Ending Violence Against Women: Remembering Ecole Polytechnique


New member
Feb 27, 2006

Barbara Kay: A new front opens in the hate campaign against men

"Today, December 6, is the anniversary of the horrific 1989 Montreal Massacre, in which 14 women were murdered at Montreal’s Polytéchnique.

It cannot be stressed enough that the tragedy was the act of a deranged loner, and a unique event in Canada’s history. The event displayed no characteristics of “domestic” violence: The women were strangers to the gunman. And yet since that day ideologues have created an industry whose message is bruited through the educational system and parroted by every politically correct man and woman in public office throughout our land and indeed in all nations of the West through the heavily-funded White Ribbon campaign: namely, that domestic violence runs rampant against women – all of whom are blameless victims – and that all men, driven by an inherent need to control women, are potential abusers..."


New member
Oct 12, 2010
What started with good intentions has turned into a zero sum system. Some examples, demonizing healthy young male behavior (play fighting), wrongful accusations scare away male teachers and role models, schools are not taking into account differences between the genders and so on.

The Globe and Mail felt the situation was severe enough to bring to attention.


There's also some great books on the subject as well.
That is some really interesting stuff. Thanks for the link.


New member
Feb 27, 2006
On this day in 1989, a young man murdered 14 women at a college in Montreal; the sole reason being that they were women. He so strongly believed in male superiority that he blamed those women - all women - for taking what he believed to be his "rightful place".

Today vigils are being held across Canada and around the world in remembrance and in action to speak out against all violence that women experience in our communities. This violence has reached epidemic proportions, where 2/3 women will experience sexual assault in their lifetime, and 99% will know harassment or violence of some kind at the hands of men.

Women of colour, indigenous women, migrant women, women with disabilities, queer women, and, important to TERB, sex workers face a particular kind if socially-sanctioned violence.

I hope that everyone takes a moment to remeber the women we have lost, consider their own misogyny, question the pervasive misogyny in our society (the wage gap, sexual harrassment, sexist portrayals of women), and most importantly speaks out against these injustices in any way possible.

For a video on the issue, see CBC archives: http://archives.cbc.ca/society/crime_justice/topics/398/
You need to stop referring to statistics.


Jan 31, 2005
What a load of bunk.
What's bunk? You think violence against women is bunk, that it doesn't happen? I think there is a fair point that boys are being let down by the educational system, and I think it's fair to quibble about this or that statistic--but fundamentally we do live in a society where there is far too much violence against women, and I do mean women. There are forms of violence that a great many women are commonly subjected to that most men simply are not.

The OP wrote that 2/3rds of women are subjected to "some form" of violence or sexual assault. Plainly that depends on how you define "sexual assault", but really, are you saying it is not a problem if we choose slightly different definitions and it turns out only a third of women are being subjected? Or a fifth? I know the lobby groups like to pump up their numbers, but even if you fall back to "conservative" definitions of violence and sexual assault it's a pretty big problem.


New member
Feb 27, 2006
It is biased and fraudulent reporting fuji. And you know that.
The statistics indicate that in cases of IPV specifically, both genders are equally represented, and in violence generally, women are just as capable of being the perpetrators. The OP is insultingly simplistic.
And linking it to the personal tragedy of the women and their families to promote a political agenda is in poor taste.
I would suggest the OP confront their misandry and ignorance before coming in here and spewing a lot of nonsense.


Jan 31, 2005
It is biased and fraudulent reporting fuji. And you know that.
Is it your belief that violence against women is not a problem? My point is that if you correct the definitions back to what people would intuitively think of as "sexual assault" and "violence" then it's still a big problem. Trying to brush it off because some lobbyist exaggerated a statistic is evasive to me.

in violence generally, women are just as capable of being the perpetrators.
"Capable" is a weasel word. Of course we are all "capable" of violence. The reality, though, is that far more women than men are murdered by their partners, for example. And not just a little--women are THREE TIMES more likely to be murdered by their spouse. Murder is one of those things where the definition doesn't have much wiggle room in it, and is generally considered a good index of other sorts of violent crime. Meaning that we can conclude reasonably that women are also suffering serious assaults three times more often, whether reported or not, and so on.

