself to whats comfortable for you.
- Cut out starches, sugary, carby food
- Do not add salt to any home cooking, spices add better flavor. Anything I used to add lots of salt to, I switched to adding more pepper.
- Buffets - Only ate meats & veggies - No rice, potato, oil/cream based saucy things (went to one tonight and all I ate was crab, shrimp, grilled chicken and some sauted mushrooms)
- Don't eat after 6pm
- 5 small meals a day
- learn the difference between good and bad fats.
- I weighed myself, then got rid of my bathroom scale until my clothes started getting too big for me. Getting caught up on your number is stressful and can ruin your diet as you push yourself or starve yourself to lose it faster, when you starve yourself your body stores fat.

If you want meal ideas or more info you can PM me, and it's free :p You can try it and if it doesn't work, you can waste your money on something else, but you don't need to spend money on any fad diet plan, you just need to educate yourself and have motivation.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Check out the book by Dr. Joel Fuhrman called Eat to Live you can find it at chapters the main points are this

1) if you eat a healthy diet the weight will take care of itself
2) debunking some other diet fads/trends
3) looking at nutrient to calorie ratio..... for example potato chips are porr choice because they are low in nutrients and high in calories
4) eat a lot of fruits and veggies
5) watch your fat intake
6) watch your sugar intake
7) avoid processed or premade food
8) try and eat whole foods and raw when possible but cooking

Basically the way they suggest you eat is more fruits and veggies, and less meat. Probably the most interesting point is that meat is not the only source of protein which is something I long thought.

I lost 10 pounds in about 2 months with minimal excercise (going for a walk or liftiing weight three times a week for 30 min) and not being super strict on the diet. If I had skipped the odd trip to a fast food place while on the diet and didn't have any juice or pop it probably would have been more weight loss.

As others have mentioned there are other approaches but the cool thing is that most just invovle buying better food.

Anyways, not an expensive book. Based on extensive cited research. And provide a lot of charts of foots to buy and recipes as well.

Honestly, you can eat well and enjoy it.


New member
May 5, 2010
San Jose, CA
how long did it take for the first idiot to suggest you do it on your own, at home, by buying smart at the grocery store, and/or reading a book?? you'd already be doing that if it were that easy. Poon and Bernstein are good for guys. they lose fast on those programs and enjoy the heavy amount of meat in those diets.

i like because she's hot in her how-to videos.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
how long did it take for the first idiot to suggest you do it on your own, at home, by buying smart at the grocery store, and/or reading a book?? you'd already be doing that if it were that easy. Poon and Bernstein are good for guys. they lose fast on those programs and enjoy the heavy amount of meat in those diets.

i like because she's hot in her how-to videos.
Those systems are good for losing weight but then you need to keep the weight off. You don't need to pay someone to tell you these things.

Biggest part is discipline.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
how long did it take for the first idiot to suggest you do it on your own, at home, by buying smart at the grocery store, and/or reading a book?? you'd already be doing that if it were that easy. Poon and Bernstein are good for guys. they lose fast on those programs and enjoy the heavy amount of meat in those diets.

i like because she's hot in her how-to videos.

Because you are too weak to control yourself does not mean those who can, are idiots. Get off your pussy and find strength!!


New member
May 5, 2010
San Jose, CA
i think the OP was asking for help because he does not have the strength. throwing lack of self control into his face is not the help he is looking for. in fact, that's kind of discouraging.


New member
Oct 28, 2006
how long did it take for the first idiot to suggest you do it on your own, at home, by buying smart at the grocery store, and/or reading a book?? you'd already be doing that if it were that easy. Poon and Bernstein are good for guys. they lose fast on those programs and enjoy the heavy amount of meat in those diets.

i like because she's hot in her how-to videos.
yes, programs like jenny craig, weight watchers, etc. DO have one benefit that some people need: group support

in other words, some people need to attend a weekly meeting with others (like AA) to discuss, share, and motivate each other

for THAT, these programs are useful, and if you need group dynamics to help you, or you need something to get you started, then go for it

BUT ... if you are just doing it for the food, the bottom line is they are selling you TV dinners that are WAY overpriced

you need to eat for the rest of your life ... are you going to pay JC, WW, etc. their outrageous fees for the rest of your life?


Active member
Aug 6, 2006
forget all the weight loss programs.. just download P90X videos and stick with it everyday.

You want to be healthy... there is no easy way.. starving yourself might make you fit in your old pants, but physical health wise, your body and your heart are just as unhealthy as you currently are


New member
Apr 29, 2002
I lost almost 100lbs in 1 year. It actually wasn't very hard, and I could still eat out whenever I wanted to, didn't follow any diet plan what so ever, I just lit a fire under my ass and started eating better. Eliminating stuff 100% is hard, but everything in moderation is fine! If you usually drink 6 pops a day, and start drinking only 1 and replace it all with water, even that will do something. This is pretty much what I did. Depending on the lifestyle, it hard not to eat out, and not everything is horrible, you just have to learn whats good and bad.

