Strippers getting hassled at the border.


Sep 9, 2009
i love their attitude. the line that says they are worried people will come over, get a job, and never leave....have they seen the conditions in the US lately? i think it's more or less the reverse now. It's the American dream...just that, a DREAM, not a reality.

rant over.


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
I think the funniest thing a US customs guy said to me was "whats in the suitcase?"
This happened at the US customs check at Toronto International Airport.
Hmmmm,lets see,I was going to Hawaii for 2 weeks.I am at the airport,so I am getting on a plane.And he asks me"whats in the suitcase?".Ahhhhhhhhhhhh clothes!!!!!


Active member
Oct 19, 2002
all of us are wrong. they are not asking questions cause they care what your answer is. they are just passing the time. insulting and intrusive questions may provoke some people to spill the beans about something they're smuggling. then they have you. add to the fact that they are gov''t employees with 100% power, no layoffs/firing clause.

you can't win against them and it will be getting worse. one way to keep your cool is to realize how stupid they sound and not get tricked. they have already done a license check on your vehicle, they know everything. they're just doing make work too.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Customs do catch people sneaking undeclared goods in to the country, so they play tax agents. Customs also finds cash, drugs, weapons. They can't check every car / truck coming in, the interview is to weed the good people out--like me--and catch the guy bring 10 handguns in to Toronto (think how much $ those could fetch) its temping sometimes.

When I read about the stuff they find its shocking. Most people have no criminal record--why they can pass in the first place.

Its when their BS morals they start acting mean its BS......"you come all the way to Niagara just to see the falls" some jerk US custom agent in NY state asked me, yea well theirs a little horse racing track in Erie thats nice to go also, was my answer. Customs agent looked so pissed, i got weed arrest in 84 on my sealed record--which they got the power to see it. So jerk is screaming at me if I never ever been arrested, I was saying NO but then changed it to "not that I can recall" nope never arrested, don't recall anything......oh he was so pissed, If i was a Canadian he could had ran my butt in and ban me from the USA....I got hassled coming back in to Canada but after 25 mins I was on my way back to my hotel....

None of their freaken business what I do in my personal life, I go on holiday to relax, sightsee and visit some clubs, all I pretty much say. Which is the truth.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
While I fully agree that both the Canada Border Services Agency and the U.S. Bureau of Customs and Border Protection can both be obnoxious.

My observations are the following: if there is a small to medium size crossing that you use fairly regularly - to the point where they may actually recognize you and you recognize them - things tend to move more smoothly. Very busy border ports such as the three public Niagara bridges and I-87/Autoroute 15 port are particularly bad. If you give straight forward answers (short of saying I was seeing SPs) things go much better. If you cross (particular ports that offer it) often enough and can pass the background checks sign up for a NEXUS Card.
I find it amusing that people take this personally, just answer the questions and they stamp your passport, it's not that hard really. I don't ever remember being asked a hard question.... think of it as the DMV with unloaded guns....



Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Oddly enough I have more of an issue with Canadian immigration than I do with US... the wait in Montreal can be ridiculous. I love it when they ask me what I'm going to be doing and they don't understand the answer....

Do you actually tell they you are there to fuck hot french girls? lol


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2001
Tranquility Base, La Luna
Years ago I was driving back from Mexico, I tell US border guard I was Canadian.
He looks at me and asks "Where's Oakville?"
It took me years to figure out why he asked such a simple question.


New member
Feb 13, 2011
I cross the border fairly often and it has been years since I have had any issue at all. The key is to be honest and direct. Not having anything to hide is the first key - if I buy something in the states, it is because I can't get it here or the price will be cheaper even if you pay the taxes - so I have the reciept ready and declare what I have bought. Secondly, answer the question and only the question asked. I have been in the vehicle when other people are driving and they offer up more information than is asked and that seems to be a red flag to ask considerably more.

Madeline Rhodes

Den Mother Extraordinaire
Jul 23, 2010
I think the funniest thing a US customs guy said to me was "whats in the suitcase?"
This happened at the US customs check at Toronto International Airport.
Hmmmm,lets see,I was going to Hawaii for 2 weeks.I am at the airport,so I am getting on a plane.And he asks me"whats in the suitcase?".Ahhhhhhhhhhhh clothes!!!!!
Just do yourself a favour and never answer like I did one time.

