Evilbaga: please clarify the " ...and is yet short that confidence ...." My point exactly. If you are socially aware , & I am, you can notice the subtle idicators of interest from women. I am part of that 20-30 % that does not meet the minimum standard of attractiveness. I see more men like me around than women. Women are by far more selective/picky. Fat ugly women even manage to get half decent looking mates if they live life a little & don't hide in the house. Sure, they got it hard. YUP there is 20-30% of us guys who are totally out of the pickings.
Fat ugly women even manage to get half decent looking mates if they live life a little & don't hide in the house.
Its not just that fat ugly women get half decent mates - its that for women as a whole, they would rather be celibate (or get ONSs if possible) than be with someone they are not attracted to. On the other hand, a significant percentage of men would take anything. Hypergamy is the word.
If you are socially aware , & I am, you can notice the subtle idicators of interest from women.
Perhaps it doesn't apply to all women, but when a woman likes you, from what I see, she generally isn't that subtle about it. Hide it from others, yes. Subtle with you, no.
Like the three guys I know - if you dont get these IOIs first, your chance of making headway are close to 0%. Its not talked about much because its deeply shameful to men to admit that they are so powerless in such a vital area.
please clarify the " ...and is yet short that confidence ...."
Im not sure what you mean but... (whine-fest/bitch-to-brag ahead - you have been warned)
*I grew up in the Middle East in a sex segregated school. Plus the culture was one that talking to women is evil/taboo/you name it.
*It was also illegal to have a job. That lack of independence can f**k you up in subtle ways.
*When I first came to the west, it was at an alcohol fueled dormitory at the age of 17. I actually ended up attempting suicide while on drugs (as you can guess I survived). Yet here, I had quite a few women interested in me... though I couldn't comprehend why. A stickler was most wanted a relationship, while people in the next room were having all out sex with multiple partners, while I was thinking virginity or even celibacy was special.
*Men bully shorter men. Men double bully shorter men who they think women like.
So, theoretically I could get confidence and get a girl or something, but apart from not knowing how... Im not sure the game is worth it.