Donald Duck was banned for not wearing pants. Which country banned Donald Duck?
Answer :
Donald Duck was banned for not wearing pants. Which country banned Donald Duck?
Which country has a even bigger coin now?
As per my previous answer to this question, it is an urban myth. He was never banned in Finland, it was just the press not letting the truth get in the way of a good story.Answer :
duuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh, "Scarface"?????????? LOL!What is the best gangster movie since 1980?
Flying cigars.The term Flying Saucers became popular in the 50s, what were UFOs called before that?
Originally Rich Uncle Pennybags, renamed to Mr Monopoly in 1999.
What is this guys name?
Answer :
What is this guys name?
Answer :The term Flying Saucers became popular in the 50s, what were UFOs called before that?
Wild guess. My Way--Frank Sinatra/Paul AnkaWhat song spent the longest time on the top 40 chart in Britain? It was written by a Canadian.