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The new trivia thread.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Tees, you get second prize. Its the same as first prize, except with sloppy 2nds.



Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Answer time:

Whats the biggest thing a blue whale can swallow?

A grapefruit.
A blue whale’s throat is almost exactly the same diameter as its belly button (which is about the size of a side plate), but a little smaller than its eardrum (which is more the size of a dinner plate).
For eight months of the year, blue whales eat virtually nothing, but during the summer they feed almost continuously, scooping up three tons of food a day. As you may remember from biology lessons, their diet consists of tiny, pink, shrimp-like crustaceans called krill, which slip down a treat. Krill come conveniently served in huge swarms that can weigh over 100,000 tons.
The narrow gauge of a blue whale’s throat means it couldn’t have swallowed Jonah. The only whale with a throat wide enough to swallow a person whole is the sperm whale and, once inside, the intense acidity of the sperm whale’s stomach juices would make survival impossible. The celebrated case of the ‘Modern Jonah’ in 1891, in which James Bartley claimed to have been swallowed by a sperm whale and rescued by his crew mates fifteen hours later, has been nailed as a fraud.

Whats the longest animal?

Not a snake, sorry. Or the Blue Whale, or the lions mane jellyfish.
The bootlace worm, Lineus longissimus, reaches lengths of sixty metres (that’s just under 200 feet), almost twice as long as a blue whale and a third longer than the longest lion’s mane jellyfish, the previous record holder.

What do chameleons do?

They don’t change colour to match the background.
Never have; never will. Complete myth. Utter fabrication. Total lie.
They change colour as a result of different emotional states. If they happen to match the background it’s entirely coincidental.
Chameleons change colour when frightened or picked up or when they beat another chameleon in a fight. They change colour when a member of the opposite sex steps into view and they sometimes change colour due to fluctuations in either light or temperature.

Sorry CC, that admittedly cool video is a pure fabrication, look carefully and you can see colour bleed around the edges of the chameleon.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Ok, 3 on history tonight.

Who introduced tobbacco and potatoes to England?

Who invented the steam engine?

Who invented the telephone?


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
You be the judge of that, but yes the question relates to the office of President of the United States of America.


New member
Jul 12, 2003
What was The Earl of Bud's theme song at Buffalo Bisons and Sabres games? For full points, what was The Earl's day job, initially, before that employment was terminated?
Dec 22, 2010
Yes, Dennis Franz played Buntz, however, Buntz was the 2nd character he played on Hill street Blues.

What was the first character Franz played on HSB?
Dennis Franz first played Det. Sal Benedetto, a dirty cop who committed suicide. Fans of the show liked Dennis Franz, so he was brought back in the form of Buntz, another shady type cop, a year later.
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