- Started taking a 2 a day multi vitamin in the morning, it actually gave me 100x more energy! Ensure when buying vitamins, you buy one that requires you to take 2 a day, your body can only absorb so much then you're just wasting money on expensive pee. Go into GNC, ask about a 2 a day multi vitamin for men your age that would also help your metablosim, then find something similar at Shoppers Drug Mart (it's cheaper)
- Took mulberry root extract in the morning which helps your body metabolize sugars
- No cream in coffee, just skim milk, went from 3 sugar's to 1/2 sugar
- Black tea
- lots of water
- No Alcohol
- No Juice. If I had a craving, I would water down an enriched juice like Oasis and only allow myself 1 cup for breakfast.
- Exercised for 1 hour, 4 days a week. My program was 15 min treadmil or eliptical/15 min Pilates type stretches/15 min bike/15 min weights. Don't push yourself, even if you start off by walking, you're moving, and increase the pace each time you go, don't kill yourself, but push yourself to whats comfortable for you.
- Cut out starches, sugary, carby food
- Do not add salt to any home cooking, spices add better flavor. Anything I used to add lots of salt to, I switched to adding more pepper.
- Buffets - Only ate meats & veggies - No rice, potato, oil/cream based saucy things (went to one tonight and all I ate was crab, shrimp, grilled chicken and some sauted mushrooms)
- Don't eat after 6pm
- 5 small meals a day
- learn the difference between good and bad fats.
- I weighed myself, then got rid of my bathroom scale until my clothes started getting too big for me. Getting caught up on your number is stressful and can ruin your diet as you push yourself or starve yourself to lose it faster, when you starve yourself your body stores fat.

If you want meal ideas or more info you can PM me, and it's free :p You can try it and if it doesn't work, you can waste your money on something else, but you don't need to spend money on any fad diet plan, you just need to educate yourself and have motivation.
You basically repeated what most said before your post. LMAO


New member
Apr 29, 2002
Damn. I was praying you wouldn't say that. lol
What about fruit sugar?
Fruit sugar is actually okay in the morning, but not during the day.
Since you're breaking your fast right, same goes for a protein drink first thing in the morning.
Wean off fruits as the day progresses though.
Read this -

You want to try and avoid insulin spikes because it slows your metabolic rate, which means it slows your fat burning process.

Oh and if you eat peanut butter, eat the natural stuff you refrigerate, not the Jiff's, Skippy or the regular Kraft kind, but they do make a GREAT natural one.
Natural peanut butter has the good fat, not the bad stuff and no hydrogenated oil crap.
But by the sounds of it, you may not want to touch the stuff period. I eat tons of it, but I can kinda afford to.

Another breakfast tip, forget the regular quaker oats crap, go to bulk barn and buy "steel cut oats", keeps you fuller for longer so you don't cheat with a bad snack after your breakfast.
Takes 10 minutes to do and you can create the consistency that you'd like, mushy -> to crunchy, personally I prefer crunchy so it's a bonus it takes less time to make.

Again, learn the glycemic index, very important.

forget all the weight loss programs.. just download P90X videos and stick with it everyday.

You want to be healthy... there is no easy way.. starving yourself might make you fit in your old pants, but physical health wise, your body and your heart are just as unhealthy as you currently are
Im with u on the P90X, P90X-2, & Insanity band-wagon. And working out that hard forces u to eat well!

Dougal Short

Exposed Member
May 20, 2009
imo, you don't need any of that crap
Bingo. I think the only thing that Dr. B or Brooker offer, is that they are there for support and perhaps add "pressure" to stick to a diet.

Weight loss isn't rocket science... eat good, unprocessed food. And eat the right amount of it. And move your body.. Just walk for 30 minutes every day, at a good pace. Avoid booze, sweets, ice-cream. Watch the carbs, red meat.

And a get a lot of sex. But get on top. ;)


The Ideal Terbite
Aug 6, 2003
how long did it take for the first idiot to suggest you do it on your own, at home, by buying smart at the grocery store, and/or reading a book?? you'd already be doing that if it were that easy. Poon and Bernstein are good for guys. they lose fast on those programs and enjoy the heavy amount of meat in those diets.

i like because she's hot in her how-to videos.
It is that easy, it's just that some people need some help orienting themselves and actually learning about food. GI diet, more exercise, 3000 calorie deficit per pound, etc. It's all there free for the taking.


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2002
Yep, anything and everything that has sugar.
I cut coffee out altogether, cream is evil, regardless of how good it is with coffee.

But ZERO sugar, cut it all out.
It works.
and why is cream evil ? Nothing wrong with a tablespoon of cream in your coffee...

Seffner Monger

New member
Jan 22, 2012
Weight Watchers works -- if you wort out. I can attest to it.

It's about $15 US a month if you just use e-tools and skip all the meetings (that are all women anyway).

They have a great food tracking website and smartphone apps. Good thing is that you can eat all your regular foods, just less of them. That really helps control the cost.

But do know that you have to exercise or it will be really slow coming off.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts