Bruce Lee was a great martial artist in a very tough discipline to master, but he was also a champion in another discipline, what was it?
It comes from the violin string, so-called. The ladies garment was originally seen to be no less revealing than such a string.What does the G in g-string string stand for?
Bruce Lee was a great martial artist in a very tough discipline to master, but he was also a champion in another discipline, what was it?
This was probably one of the calendar days lost when they converted from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian. The Julian calendar had a leap year every four years, and the Gregorian calendar omits leap years in century years that are not multiples of 400.We know the Labour Day holiday didn't exist back then but absolutely nothing happened in London September 3, 1752. And when I say nothing happened, that's exactly what I mean: Nothing at all happened there on that date. Why?
Answer :What is the percentage of people on earth that has never received or made a telephone call?
Carol ChanningWho was the first big name celebrity musical act to perform halftime at the Super Bowl?
That joke was old when I first heard it in the 60s. But it's a classic of it's kind.Ba-dum-bum.
Chuck Norris has an unlikely business in a unlikely place, what is it and where is it?
I believe he was a barber.What did Charlie Brown's father do for a living?