Pickering Angels

Strippers getting hassled at the border.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Oh I know hassles can be a bitch, I got bored with visiting Windsor for a few hours on each trip after about 10 years, ha ha. I went all the time back in the late 90's cause I got hooked on those 222's pills. Was usually OK--this is pre 9/11.

Sometime after 9/11 and after still visiting Windsor a few times at least each year--I got off those 222's after US customs found a bottle and blew a gasket cause I told them I forgot it till I was asked flat out while he was sending me to secondary check--customs ask, "you sure there is no drugs in your car?" i go oh yea, I bought these...oh he was so pissed.

US customs was going to send me back in to Canada to get a refund--wtf--I told them no way, throw it away, I got to get on my way--US customs then handed me back my 200 pills--very cool and I cut those pills so small till I no longer craved them.

SOOOOO, one day I thought hey I go to Toronto for a few nights. No sweat, Canada customs is always cool.

The interview started normal till I said I was going to Toronto, I could tell right then there was a problem by how the officer acted--started writing.

So on to secondary, I get my luggage check out and car looked at normally, I traveled before out of town and was pack correctly for my stay. I think I passed that just fine so on inside.

Some old lady officer starting asking me so many questions, like what happens if you get hurt--i got no insurance but do have credit cards with $10,000 or more limits and carry no balance, so I said I could pay for my treatment by credit cards.

Long story short, she gave up after over 10 mins of a reason not to let me in. She kind of sighed as she wrote on the slip to let me pass. But then she act nice and wished me luck on my trip and I thanked her.

Looking back she was just being careful. I had no idea how different Toronto would be over say Las Vegas, Miami--oh sure crime is worst there but in Toronto there is so many easy to get party drugs, guys dating guys, very trusting young ladies that visit your hotel rooms and might not even look in the closet for anybody hiding.

So that interview was to see if I was a threat to the Canadian people and even myself. I didn't get upset and kept cool and could change my attitude quickly to match the interviewer.

Don't forget--Canadian customs knows about vapor lounges, hot SP's, etc. When you from Boston go on a quick 2 day holiday to Toronto, the officers might resent the fact you have enough $$ to go to Toronto. Its called human nature, lol

I have found crossing by car to always go to the bi-linger speaking booths, those seem to have more French officers and those guys seem cooler--much cooler sometimes. I went in for New Years Eve last year and the dude told me to have a good time, after just a few questions. He had a French accent also.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Customs agents do not need to be tipped off that some ladies crossing the border are strippers, it is the costumes in their luggae that give them away. Once flagged, they will get hassled every time they try to cross the border.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Nope. Never arrested, ever, for anythng.

In one sense I don't blame them since I guess they don't see a lot of people vacationing by themeselves for a couple of days. It fell outside their "normal" viewpoint and hence they concluded there was more to the story that I wasn't telling. It was just a giant hassle that I'm not interested in repeating...
Ocean I believe you are correct it is things out of the normal that attract their attention. For instance at land ports not taking a straight line from point "a" to point "b" because of visiting friends or even just being a tourist (to them it seems like you may be a smuggler), crossing at small crossings - often people using direction programs - GPS to find "shortest routes" (to them it seems like you are attempting to avoid as rigorous an inspection), crossing the border fairly frequently as a single male traveler (fits the classic profile of a drug smuggler).

So what to do. Depending upon the frequency of your travel to Canada, and whether you decide the cost is worth it - apply for a NEXUS card with an iris scan.




Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
...it is the costumes in their luggae that give them away. Once flagged, they will get hassled every time they try to cross the border.
Or they will get banned from entering the USA.
This happened to an ATF a few years ago.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
I've been reading your posts on here for a few years now - are you really this stupid? It must be an act, although I can't figure out why you would want to...
Talk about being stupid!
So you approve of what these slime-ball weasels did???....:rolleyes:


New member
Sep 6, 2006
Yeah, i agree with ocean. I haven't been back to Canada in 4 years. i used to go 3 or 4 times a year. I think they target hobbyists. They have sophisticated ways of telling you are lying and who's going to say "I'm going to Toronto to see sp's?" And going back through US customs is no picnic either. It used to be so easy to get through. And as everyone knows hobbying in the USA sucks. What can be done?


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
Maybe you guys are suspiscious.

I usually just say going over for lunch and some shopping...And I get a 'Have a good day'

Last time over...i got a pair of shoes and some weed spray.

On way back... I declared both items....and got into a friendly banter about Canadians buying up the weed spray. He never asked for a receipt...Only "IS THAT ALL YOU BOUGHT".... I answered "yupper its in the back"

Any liquor or cigarettes he asked. I simply stated no.

He responded "Go ahead"

Of course... I am a bit of a gentleman...so that probably helps...

Too many people tense up..get all righteous and answer questions inappropriately.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Maybe you guys are suspiscious.
Was thinking the same.
Back in the day I used to venture North sometimes 3 times a week with never a problem. Now, not as many road trips but still have no problems at all.


Dec 27, 2006
"They are being treated as prostitutes or sex-trade workers when they cross the border," Lambrinos said.

Um, aren't they sex-trade workers?
Yup. And by definition, if a girl is going to US with 'work' clothing any one can assume she is going there to work. With out a work visa or equivalent she is violating the emigration laws. In most cases she and everyone with her gets flagged as a high risk by customs.

