How many of you GAVE UP on dating figuring your just too undesirable to women?


Apr 26, 2009
what about income and education, I myself lack both! Though, I shouldn't let prevent me from approaching women.

However, may get an inheritence in the future, so things may be improving for me in the future. As long as a man has money he can get women!

how important is money to women?

One of the reasons for my lack of dating is the graveyard shift. I was just too tired to bother, it even cut down on my hobbling for over two years. however, back on the morning shift !!! Woot !!!


Jul 2, 2010
what about income and education, I myself lack both! Though, I shouldn't let prevent me from approaching women.

However, may get an inheritence in the future, so things may be improving for me in the future. As long as a man has money he can get women!

how important is money to women?

One of the reasons for my lack of dating is the graveyard shift. I was just too tired to bother, it even cut down on my hobbling for over two years. however, back on the morning shift !!! Woot !!!

To be honest, beats me.
But...a quote from a guy in australia...

My unemployed good-looking male friend, who has been unemployed now for 13 years, goes on heaps of casual dates and is serious with 2 girls at once. They don't care that he hasn't got money, but he has the looks though, and it seems that's all they're into in him. His personality is that which one would consider a "wimp", "suck-up" or babyish for a bloke in his mid 30s. He talks to women as if they were all little baby girls. Yet he gets heaps of dates, is in a relationship with 2 women at once, and fucks like a rabbit.


Oct 1, 2011
evilbaga if a lady is interested in you, she is interested in you. Take it at face value. Never mind any other guys. AND if she is so flakey to be soon after, interested in some other guys, then she is not worth it. I myself fall short of 6' , but had 2 girlfriends 6'. Height not an issue for me nor them. I have no problem dating a taller woman BUT stats indicate only 1-2% of couples were the woman is taller SO unlikely to happen that I don't approach taller women. Evilbaga I think you create/ conjour up issues when they are not really there.
I remember that cute-bald also said he had a girlfriend who was 6 feet (maybe two such girlfriends). Hmmm.....


Can't Touch This
Apr 9, 2010
Wandering Aimlessly
When I peruse dating websites, very few men indicate a willingness to date a woman taller than himself. So please don't just blame the women for that dismal statistic.

Everyone has issues...I'm a middle-aged twice-divorced woman. Statistically, I'm pretty sure I'm more likely to get hit in the head by a falling asteroid than I am to ever find love again. I'm not particularly beautiful or well-educated or wealthy, and by nature I'm kind of shy, so it would be easy to write myself off and start collecting cats. But I don't want to do that...statistics may tell me I'm going to die alone, but if that happens I don't want it to be because I gave up. I'd much rather go down swinging, and be able to look back knowing I tried to fight the odds.

I could say a lot more, but I have a workout to do. I'm engaged in a spectacular battle against gravity, and it's a ruthless opponent. :frown:


Jul 2, 2010
When I peruse dating websites, very few men indicate a willingness to date a woman taller than himself. So please don't just blame the women for that dismal statistic.
Absolutely - Im terrified at the thought, as Ive mentioned - for whatever slew of reasons.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
asked a female friend and she said how the guy treats her and how he makes her feel is most important.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
my girl is 5'1" tall and 100 pounds and smoking hot. i am 6' tall and slightly under 300 pounds. i got the long hair and long goatee and look like a biker, she is into fashion and high end stuff. you just got to have faith in your own ability, a little confidence and learn how to treat a woman with respect and you can get whatever the fuck you want.


Jun 6, 2009
my girl is 5'1" tall and 100 pounds and smoking hot. i am 6' tall and slightly under 300 pounds. i got the long hair and long goatee and look like a biker, she is into fashion and high end stuff. you just got to have faith in your own ability, a little confidence and learn how to treat a woman with respect and you can get whatever the fuck you want.
See, anyone can do it. Just joshin' Si.


Nov 13, 2011
Why should we doubt you would attract ladies. Sounds like you could be ruggedly handsome. AND you are tall too. I have known many a girl who is a fashionista, couldn't care less that I am fashionable & date slobs. I see 2 types of guys that are always single even into their 40's. Those that are , stand out of the crowd ugly & short guys. No they are not painfully shy or lack self confidence. I am particularly thinking of these singles dating get together type parties. Go & watch the dynamics, keeping particular attention to how the ladies interect ( body language, time spent talking to ) the guys there that are very ugly or short ( if there is any there at that event). Note: my observations are not just limited to these events but also decades of life experience.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Heres a looks POV...

Quote Originally Posted by random dude on another website
***** bashes the looks crowd for being focused on a single issue, while at the same time being focused on another single issue, personality. I think focusing on any one thing is ridiculous, but if I had to put money on one thing it would be looks. How do you explain the success of guys like o***e (who is a member here) According to him he never changed his personality, all he did was go from being overweight to having a fitness model body and his success with women went from the basement to through the roof almost overnight. I remember one of his quotes because I think of it everyday, he said "raise your looks to a 7 or above in womens eyes and they will start to treat you differently, I guarantee it". I know the truth of this statement because I have seen it personally. I have a friend who was overweight in high school and never had any success with women. He became addicted, and I do mean addicted, to working out after high school, he's now an amateur bodybuilder and has been in a couple state contests. Believe me, his personality never changed, but he became successful with women once he lost the weight. If he's wearing the right clothes it's obvious he has a lot of muscle and low body fat, his face also looks better because it's leaner. He has the same nice guy personality he always has but he became very successful with women when he got in shape. He's married now but had about a dozen girlfriends before he met his wife. And here's the thing, in every relationship, these women approached him. He's never made the first move.

