Steeles Royal

How many of you GAVE UP on dating figuring your just too undesirable to women?


Jul 27, 2011
However, in order to build confidence you have to have had some early success. It's like a catch 22 scenario.
It is about confidence with life. Not just with women. First man that made me thing "I need to get to know this man" was from the way he handled a Maitre D. Pure confidence. Confidence with life. A man confident with me, and not with life is just a player and must be avoided.

So start small, go in to McDonald's and order from the cash person in a confident manner. Practise.

Go to Fran's and order from the the waiter and do it with confidence.

Work your way up to Hy's, Canoe, etc.

Worst that can happen is you get great meals and weigh 400 lbs. On the bright side you get practise being confident :)


Nov 13, 2011
Sounds like you are coaching the shy. According to your model, I got confidence coming out of my ears. All kidding aside. I do have confidence. the leadership type. But not with carisma. I think confidence is highly overated & with some will help very little. Better than having non, but NOT a cure all for those that are a physical turn off to women. BUt hey, 150+ hr will get you lots of compliments.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
For me, I tend to look for small, visual clues when making eye contact with women. Being a short, overweight, Asian male, I get a quick look away from her at best, and a disgusted look at worst.

I observed them when I see then look at average or tall men. Their reactions are more flirty, with a smile, or brush of the hair.

As I go through life with these experiences, it gets harder to try everyday.


Dec 12, 2008
Sounds like you are coaching the shy. According to your model, I got confidence coming out of my ears. All kidding aside. I do have confidence. the leadership type. But not with carisma. I think confidence is highly overated & with some will help very little. Better than having non, but NOT a cure all for those that are a physical turn off to women. BUt hey, 150+ hr will get you lots of compliments.
Partyman, you may have already mentioned it but how tall are you? And are you overweight? If so by how much? Do you have a good career or make a good yearly income?


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
For me, I tend to look for small, visual clues when making eye contact with women. Being a short, overweight, Asian male, I get a quick look away from her at best, and a disgusted look at worst.

I observed them when I see then look at average or tall men. Their reactions are more flirty, with a smile, or brush of the hair.

As I go through life with these experiences, it gets harder to try everyday.
Be more assertive. Yes with your outward appearance you are not going to get many great first impressions. But you can still win them over with words.

If you or any average guy is waiting for signals it could be a long while. Even if she isn't sending signals no harm trying to talk to her. Maybe it's because of the context of the situation that she is not sending out signals.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
So far Evil has stopped responding to me and I'm pretty sure Partyman has as well. So I'm probably talking to no one. :)

But take a look at their behaviour. When questioned or met with someone with a conflicting belief they choose to ignore it. And let's be fair I have been far from mean or rude by terb or general social conventions.

These guys spend so much time telling themselves that their position is hopeless that they can't believe anything else anymore. This thread has gone on for quite some time with many men and some women all offering support rather than put downs and they still can't get over it.

Heard an interesting fictitious story recently here's the jist.......

an old man is in serious debt. an ugly old woman offers him to pay for the debt but his son must marry her. the woman offers them a choice

a) draw from a bag with a white pebble and a black pebble.
-if a white pebble is drawn she will pay the debt and leave them alone
-if a black pebble is drawn she will pay the debt but the som must marry her

b) not draw from the bag and the father will go to jail for defaulting on his debts

the woman bends down and picks up two pebble to place in the bag. what she doesn't realize is that hte son sees that she has purposely pickd up two black pebbles.

now the boy has a dilemna.

he coolly reaches into the bag and draws a pebble but "accidentally" drops it on the ground where it is mixed with all the other rocks and pebbles on the ground.

he then says "oh well if you look into the bag you will see that a black stone remains, therefore I drew the white stone."

the woman not wanting to admit that the tried to cheat them paid the debt and left.

Moral of the story: even an unbeatable situtaiton can have a solution..... you just have to think outside the box.

The guys who have given up. If they are happy that's awesome. You don't have to date if you are cool with your life. But for those who have put up barriers and excuses you need to think outside the box.

There are plenty of guys here who do okay and aren\t that much different from you. In fact probably more similar than different.

This is one case where being unhappy is a choice because even if you fail at dating you don't have to look at the situation and be unhappy about getting out there and giving it a try.


