Do Drugs Inspire Creative Thinking?

Do Drugs Inspire Creative Thinking?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 58.3%
  • No, I only help those who I like or I'm too self-centred

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Only in famous people who make music/creative arts

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm split or have mixed feelings about the matter

    Votes: 2 16.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Perry Mason

Well-known member
Aug 20, 2001
A good working definition of creativity is the ability to see the connections between things, ideas, etc. which do not appear to be connected.

In ordinary states of consciousness, we are "governed" by reason, logic, rationality, conventional wisdom, etc. Drugs tend to induce an altered state of consciousness that releases us from the constraints of reason, logic, rationality, etc. and open up our ability to see non-rational, non-logical connections.

As I said on the other thread on this subject, history is replete of accounts of people whose creativity was "induced" by drugs of one kind or another... which is not to say that creativity is limited to those who take drugs.

But there exists ample evidence to support Timothy Leary's famous "Turn on, tune in, drop out." And he is not alone in that regard: the list of scientists and social scientists is very long, and includes the likes of Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung...

And, yes, Yoga Face, the likes of Beethoven, Mozart, daVinci etc. ingested substances that were not then called drugs... they were called snuff, soporifics, etc. And the history of the use of such substances goes back to early, primitive and indigenous people who left evidence of their use of such substances.

Also, don't forget that until the early 20th century there was no "taboo" against the use of such things; people used marihuana, cocaine, etc. as a matter of fact. Even Coca Cola derived its name from the fact it contained cocaine. In the 19th century, "little old ladies" imbibed in cocaine with their afternoon tea, and marihuana and opium were used without any second thoughts! We even had a war over the right to market opium!



Active member
Aug 6, 2006
Oh well. Most of the music is done by sober musicians. How do you know they are stoned ? How do you know how creative their music would be if they were not stoned ? (assuming they are) Prove the stoners create better music than the non stoners and do so in a freakin lab ! with double blind studies.

There is no evidence Mozart, Beethoven , da Vinci etc took any drugs


agree... some people put too much emphasis on drugs as the way to creative work. I think drugs are just a supplement to people who already have the creative ability through hard work. It doesn't make a dumb fuck make creative work because they've taken drugs.. It would do the opposite infact and make them incapable to work and progress. One could become too dependent on the drug too... Look what happened to Amy Winehouse. In the later stages of her life, drugs fucked with her to the point she couldn't remember lines to her songs.

Perry Mason

Well-known member
Aug 20, 2001
I think, LKD, that you -- like so many others -- confuse the difference between use and abuse!


Pastor Tricky

Jan 9, 2011
agree... some people put too much emphasis on drugs as the way to creative work. I think drugs are just a supplement to people who already have the creative ability through hard work. It doesn't make a dumb fuck make creative work because they've taken drugs.. It would do the opposite infact and make them incapable to work and progress. One could become too dependent on the drug too... Look what happened to Amy Winehouse. In the later stages of her life, drugs fucked with her to the point she couldn't remember lines to her songs.
I don't think creativity and hard work are interwoven. I have no proof but at the same time I don't see the connection.


Active member
Aug 6, 2006
I think most of you here are just talking b.s

how many of you actually work in the creative field and have done research on it?

Perry Mason

Well-known member
Aug 20, 2001
Well, LKD, the world would in a much sorrier state than it is if we could only rely on the research that we, personally, conduct.

We must, of necessity, rely on the research that others, well qualified to do so, conduct. Otherwise, each of us would have to become experts and conduct our own research on every subject and topic under the sun!



The Ideal Terbite
Aug 6, 2003
The most mysterious thing about drugs to me is: how can people NOT even try it, knowing full well that they only have one life. I know people who are afraid not only to take drugs but even to drink. And it's not like their life is happy without drugs or alcohol. It's pretty shitty anyway. How can people willingly live life as if they serve in the army or in prison?
You think people in the Army dont drink?


Active member
Sep 6, 2008
Oh well. Most of the music is done by sober musicians. How do you know they are stoned ? How do you know how creative their music would be if they were not stoned ? (assuming they are) Prove the stoners create better music than the non stoners and do so in a freakin lab ! with double blind studies.
Not according to the musicians & producers interviewed (Behind the Music, books, etc.).
Take for an example of the Beatles, earlier works were produced sober (arguable, they did drink and do weed), then they discovered hallucinogenics and you have albums like Revolver, White album, etc. -- classics wouldn't you say?

There is no evidence Mozart, Beethoven , da Vinci etc took any drugs
I wouldn't be surprised if they took absinthe, opium, mushrooms, other hallucinogenic plants, etc.

