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Ghadafi is dead!


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
40 years later than I would have liked


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
now which replacement dictator will the u.s. install to keep the muslims in line and keep the oil flowing?


Jun 6, 2009
Apparently like father like son doesn't apply here. They ran like rabbits, even after telling there tribesman they wouldn't. somehow finding hiding in a culvert, possibly for sewage is fitting.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Apparently like father like son doesn't apply here. They ran like rabbits, even after telling there tribesman they wouldn't. somehow finding hiding in a culvert, possibly for sewage is fitting.
You are a very brave man, Blackie.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012
One sadistic tyrannical dictator dead. Another will take his place. Thus is the middle east.
Exactly! The bastard in Iran has positioned himself for the top tyrant role.

Big Sleazy

Active member
Sep 13, 2004
Damn. I was cheering for the underdog ! That's what you get for wanting to trade off the US dollar and having the highest standard of living in North Africa. An occupation force paid for by us. Wait a go guy's. You rock.

Now who's going to pay for the War with Pakistan ? Oh ya, us again. We rock.



MILF Diner
Aug 25, 2009
So sad,NOT.The world will be better off I think. Next is Iran and that weasle. These dictators disturb me no end. People are human, and when we forget that, all humanity suffers.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
now which replacement dictator will the u.s. install to keep the muslims in line and keep the oil flowing?
Hey this is a Franco/Brit/NATO 'operation'.
It's their turn to do a little nation building!....:D


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002


Apr 24, 2009
U.S.A Lost very loyal fried in Lybia

For some twenty years Ghaddafi has changed position from anti USA to become a very dear and reliable friend of USA, Israel and the west. Ghadafi regime worked closley with the CIA and the mousad, he provided them information and valuable inteligence to capture lybians and others in the region. He accepted prisoners from the bush administration to hail tourture on them, he provided great protection to israel and the west when he put down every opponent to the west and israel in lybia. He provided great deal of help when it came to put some cash on the table for several reason, even latley he was negotiating with nato to how much it will cost him to just stay in power. He was dear friend to Italy, france and England even last year he was highly admired by Tony blair and david cameron and even condie rice said to have slept with one of his sons or possibly with him. He played the advocate and sponsor for the west policies in africa, he stood firm again the expansion of china and russia in africa in favour of USA and the west, he encouraged south soudan to split and go indie taking the oil wealth of soudan with them. he was great player in protecting the intersts of the west, Israel and USA. He took good lesson from the saudies, his sons including Saif were dwelling and playing on the tables of the west all the time day and night. Through fiendship with turky, italy, france, UK he managed to reach to every leader in the west and he befriended members of the israeli kenesset and members of the government as well. He ended his support to the palestinians since over 15 years ago, no money no political support for them just to please the USA. He even stopped his nukes program and ended his threats to israel. He evern paid for the lockerby victims, he stood firm against iran until they day of his death, he prohibited any chia muslim or iranian person to enter lybia, he cut his ties with iran indefinitly to please USA.

Only, just 9 months ago he was under the impression that he is well protected after what all he done to the west and what he is willing to further do, but who knows when the plitical tsunami in real world hit, it takes everything in its path with no regard to the good or bad record of a tyran been established.

Sadam was a great friend to USA and Isarel in the Eighties, he fought iran on their behalf for 8 years, he armed the christian groups in lebanon to fight the palestinians and ultimatley fighting syria in lebanon as wel. but in the 90's he thought he is the spoiled boy of USA. But he was wrong. He could not see that the west and the USA see their interests and benefits in any arabic leader and how he can serve them best, USA and the west don't give a dam over arabic people and their progress. I hope the remaining tyrant in the region learn a lesson that the USA is not a friend of the Arabic people, they are only friendly to them as long as the tyrant they put to lead them is very loyal to the American and zionist agenda in the world and the region and serve their causes only.

In final words USA and the west should be mourning Ghadafi today not celebrating his departure, he will leave a great vacume in the middile east politics same as his friends mubarak and Bin Ali done to the west when they took off, USA and israel will be lost without him after they were lost when mubark and bin Ali left, its just like tiple jeoperdy for USA foreign policy and intelegence community and work that been achieved in last 20 years and costed billions of dollars. One more tyrant on is way which is the yeman dictator who still think that USA can protect him and keep him in power, the coming days will tell us on this one.

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