Nov 13, 2011
I really don't want to make this thread about me. that is why I have layed back Frankcastle. I don't want to crowd out others. I have read the advice & appreciate. Thanks :) It was of a general nature for various types of guys to throw in their imput , answering the thread question BUT for those who must know I am 5'7".5 , athletic, buff. Not crazy, steroid but but can shake those peck muscles. abs but not ripped. In the healthy range of body fat, lean but not ripped.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
I really don't want to make this thread about me. that is why I have layed back Frankcastle. I don't want to crowd out others. I have read the advice & appreciate. Thanks :) It was of a general nature for various types of guys to throw in their imput , answering the thread question BUT for those who must know I am 5'7".5 , athletic, buff. Not crazy, steroid but but can shake those peck muscles. abs but not ripped. In the healthy range of body fat, lean but not ripped.
Oh I see a man with restraint! You don't get 6000 posts by just listening...... obviously I wouldn't understand your approach. lol

Dude on paper those are average to decent stats. If you mileage is good I might take you out for a big piece of meat....... oh and we might get some food too.

So perhaps lost in the shuffle but what do you attribute your long odds to. Because your general appearance doesn't sound to be a problem.


Off TERB indefinitely
Oct 31, 2010
I really don't want to make this thread about me. that is why I have layed back Frankcastle. I don't want to crowd out others. I have read the advice & appreciate. Thanks :) It was of a general nature for various types of guys to throw in their imput , answering the thread question BUT for those who must know I am 5'7".5 , athletic, buff. Not crazy, steroid but but can shake those peck muscles. abs but not ripped. In the healthy range of body fat, lean but not ripped.
Did you miss all of the posts about confidence being a big deal and physical characteristics not being a big deal?


Nov 13, 2011
No I have not. A couple posts back I mentioned I have fairly decent confidence. Not a shy guy. perhaps lacking in the humour or carisma department. But a good conversationalist & not shy. Sorry frankcastle I am fairly new & your last statement totally confused me. I did not think it good idea to dominate the thread. But hey, you want to meet up some time.... sure.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
No I have not. A couple posts back I mentioned I have fairly decent confidence. Not a shy guy. perhaps lacking in the humour or carisma department. But a good conversationalist & not shy. Sorry frankcastle I am fairly new & your last statement totally confused me. I did not think it good idea to dominate the thread. But hey, you want to meet up some time.... sure.
Nah it was just a joke that we could have a gay encounter.

BTW anyone seen a movie called GameON was browsing piratebay and found a documentary with that title and based on description sounds like a vid on PUA.

Not for me but for free some guys might find that interesting.


Nov 13, 2011
Keep in mind as with most species, females are the mate selectors & due to the current norms of attractiveness & mating desirability it is very clear who among us is weeded out.


Off TERB indefinitely
Oct 31, 2010
First man that made me thing "I need to get to know this man" was from the way he handled a Maitre D. Pure confidence.
Work your way up to Hy's, Canoe, etc.
How does one *not* handle a Maitre D with confidence? What exactly did this guy do?
Feb 8, 2012
No I have not. A couple posts back I mentioned I have fairly decent confidence. Not a shy guy. perhaps lacking in the humour or carisma department. But a good conversationalist & not shy. Sorry frankcastle I am fairly new & your last statement totally confused me. I did not think it good idea to dominate the thread. But hey, you want to meet up some time.... sure.
Where is your confidence?


Nov 13, 2011
" were is your confidence " Sorry dude, not sure what you are really asking. Gathering you are refuting I have non ? If so, you come to this conclusion based on what, despite never meeting ( knowing me ) ? If confidence is not shy, able to approach & converse with people, date etc without nervousness etc, then I have confidence. If by confidence you mean having humour, & charisma, then I have not much & these traits are not just quickly learned & most will say are an integral part of your personality. You got it or don't. Lots of us are not neccessarily humourous or charismatic. If that is needed for the short, ugly, short/ugly guys THEN some of us are truely DOOMED.:Eek:


New member
Jul 13, 2009
I am just curious to know how many guys go this route because they gave up on dating figuring they are just too unattractive to a vast majority of women. AND what traits make you that way: way too ugly, hidiously fat, short, a nationality that too few in this country find desirable? I myself am one of those guys BUT NOT going to say what traits make me undesirable to 98% of women BECAUSE I do not want to influence the direction of this conversation. Maybe later on. P.S. Not implying there is not other reasons for hobbying, just curios about how many for this reason & what makes you that unattractive.
" were is your confidence " Sorry dude, not sure what you are really asking. Gathering you are refuting I have non ? If so, you come to this conclusion based on what, despite never meeting ( knowing me ) ?
He's probably basing it on your OP (maybe not having read everything else in this thread)!
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