Another master of irrelevance heard from! How about the managers at your job, ditto? If the best we can do to keep people from drug-addled decision-makimg is urine-testing, tell me why anyone should be exempt? The line cook who might think it amusing to piss in a soup kettle to share his PCP with the world f'instance? Or the trader whose heroin habit dulled his reflexes and wiped out your RRSP mutual funds?So, about your managers at your real job...assuming you have one.
Manager should "lead by example"....NO!!!
As to my real job, when I had one it was lying for money; I worked in movies and TV. The drug habit of one of our actors cost the producers hundreds of thousands, and may well have been the cause of the series being cancelled—effectively bankrupting a small company. But hey! That's Entertainment!
Now I contract. Would it make you happy or unhappy if you thought I or my carpenters was drugged up when they installed those floor joists or took out that wall they said was not load-bearing?
I also had a real job back in the day working for a government investigation of drugs and drug use. I don't really believe that drug testing gets at the issue at all. It just comforts the dull and lazy managers and those they may have to answer to that 'they're doing everything reasonable and possible'. While the problem remains and gets more intractible. Like building super-prisons, you just make smarter drug users and criminals.
Ask yourself: Did Breathalysers reduce drunk driving (didn't stop me), or did MADD and the various campaigns that focussed on the anti-social stupidity of drinking and driving?
But if we must have testing, what do managers have to fear?