And then there's cases like this:



New member
Jun 22, 2010
The incident was a big factor in setting up a gun registry, now it's been dismantled by the current generation of misogynist politicians.
Very unpopular move in Quebec in general and for women across Canada.
Where do you get this shit from. Do you get to decide when its okay to be stereotypical to further you dumb fucking opinions. It is a waste of money because criminals do not register guns and we now have politicians with balls who do the right thing not placating silly special interest groups that live in a city and they think they know whats best for everyone else like you think their really really good people....news flash...your not!!


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
Is it your belief that violence against women is not a problem? My point is that if you correct the definitions back to what people would intuitively think of as "sexual assault" and "violence" then it's still a big problem. Trying to brush it off because some lobbyist exaggerated a statistic is evasive to me.

"Capable" is a weasel word. Of course we are all "capable" of violence. The reality, though, is that far more women than men are murdered by their partners, for example. And not just a little--women are THREE TIMES more likely to be murdered by their spouse. Murder is one of those things where the definition doesn't have much wiggle room in it, and is generally considered a good index of other sorts of violent crime. Meaning that we can conclude reasonably that women are also suffering serious assaults three times more often, whether reported or not, and so on.

And then there's cases like this:

i hate to get into this argument but men are more likely to be murdered in Canada by a three to one margin. Women are more likely to be murdered by their spouse but overall, the number of men murdered each year is typically three times the rate of women being killed.


Jan 31, 2005
The girl murdered by her dad and mother was murdered in Canada by Canadians, and as such ending violence against women by immigrant communities is a Canadian problem.

This is on top of the problem that regular ordinary Canadians murder and assault their wives (three times more often than the other way around).


Jan 31, 2005
deadwood if I had based the stat on assaults your claim that it is a reporting problem might have some merit, but as I've based the stat on murders, where reporting is far more bulletproof, you have no basis for your statements.

As for your disgusting bigotry, I'll leave it to others to judge you, and reach what conclusions they will about the intellect of bigots.


Jan 31, 2005
Happy to oblige:

Statistics Canada said:
Women continue to be about three times more likely to be victims of spousal homicide than men. In 2009, 49 women were killed by a current or former spouse, 4 more than in 2008, while 15 men were killed by a spouse, 2 fewer than in 2008. In addition, there was 1 same-sex spousal homicide.


Jan 31, 2005
I think you've just been judged and found wanting, deadwood. You've nicely demonstrated that you don't have the intellectual capacity to continue this discussion, so you've resorted to inventing insults. Moreover in your rage you've managed to insult the entire board--well done!

For the record, murders have a 100% reporting rate because somebody has to account for the dead body. It's only assaults and lesser crimes that have a reporting issue, because unlike dead bodies, bruises can be covered up or explained away.


Apr 14, 2011
I think you've just been judged and found wanting, deadwood. You've nicely demonstrated that you don't have the intellectual capacity to continue this discussion, so you've resorted to inventing insults. Moreover in your rage you've managed to insult the entire board--well done!

For the record, murders have a 100% reporting rate because somebody has to account for the dead body. It's only assaults and lesser crimes that have a reporting issue, because unlike dead bodies, bruises can be covered up or explained away.
i think deadwood is just flaming....he'll be banned soon fuji


Nov 7, 2011
I think you've just been judged and found wanting, deadwood. You've nicely demonstrated that you don't have the intellectual capacity to continue this discussion, so you've resorted to inventing insults. Moreover in your rage you've managed to insult the entire board--well done!

For the record, murders have a 100% reporting rate because somebody has to account for the dead body. It's only assaults and lesser crimes that have a reporting issue, because unlike dead bodies, bruises can be covered up or explained away.
Just STFU u pussy. U are a lonely loser who spends all day here. Get a fucking life or do what you think of all day- KILL URSELF BITCH.


Jan 31, 2005
Bye bye deadwood, you won't be missed!

For the record I've been married >10 years to a prettier woman than you will ever date. Enjoy porn.


Nov 7, 2011
Bye bye deadwood, you won't be missed!

For the record I've been married >10 years to a prettier woman than you will ever date. Enjoy porn.
That's why u spend all day here huh fat fuck lonely loser? GFY bitch. You ain't foolin none shut in.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
It is peculiar how seldom it is mentioned that Marc Lépine (Gamil Rodrigue Liass Gharbi - he took a new given name and his mother's maiden name when he was 14) was the product of a highly abusive and dysfunctional marriage, that his father was highly disrespectful of women, and that he was brought up in a violent household devoid of any positive religious influence. Yet none of these are seemingly considered as important as the fact he had a firearm.
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