Perry Mason

Well-known member
Aug 20, 2001
All the greatest artists in history have relied on dicipline and hard work to rise to the top.
Now, how do you know that? And what makes you so sure?

No exceptions?

Horsecock or poppycock? Between your legs or between your ears?



Active member
Feb 15, 2003
Damn right they do... they do take a toll on your body while getting this genius out though.


Active member
Sep 6, 2008
@Perry Mason: Get a few degrees in art history like me and then you can have an informed opinion. DaVinci, Michalgelo, Van Gogh, Marie Claire, Patterson, Pollock, Renior, Manet etc...

None of them did drugs for "englightenment", they were all just super diciplined. Well, Van Gogh was a serious hobbiest so I can give "sex helps genius" to ya ;)
Can you explain the Van Gogh "ear" incident?
Plenty of theories, including absinthe

Perry Mason

Well-known member
Aug 20, 2001
Well, Horsecock, only a person with his brains filled with so many academic degrees could be be so cocksure about anything!

There have been thousands upon thousands of great artists in the world in all kinds of artistic fields over the course of history, and you are certain that all of them were drug free!!!

Well, keep on believing that, if you wish... but your believing it does not make it so!



Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario


Heavy User
Oct 14, 2008
Yes! Take a stroll through a hollywood movie set. Everyone is wiired out of their tree! I used to work for a company that would set up stages for concerts and music videos in my early twenties. Shifts would be anywhere from 18-36 hours. Everybody was getting high to keep going. Coffee just doesn't do it after a while. I see a health practioner in the GTA who is top of his field. He is high as a kite when I see him at his down town clinic on occasion. When he is treating me and gets close I can smell the ether on his breathe from the high grade coke he is snorting. None the less he is the best I have seen and his treatments are very effective.


Jun 6, 2009
Yes! Take a stroll through a hollywood movie set. Everyone is wiired out of their tree! I used to work for a company that would set up stages for concerts and music videos in my early twenties. Shifts would be anywhere from 18-36 hours. Everybody was getting high to keep going. Coffee just doesn't do it after a while. I see a health practioner in the GTA who is top of his field. He is high as a kite when I see him at his down town clinic on occasion. When he is treating me and gets close I can smell the ether on his breathe from the high grade coke he is snorting. None the less he is the best I have seen and his treatments are very effective.
Sorry to burst your bubble, a movie set and a concert/music video set, let lone the industry when you were 20, however many years ago that was, are very different. I've known people to be sent packin' from location because others, especially techies or stunt workers who won't work with someone who's high/stoned/drunk, especially 30 feet in the air or sandwiched between a speaker wall weighing half a tone and a solid wall or ripen on a stet roadway at 40 mph on two wheels. As for actors or performers who are making $20 million a film or more money than god to perform, that's a horse of a different colour.

I had a dentist who after repeated refusals from the patients to have him do his job because he was drunk/drinking, including me, he was drummed out of the small town in short order. It's your choice to let this guy treat you, I sure wouldn't.


Heavy User
Oct 14, 2008
Sorry to burst your bubble, a movie set and a concert/music video set, let lone the industry when you were 20, however many years ago that was, are very different. I've known people to be sent packin' from location because others, especially techies or stunt workers who won't work with someone who's high/stoned/drunk, especially 30 feet in the air or sandwiched between a speaker wall weighing half a tone and a solid wall or ripen on a stet roadway at 40 mph on two wheels. As for actors or performers who are making $20 million a film or more money than god to perform, that's a horse of a different colour.

I had a dentist who after repeated refusals from the patients to have him do his job because he was drunk/drinking, including me, he was drummed out of the small town in short order. It's your choice to let this guy treat you, I sure wouldn't.
Well if he's good enough for the Toronto Maple Leafs, Jays and Raptors. Also, our Olympic athletes I would say he is good enough for me. I know for a fact that some of best Doctors, Lawyers, Financial advisors are "rocked the F*^% out" on their downtime". I here your point but all I am saying is from my experience I have seen a lot of drug use on sets and I here you on the safety issues. The question is does it add to creativity?


New member
Oct 12, 2010
Well if he's good enough for the Toronto Maple Leafs, Jays and Raptors. Also, our Olympic athletes I would say he is good enough for me. I know for a fact that some of best Doctors, Lawyers, Financial advisors are "rocked the F*^% out" on their downtime". I here your point but all I am saying is from my experience I have seen a lot of drug use on sets and I here you on the safety issues. The question is does it add to creativity?
My experience with professionals who are fucked up on their downtime, and there are plenty of them, is that they do it to escape the pressures of their jobs, not to enhance performance, creativity.

Although apparently Steve Jobs did some of his best thinking stoned.
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