You hear about a lot of music artists and or famous people who have vouched that they thought of an idea/product/service with the assistance of drugs. Do you guys believe that drugs (used carefully) are a pathway to higher learning?
It's ridiculous to try and quantify or prove based on 'lab experiments?' How can a lab measure creativity?It is a possibility only until proven by science and our government will not allow lab experimentation and this is a shame
agree with you... I think a lot of artists around the world who've made it big and have indulged on drugs did not get there by doing drugs.. They've put in hard work .. drugs are just there to take them to a higher levelThere are so many variable that it is hard to say, how many people do you know personally that have become geniuses from drugs or drinking? First it has to be proven that taking drugs is beneficial, then you have to determine which drugs and at what dose at what intervals to take these drugs. Then you have to be careful not to overdo it recreationally. My guess is that doing drugs does not enhance people intellectually.
It's ridiculous to try and quantify or prove based on 'lab experiments?' How can a lab measure creativity?
Wow - you must be on drugs while writing this post and coming up with a CREATIVE solution to the issue. Good job, and pass the joint
I have to disagree, we are all different, being better in some areas, and not so good in others.There is actually no such thing as naturally born Creativity... This thing we call creativity is actually the result of hard work, disclipline, experience etc
I don't know what you're disagreeing about... Yes, we're all different... we're all better in some and not so good in others. That doesn't mean we were born with those qualities and have to live with it. Whatever creativity may be, painting, speaking, thinking ... no one was born with those qualities. We are what we are because of choices we've made as a kid or even today.I have to disagree, we are all different, being better in some areas, and not so good in others.
Sure, we can learn to improve in specificate abilities, like spelling, but teaching a person "how to paint", doesn't mean that individual is more creative.
We are not all equal.
Total ridiculous. Again, hit your neighbourhood bookstore/record store/retail outlet/museum/library/etc. it's all the conclusive proof you need....Give creative testing before , during and after the drugs wear off
Oh well. Most of the music is done by sober musicians. How do you know they are stoned ? How do you know how creative their music would be if they were not stoned ? (assuming they are) Prove the stoners create better music than the non stoners and do so in a freakin lab ! with double blind studies.Total ridiculous. Again, hit your neighbourhood bookstore/record store/retail outlet/museum/library/etc. it's all the conclusive proof you need.