When I hang out with him I see the reactions he gets from women. They smile as soon as they see him, they lean in when talking to him, they play with their hair and other flirty shit. We were at a restaurant recently and the waitress came to the table to ask how the meal was, she walked up to his side of the table, looked only at him, smiled, and asked in an overly feminine way if he needed anything, he told her he was fine and she told him to call her if there's anything she can do for him, then she walked away without so much as looking at me. The tone of her voice changed when she talked to him, it was more high pitched. He never got this kind of attention when he was overweight, and I assure you he's not a douchebag or bad boy. He plays D&D and is a stereotypical nerd, but he looks like he stepped off the cover of a fitness magazine. His wife has said on several occasions that she was more attracted to him when she found out he was shy and nerdy, because she expected an arrogant nature that would make it hard to develop a close relationship.

I have personally seen someone improve their looks, while keeping the same personality, go from being incel to having the kind of success with women most men dream about.
I think this is basically the line that separates nice guys from 'bad boys'. nice guys pamper girls with gifts, compliments for their attention and affections, etc.

bad boys get showered with attention, advances from multiple girls, thus taking them for granted, treating them like sh*t, cheats on her, beating them up when he gets jealous, possessive, gets drunk, etc etc. and yet she stays. Why? cause she's attracted to his build/looks and hopes to change him.

EDIT: evilbaga, what website did this guy post this on? can i read the thread he posted on?


Jun 6, 2009
Why should we doubt you would attract ladies. Sounds like you could be ruggedly handsome. AND you are tall too. I have known many a girl who is a fashionista, couldn't care less that I am fashionable & date slobs. I see 2 types of guys that are always single even into their 40's. Those that are , stand out of the crowd ugly & short guys. No they are not painfully shy or lack self confidence. I am particularly thinking of these singles dating get together type parties. Go & watch the dynamics, keeping particular attention to how the ladies interect ( body language, time spent talking to ) the guys there that are very ugly or short ( if there is any there at that event). Note: my observations are not just limited to these events but also decades of life experience.
You 'have' to be C&B with a new handle. Same logic, same excuses, and same whine.

Those 'slobs' obviously have something going for them because it sure isn't their appearance. They have a job, their own place, a positive personality; you choose? Hang around Debbie Downers and they drag you down with them.


New member
Dec 31, 2003
How about everyone stops posting in this thread (yes, I realize the irony) and just lets this thread die?
Nothing of value has been said in awhile, this is thread is more about partyman and evilbraga's copious amount of issues than anything else and no one's views are going to be changed. The bitter people will continue blaming statistics and gender bias and everything else for their problems, and the rest of us will continue living our lives


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
How about everyone stops posting in this thread (yes, I realize the irony) and just lets this thread die?
Nothing of value has been said in awhile, this is thread is more about partyman and evilbraga's copious amount of issues than anything else and no one's views are going to be changed. The bitter people will continue blaming statistics and gender bias and everything else for their problems, and the rest of us will continue living our lives
you first.


Nov 13, 2011
blackrock13, get out of your house & expand your horizons. There is a bigger world out their than just the one in here. My views are not unique & thus " have to be c&b " Sounds like you are obsessed with this guy. NEWS FLASH: just check out on the net. I share the view of millions out there. Nothing unique to my ideas. THIS IS my last post on this thread because it is right, I & I think others really have no more to contribute to this thread. Been beaten to death!:Eek:


Jun 6, 2009
blackrock13, get out of your house & expand your horizons. There is a bigger world out their than just the one in here. My views are not unique & thus " have to be c&b " Sounds like you are obsessed with this guy. NEWS FLASH: just check out on the net. I share the view of millions out there. Nothing unique to my ideas. THIS IS my last post on this thread because it is right, I & I think others really have no more to contribute to this thread. Been beaten to death!:Eek:
I never said your views were unique. Millions? You've perused millions of people posts on this subject. As for the C&B, he was the consummate whiner about being short, went on for months about all the studies and research, and went to so as getting leg lengthening surgery, giving us update from Germany. We never heard of his successes on the dating scene afterwards so it was clear he still needed a personality transplant as well. He eventually went off the end of the dock about some other thing and was sent to banned camp.


Jun 6, 2009
How about everyone stops posting in this thread (yes, I realize the irony) and just lets this thread die?
Nothing of value has been said in awhile, this is thread is more about partyman and evilbraga's copious amount of issues than anything else and no one's views are going to be changed. The bitter people will continue blaming statistics and gender bias and everything else for their problems, and the rest of us will continue living our lives
you first.
Apparently PM is first, or so he says.
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