No actually there are cops assigned to the TD centre, 52 division. It's on a foot patrol route as well.
As far as the TTC;
On October 21, 2010 the
Toronto Police Services Board voted in favor of the cancellation of the Special Constable program effective February 1, 2011. At the same time the Board approved the expansion of the Toronto Police Transit Patrol Unit. It is expected that the existing Special Constables will become security guards or bylaw enforcement officers, tasked primarily with fare evasion and by-law offenses.[SUP]
edit]Current Status[/h]The former Special Constables are now referred to as "Transit Enforcemet Officers" and are currently working in uniforms and plain clothes enforcing the
Criminal Code of Canada, pursuant to Section 494 (commonly referred to as
Citizen's arrest powers, as well as By-Law #1 and the
Trespass to Property Act of Ontario. The new Transit Enforcement uniforms are idetical to the Special Constable uniforms except they say "Transit Enforcement Unit" instead of "Special Constable Service".