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Ending Violence Against Women: Remembering Ecole Polytechnique


Jan 31, 2005
Fucking your mother's asshole and making your daddy lick the shit off.
I see the problem here, you're on the wrong board. You were looking for tNrb, not tErb, this is the ESCORT review board you are looking for the NECROPHILIACS review board. I mean, my mom's been dead over 10 years, you're into some weird shit. To each his own, but it sounds like you got some sort of brain infection out of it.


Nov 7, 2011
I see the problem here, you're on the wrong board. You were looking for tNrb, not tErb, this is the ESCORT review board you are looking for the NECROPHILIACS review board. I mean, my mom's been dead over 10 years, you're into some weird shit. To each his own, but it sounds like you got some sort of brain infection out of it.
AHAHHAHA. YAYYYYYY Fuji our cheap ass white knight. You so funny. You go boy,


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2010


Aug 19, 2001
29,000 feet and climbing
I think we are all missing the point of Nathalie's original post.

Violence against women in any way shape or form is strictly wrong and we have lots of work to do to change the perception of women's equality.

Equality means basic human rights, proper pay equality, equal opportunities for career advancement, non-sexist perception in the advertising and commerical world.

Yes, Canada is likely better than most countries.

No, this is not a debate about gun control and registry (although that is a worthy debate for another forum).

No, this is not a debate about religious beliefs and values.

We all need to treat the women in our lives (mothers, sisters, girlfriends, colleagues, wives and partners, and yes, SPs, with the full respect and dignity that all women and all humans deserve.

Lots of improvement needs to be made.

End of story.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
It is peculiar how seldom it is mentioned that Marc Lépine (Gamil Rodrigue Liass Gharbi - he took a new given name and his mother's maiden name when he was 14) was the product of a highly abusive and dysfunctional marriage, that his father was highly disrespectful of women, and that he was brought up in a violent household devoid of any positive religious influence. Yet none of these are seemingly considered as important as the fact he had a firearm.

I can agree with more than what you stated. It was Lepine's family background not access to firearm that made
him the psychopath he was. That said, society can at most play a rather limited role in improving parenthood
whereas strict control of firearm is something that can be implemented. You won't find a country in Asia where
a psychopath can just buy a machine gun to kill like Lepine did. Surely Korea, Japan , Taiwan and Singapore must have their share of dysfunctional families in their societies. But Lepine would not likely have acquired
any weapons more deadly than a pistol in those countries.


Apr 24, 2005
But Lepine would not likely have acquired any
weapons more deadly than a pistol in those countries.
Of course, gun owners will counter-argue that if Lepine couldn't get a gun he would have killed 14 women with a plastic knife.


New member
Jun 22, 2010
Seriously just shut the fuck up you fat fuck.
Statcan is fucking only what GETS REPORTED you dumb fucking shut in bitch.
Any man who actually has a girlfriend knows how woman are.
You pay for sex. You have no life, no attachments and no grasp on reality you fat douche bag.
Your life is online. You have no say. You are a low life loser like 99% of this board.
Hey look we got a 1% ter here....when you call people names does that not say a lot about your character...stick to the facts name calling is very childish behavour:)


Jan 31, 2005
Of course, gun owners will counter-argue that if Lepine couldn't get a gun he would have killed 14 women with a plastic knife.
The laws that were enacted in the aftermath wouldn't stop anybody from doing what he did. Maybe some other laws would, but not the laws that were implemented.

He was a law abiding citizen up until he committed mass murder, so there was no real obstacle to him getting a gun license, and therefore owning a Mini 14 that was properly registered with the long gun registry.

The law restricting the magazine on his Mini 14 to five rounds rather than the thirty round magazine he had doesn't strike me as effective either: Someone who is willing to commit mass murder probably won't be too worried that dremelling out the rivet that blocks their magazine at five rounds is illegal.

Even if you went further than the law and made the Mini 14 a "restricted" firearm, the way that the AR-15 is, I can't see someone intent on mass murder being too concerned that they are transporting their restricted firearm to the site of their intended crime without having first called the nice ladies at Mirimichi to get the appropriate authorization to transport paperwork faxed over.


Nov 20, 2006
and 99% will know harassment or violence of some kind at the hands of men.
Is there any guy out there who can claim they have never known harassment or violence of some kind, by either gender.

In school I had a fat chick kick me, had a hot chick swing her purse over my head breaking a bottle. I've also as an adult had a mannish manatee slap me in the face.