I started to rhyme off an itemized listing including colour, material and style of clothing items. I then completed it with listing which unopened dry handmade cosmetics and toiletries I had... Don't do that. Ever. Especially if the customs agent is female. Bitch took 2 bath bombs. ggggggggrrrrrrrr


New member
Sep 6, 2006
Interesting discussion. The border hassle is why I haven't been to Canada in years. Don't tell customs you're going to the Canadian ballet. I understand the searches and questions about tariff items, but fail to see what business it is of customs to know what I plan to do in Canada, where I am staying, do I have friends in Canada. Ok ok I get it I'm not welcome in your country.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Sounds like both guys were powertripping.
No, my friend's cousin was driving back to the states with his mom after a family function in Toronto. He didn't start anything with US customs guy. He was treated like shit and he told US customs guy the truth. The dude in question is very large, very fit, very articulate and highly decorated. I've met him and he is very low key, not the kind of guy who picks a fight.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Interesting discussion. The border hassle is why I haven't been to Canada in years. Don't tell customs you're going to the Canadian ballet. I understand the searches and questions about tariff items, but fail to see what business it is of customs to know what I plan to do in Canada, where I am staying, do I have friends in Canada. Ok ok I get it I'm not welcome in your country.
Lately Canadian Customs are playing the 'good guys' role.... while US Customs are playing the role of dickheads!....:eyebrows:


Arrogant American Idiot
Oct 28, 2002
Interesting discussion. The border hassle is why I haven't been to Canada in years. Don't tell customs you're going to the Canadian ballet. I understand the searches and questions about tariff items, but fail to see what business it is of customs to know what I plan to do in Canada, where I am staying, do I have friends in Canada. Ok ok I get it I'm not welcome in your country.
Last time I was in Toronto will probably be the last time. My house was having heavy work done on it so I took a few days off work and headed to Toronto for 2 days. I live in the Boston area so its a quick flight. I basically ate lunch, read the paper, and viola I was in Toronto.
Border agents flat out refused to believe I was simply taking a couple of days to myself. I got shipped off to secondary questioning where they demanded to know what I was planning to do, I said I'd walk around the city and see what interested me. They refused to believe I could possibly take a 2 day vacation by myself simply to get away from hammering and saw noises. They called my employer to verify I had a job, ran a criminal check on me, threatened to detain me as long as they deem fit. After over 2 hours of questions and searching my luggage they finally decided to let me in but "marked" me in their system and told me that they are now tracking everytime I enter and leave Canada.
Re-entering the US I got asked 3 or 4 questions and sent on my way. I guess its all a matter of whether you fall outside what they consider "normal." Next time there's work on my house, I'll just rent a local hotel room...


New member
Dec 14, 2010
were you ever in trouble with the law before?

Last time I was in Toronto will probably be the last time. My house was having heavy work done on it so I took a few days off work and headed to Toronto for 2 days. I live in the Boston area so its a quick flight. I basically ate lunch, read the paper, and viola I was in Toronto.
Border agents flat out refused to believe I was simply taking a couple of days to myself. I got shipped off to secondary questioning where they demanded to know what I was planning to do, I said I'd walk around the city and see what interested me. They refused to believe I could possibly take a 2 day vacation by myself simply to get away from hammering and saw noises. They called my employer to verify I had a job, ran a criminal check on me, threatened to detain me as long as they deem fit. After over 2 hours of questions and searching my luggage they finally decided to let me in but "marked" me in their system and told me that they are now tracking everytime I enter and leave Canada.
Re-entering the US I got asked 3 or 4 questions and sent on my way. I guess its all a matter of whether you fall outside what they consider "normal." Next time there's work on my house, I'll just rent a local hotel room...


Arrogant American Idiot
Oct 28, 2002
were you ever in trouble with the law before?
Nope. Never arrested, ever, for anythng.

In one sense I don't blame them since I guess they don't see a lot of people vacationing by themeselves for a couple of days. It fell outside their "normal" viewpoint and hence they concluded there was more to the story that I wasn't telling. It was just a giant hassle that I'm not interested in repeating...


Active member
May 3, 2006
Agreed these weasels should be fired.
Sadly it won't happen because righties like to protect their weasels who engage in this conduct. Heck they probably encourage it with a wink and a nod! Cons are 'funny' people!....:rolleyes:
I've been reading your posts on here for a few years now - are you really this stupid? It must be an act, although I can't figure out why you would want to...
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