A good working definition of creativity is the ability to see the connections between things, ideas, etc. which do not appear to be connected.
In ordinary states of consciousness, we are "governed" by reason, logic, rationality, conventional wisdom, etc. Drugs tend to induce an altered state of consciousness that releases us from the constraints of reason, logic, rationality, etc. and open up our ability to see non-rational, non-logical connections.
As I said on the other thread on this subject, history is replete of accounts of people whose creativity was "induced" by drugs of one kind or another... which is not to say that creativity is limited to those who take drugs.
But there exists ample evidence to support Timothy Leary's famous "Turn on, tune in, drop out." And he is not alone in that regard: the list of scientists and social scientists is very long, and includes the likes of Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung...
And, yes, Yoga Face, the likes of Beethoven, Mozart, daVinci etc. ingested substances that were not then called drugs... they were called snuff, soporifics, etc. And the history of the use of such substances goes back to early, primitive and indigenous people who left evidence of their use of such substances.
Also, don't forget that until the early 20th century there was no "taboo" against the use of such things; people used marihuana, cocaine, etc. as a matter of fact. Even Coca Cola derived its name from the fact it contained cocaine. In the 19th century, "little old ladies" imbibed in cocaine with their afternoon tea, and marihuana and opium were used without any second thoughts! We even had a war over the right to market opium!
In ordinary states of consciousness, we are "governed" by reason, logic, rationality, conventional wisdom, etc. Drugs tend to induce an altered state of consciousness that releases us from the constraints of reason, logic, rationality, etc. and open up our ability to see non-rational, non-logical connections.
As I said on the other thread on this subject, history is replete of accounts of people whose creativity was "induced" by drugs of one kind or another... which is not to say that creativity is limited to those who take drugs.
But there exists ample evidence to support Timothy Leary's famous "Turn on, tune in, drop out." And he is not alone in that regard: the list of scientists and social scientists is very long, and includes the likes of Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung...
And, yes, Yoga Face, the likes of Beethoven, Mozart, daVinci etc. ingested substances that were not then called drugs... they were called snuff, soporifics, etc. And the history of the use of such substances goes back to early, primitive and indigenous people who left evidence of their use of such substances.
Also, don't forget that until the early 20th century there was no "taboo" against the use of such things; people used marihuana, cocaine, etc. as a matter of fact. Even Coca Cola derived its name from the fact it contained cocaine. In the 19th century, "little old ladies" imbibed in cocaine with their afternoon tea, and marihuana and opium were used without any second thoughts! We even had a war over the right to market opium!