I'm an uncut man-- The biggest single reason for that is yeast. If you are uncut and you have a bad funk it's probably yeast. Since I became sexually mature any time I've noticed a funk I've used a generic yeast infection cream. It works. Beyond that if an uncut guy guy uses warm soap and water under the hood once a day, and pats dry, there should be no issues. The thing to remember is, if you're uncut and you have yeast, MAKE SURE YOUR S.O. GOES ON ANTI-YEST MEDS AS WELL, or you'll just pass that shit back and forth. (And consider more yogurt or acidophiles (sp) pills FOR HER.)
For men in general, if you wash with soap and water once a day, and still have a persistent funk down below, there is probably something else going on. Have you tried a yeast infection cream on your genitals and anus even if you're uncut? Yeast infection cream is a general anti-fungal. It kills funk good. Read the directions and use the cream for the specified number of days (or 1 or 2 more). Make sure you get the head (and under the hood if you're uncut), the shaft, the balls, all the way around on your taint, and up in your bum. Don't be shy. After that consider working yogurt (flora) and cranberry juice (urinary tract) into your diet. As a free bonus the runoff might also tame your athlete's foot when you wash in the shower (fungus, uugh).
Try more fiber, fruits and vegetables, yogurt (flora), and cranberry juice (urinary tract), AND LESS FAST FOOD over a period of months. Trim you're pubes (shaving risks infection and STIs between agitation, nicks, and exposed follicles). Have you ever had that STI / STD test? Get one.
Masking funk isn't a solution, unless you're one of the few people who just plain stink. Oh, and all those teenager and 20-something body sprays, and the associated product lines, are 100% pure shit.