Consultants get a lot of the same hassles if they are travelling in a pattern that indicates they may be working in a country without paper work.


New member
Feb 20, 2005
In addition to US border crossing, do anybody had other experiences of other border crossings? It will be fun (at this time) to hear them :)

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Hobbing is more expensive in the USA--which draws the strippers from Canada to the USA.

Sure when I went for lunch in Windsor customs does go smoothly, its when your going for a few nights they may ask more questions and maybe resent the fact you can travel while being laid of work, ha ha...but since the great depression II happen, it seemed to help. Officers are more straight to business.

As for going to Toronto to hobby, that isn't ALL your going for--correct? I mean there is shopping, city tours, night-strip clubs. My personal life is private.

Freaken come next June it be another gay pride week and lots of folks from the USA will be coming on it, proudly saying they are going to GP...WTF do think customs officers think? Who cares, they get let thorough also.

As for the US customs, oh well, I'm just glad I'm a US citizen coming back form another great holiday in Canada. Yeah I roll all my windows down and pop the trunk open. waste all the F time you want officer, I'm going back home sooner or later.


New member
Sep 19, 2004
I routinely cross the border to gamble, and can attest to the fact that many of the border guards are power-tripping, condescending dickwads. They have treated me with utter contempt, yelled at me for no reason, and are generally rude and arrogant. Many people who enter America for the first time get a negative impression because of these assholes, since it's their first contact with Americans.
I went to work in the States for about a year some time ago... Had a lawyer and the company that hired me's HR dept. work out all the details, and paperwork well ahead of time... I got to the border, was referred over to the building for "further interviews" - the no-neck jerkoff that did my "interview" started by saying that I was taking jobs away from Americians, and it went downhill from there - he found a typo in the paperwork (my last name was mis-spelled in one location on one of the forms - it was correct in litterly 8 other places on the same page, but the "e" at the end was dropped in one spot) - yelled about forged paperwork, and I was escorted back to my car, and back to Canadian soil (well, 1/2 way across the bridge) under armed guard.

Went to the local Staples, called the lawyer, who re-issued the paperwork with the correction and faxed it to me, I went to a different border crossing about 45 minutes up the road, and the young woman that did my interview there, was as nice as could be; to the point where, after the "business" was done, she even suggested a place to eat on my drive, as she was familiar with the area I was headed...

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
In addition to US border crossing, do anybody had other experiences of other border crossings? It will be fun (at this time) to hear them :)
YEA, Mexico. Flew in from Detroit to Acapulco, Mexican customs had 2 officers working when we were at the airport. I handed my passport to a male officer and he took it--said nothing to me. He typed for a good 3 mins and stamp by passport and gave it back to me, again not a word said. I just walked away and joined the rest of the folks who passed through.

Going back home I had 2 officers, 1 male, 1 female look at my luggage, they spend a good 5 mins looking around...no word spoken again and not all luggage checked. When they were done it they pushed it aside and I took it and walked away.

Over in Europe they got open borders.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
I went to work in the States for about a year some time ago... Had a lawyer and the company that hired me's HR dept. work out all the details, and paperwork well ahead of time... I got to the border, was referred over to the building for "further interviews" - the no-neck jerkoff that did my "interview" started by saying that I was taking jobs away from Americians, and it went downhill from there - he found a typo in the paperwork (my last name was mis-spelled in one location on one of the forms - it was correct in litterly 8 other places on the same page, but the "e" at the end was dropped in one spot) - yelled about forged paperwork, and I was escorted back to my car, and back to Canadian soil (well, 1/2 way across the bridge) under armed guard.

Went to the local Staples, called the lawyer, who re-issued the paperwork with the correction and faxed it to me, I went to a different border crossing about 45 minutes up the road, and the young woman that did my interview there, was as nice as could be; to the point where, after the "business" was done, she even suggested a place to eat on my drive, as she was familiar with the area I was headed...
Gee me might had said, maybe there is nobody qualified from the US to do this type of work, lol

We got loads of people from India here working technology, could I do their job, no freaken way--thanks to my US public eduction

BTW, I would not mind at all getting a summer job working at THC....what do you all think Canadian customs would tell me:biggrin1:


New member
Sep 19, 2004
Gee me might had said, maybe there is nobody qualified from the US to do this type of work, lol

We got loads of people from India here working technology, could I do their job, no freaken way--thanks to my US public eduction
I was on a TN1 visa, working as a telecom engineer, for a large communications provider on the Eastern seaboard...

The woman at the second crossing checked my education and credentials, to make sure I qualified.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
In addition to US border crossing, do anybody had other experiences of other border crossings? It will be fun (at this time) to hear them :)
Try going through Russian Customs and Immigration (at an international terminal). Mirrors all over the place so that the agent can see what is behind your back, paperwork that is deliberately designed to be just slightly more sweeping than what your country of nationality (or in case of dual nationals the passport you are presenting) imposes on Russian nationals.

It is different when entering Ukraine from Russia or Russia from Ukraine much more "normal."


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I like the countries where you are advised to pack smokes, booze, etc for the customs officer to 'confiscate' before being allowed to go on your way.


Tasty and Roundish
Jan 7, 2002
In Ecstacy
...and yup i'm pretty sure that's her vagina hanging out there.[/url]
Unfortunately, it's not her vagina - after close examination, I've determined that it's a light streak in the pole. You're welcome. Oh and "stay classy", yourself.

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