I mean really, what sort of sheltered life do you have to have lived to be in that 1%.

But I guess if you a female target, its wrong.

Also as for the 2/3 sexual assault, I wonder how loosely its defined and by those definitions how many guys would qualify.


Jan 31, 2005
FatOne, a hard and very cold fact is that three times as many women as men are murdered by their spouses. It's not the same. There is, unfortunately, no gender equality in domestic violence today.


Active member
May 25, 2002
It is biased and fraudulent reporting fuji. And you know that.
The statistics indicate that in cases of IPV specifically, both genders are equally represented, and in violence generally, women are just as capable of being the perpetrators. The OP is insultingly simplistic.
And linking it to the personal tragedy of the women and their families to promote a political agenda is in poor taste.
I would suggest the OP confront their misandry and ignorance before coming in here and spewing a lot of nonsense.
There is another statistic that is note quoted much and supressed i.e. in the vast majority of cases of domestic violence the woman is the instigator -- but the man gets charged


Active member
May 25, 2002
Is there any guy out there who can claim they have never known harassment or violence of some kind, by either gender.

In school I had a fat chick kick me, had a hot chick swing her purse over my head breaking a bottle. I've also as an adult had a mannish manatee slap me in the face.

I mean really, what sort of sheltered life do you have to have lived to be in that 1%.

But I guess if you a female target, its wrong.

Also as for the 2/3 sexual assault, I wonder how loosely its defined and by those definitions how many guys would qualify.

some of the experts consider consentual sex as an action of violence against women


Active member
May 25, 2002
I think we are all missing the point of Nathalie's original post.

Violence against women in any way shape or form is strictly wrong and we have lots of work to do to change the perception of women's equality.

Equality means basic human rights, proper pay equality, equal opportunities for career advancement, non-sexist perception in the advertising and commerical world.

Yes, Canada is likely better than most countries.

No, this is not a debate about gun control and registry (although that is a worthy debate for another forum).

No, this is not a debate about religious beliefs and values.

We all need to treat the women in our lives (mothers, sisters, girlfriends, colleagues, wives and partners, and yes, SPs, with the full respect and dignity that all women and all humans deserve.

Lots of improvement needs to be made.

End of story.

But violence is okay -- how many tv shows have you seen some fiesty old bat beating on a man and were supposed to laugh.

Also when we are quoting statistics on violence against women how are the following factored in and adjusted -- guys found guilty under now discredited investigative method, --- false testimony by female social worker who testified in 100 trials (plus how many accusations where plea arrangement avoided trial) -- how many acts of violence on women were acts of self defence by men but the man gets charged --- how many are just plain false accusations


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
The man-hating cottage industry and its enablers are not interested in your legitimate queries.


Apr 24, 2005
Women tend to engage in a lot more verbal abuse (maybe because they are shorter and smaller) but abuse is abuse.


Jan 31, 2005
But violence is okay -- how many tv shows have you seen some fiesty old bat beating on a man and were supposed to laugh.

Also when we are quoting statistics on violence against women how are the following factored in and adjusted -- guys found guilty under now discredited investigative method, --- false testimony by female social worker who testified in 100 trials (plus how many accusations where plea arrangement avoided trial) -- how many acts of violence on women were acts of self defence by men but the man gets charged --- how many are just plain false accusations
This its why it's best to stick with the murder statistic. Murders are much more thoroughly investigated and carefully prosecuted, and the reporting rate of murders is near 100%, since you don't get police officers brushing off charges as no big deal when there's a dead body.

The murder stat is that men murder women three times more often than the other way around. It's then reasonable to assume that the rates of serious assaults is similar to the rates of murders, and so on.

You can't escape the fact of violence against women by playing the tired old game of saying any statistic is questionable. It's a real problem, and you're in denial about it.


New member
Feb 27, 2006
This its why it's best to stick with the murder statistic. Murders are much more thoroughly investigated and carefully prosecuted, and the reporting rate of murders is near 100%, since you don't get police officers brushing off charges as no big deal when there's a dead body.

The murder stat is that men murder women three times more often than the other way around. It's then reasonable to assume that the rates of serious assaults is similar to the rates of murders, and so on.

You can't escape the fact of violence against women by playing the tired old game of saying any statistic is questionable. It's a real problem, and you're in denial about it.
No, it is NOT reasonable to make that assumption!
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