laRue, lets take your "stick it to the man' ' assumption and park it for awhile and while you are at it enough of your self serving outrage that anyone disagreeing with you is shameful and irresponsible....if you think that humps like Ford and Stintz care one ass about the safety of TTC passengers, then you are as witless as you claim Woodpeker is...this all about consolidating their core supporters, and bashing unions, which is very popular these days...testing drivers is politically has nothing to do with public safety...its all about firming up political other words.."stick it to unions"
Sure, if thats what the union hall hand outs are telling you, go ahead and believe that.
I think this is about public safety
Given recent events there is some concern that drivers may be taking allot of liberties (Rip Van Winkle and the driver with the pot)
Maybe none of them are drinking before taking control of a hundred ton street car
But if one is, then he / she has got to be stopped.
And your argument does not address the quid pro quo issue.
Old Jones and WoodPeker are admit that if drivers are required to be tested then they must have something in return ie make the managers life more difficult without any tangible benefit,
Again quid pro quo before public safety which is despicable
If that union has nothing to hide, why not just take the tests ?
If what you say is true then the union is playing right into the union basher hands
They will look guilty as hell, if they refuse the testing or insist on conditions and Ford can make a lot of political hay out of that refusal.