if you are going to call musicians who took drugs douchebags, don't forget to throw in all the other big rock pioneers of the sixties and seventies, and then there are the great jazz giants of the fifties like Miles and Bird.@Perry Mason: Get a few degrees in art history like me and then you can have an informed opinion. DaVinci, Michalgelo, Van Gogh, Marie Claire, Patterson, Pollock, Renior, Manet etc...
None of them did drugs for "englightenment", they were all just super diciplined. Well, Van Gogh was a serious hobbiest so I can give "sex helps genius" to ya
Only the Babyboomers who grew up using pot think that you need drugs to make great art. You don't, you need dicipline. Drugs just cloud the mind.
ps: the Beatles were douchebags.
Drugs are a double edged sword. First you need a brain and you need to practice, study and play alot, then maybe drugs will help you get creative, but if you do it too much it will just make you lazy and crazy.