Here are some goofs by Relic:
Relic said:
To answer your question yes, there are some huge grain producers in Eastern Canada (who incidentally have been very successful without the CWB).
Turned out to be false. Eastern Canada produces only a tiny fraction of the grain produced in the West.
Relic said:
Most experts agree however that the government run CWB will never be able to compete on the free market.
Not only is this wrong, but it is both explicitly and implicitly wrong. For starters, the CWB is not run by the government, so no experts would be saying this.
Relic said:
The ending of the CWB will allow the farmers to sell to one of the biggest markets in the world, namely the USA.
Whereas in reality the US is a net exporter of grain and not a significant export market. You would have to be pants on head stupid not to realize that we primarily sell to countries that are net importers of wheat.
Relic said:
Lets say that China wants a few containers of wheat. Are they forced to buy the wheat from the CWB? Of course not, they can buy wheat from thousands of brokers around the world.
In fact the CWB represents 20% of the world export market in wheat, and its policies directly impact global wheat pricing. Yes, China can go and deal with the other 80% but control over 20% of the supply is sufficient to set prices, whereas Ontario farmers are price takers.
You ran away from all these points and never bothered trying to reply because you are just a blowhard.
Then you come back and say you won the debate??? When ALL of your points were wrong, and you were unable to reply to ANY criticisms?
You are pathetic, like a Republican version of Groggy or something.