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massage vs escorts


Active member
Sep 22, 2009
I’ve been hobbying for a few years and sampled a pretty wide variety of things. While I have tried a handful of escorts (with generally lackluster results), I’ve stuck mostly to massage because I’m not looking for FS and enjoy the sensual nature of these sessions. Lately, though, I’m wondering if massage is really worth it.

While some sessions are amazing, others can be very hit and miss as some girls don’t know what they’re doing (I’m really not there for a massage), so I’m often left wanting for more. And with massage rates so close to escorts ($170 - $190/hr compared to many escorts at $200/hr), it doesn’t seem like great value. Am I wasting my time/money? Anyone else go through this major life crisis? I found a few older threads on this that provided different perspectives but I’m curious to see what others think now. Thx.


Long standing member
Nov 17, 2008
I wouldn't go so far as to call this a major life crisis. Besides, why choose? Enjoy both as I do. I usually stick to the higher end, well reviewed spas and MPA's so rarely do I leave unsatisfied. But when I did, like back in the early days of my hobbying, I'd just call up my favorite sp's and get my fix the next day. :)


Active member
Sep 23, 2010
Some said MPA is better as eye candies than escorts, I do not find it totally true. As far as the "cost" comparison, i think you are too general in $.

- for MPA: 1 hr could cost you 80 room fee + "tip" ( remember most spas have the tip geared to the length of time) and i've been "tipping" anywhere from 120- 250/ hr (don't ask me WHAT for). so the figure you give should be 200-330 roughly for 1 hr.

-Then again for escorts you come up with a "low ball" number, 200/hr is doubtfully a "good" choice, the range should be 250-300 and up.

That is the money side. Service wise, there is the comfort of in-call/out call compared to the MP room which really not geared for anything but massage for appearance's sake. Unless you "know" the MPA before hand, there is no telling what "kind" of service you'll get and it could be fantastic down to minimum touching BS... Meanwhile if you go to a reputable escort agency, chances are good to have a satisfying to excellent exp.

For me, i still go to MPs, when i see someone so appealing to invest in, and i have to see a return of my investment. Otherwise i'll look somewhere else. I'll admit there is an element of surprise with MPA that's so intoxicating....


I started out as a massage guy, wasting lots of money testing the limits of what could be done. While it was a lot of fun and I found many gems, there was also a lot of disappointment. As I started seeing escorts I realized that for what I was looking for, this was the better choice.

Being inflicted with yellow fever I mostly see/saw Asians and Asian escorts are often former Asian MAs, many with formal training. So I was getting a "sure thing" as far as what one would call "extras" at an MP, I am also getting some pretty excellent massages from the Asian escorts. So rather than having a massage girl risk arrest/loss of job for providing me FS or whatever, the escort provides what I desire and if you book for 45 minutes or an hour or more she will have time to give a pretty (hopefully) amazing massage. ALLD, Somerset Escorts and Candyland girls will usually provide massages of varying skill. Best to ask phone guy (or girl) who does the best massage as well as whatever else you really like. I can recommend Asian Suky (from red board) as an excellent Asian escort for both massage and the good stuff.

There are many caucasian or other ethnicity escorts who also cross from massage to escort too, some even work as MAs and escort away from the MP (usually frowned upon by the MP). I don't know any personally or have info on them. Don't ask me how, I just know LOL

What I do lots of times is see an escort for the fun stuff and then go to a legit place like Unicorn Spa for a great massage. That way no one is being asked to do anything against their business rules or stretching the limits.
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Active member
Sep 22, 2009
Just to clarify, my earlier note was posted in the Ottawa section because the Ottawa market for MA's and escorts is very different than Toronto's. The value comparisons there are hard to apply to Ottawa since Toronto has many high-end spas and higher cost escorts. There are higher cost escorts in Ottawa, but the rates I listed for massage and many escorts are typical.


Jul 31, 2008
While some sessions are amazing, others can be very hit and miss as some girls don’t know what they’re doing (I’m really not there for a massage), so I’m often left wanting for more. And with massage rates so close to escorts ($170 - $190/hr compared to many escorts at $200/hr), it doesn’t seem like great value. Am I wasting my time/money? Anyone else go through this major life crisis? I found a few older threads on this that provided different perspectives but I’m curious to see what others think now. Thx.
Are you wasting your time/money? I'd say yes, because you're way overpaying for it. I really don't want to get into price comparisons between girls, but even with zero negotiating, you should be able to lop $30 or $40 off your prices. I've even seen girls who are advertising prices less than half of what you're talking about.


Feb 14, 2004
I tend to agree with your quoted massage rates, assuming $170-$190 includes the door fee. For FS in Ottawa though, I find $220-$250 to be more the norm these days.

As for your question, I think you are wasting money if you "play the field" with MPAs. You'll get better value for the dollar if you stick with one or two girls who do give you the experience you're looking for. Over time, with comfort and familiarity, sessions usually get better and better. But if you want more variety and better overall service quality, then hook up with some of the better reviewed SPs. Just because they are SPs doesn't necessarily mean you have to do FS with them. Discuss it with them first, but many are quite skilled and happy to massage, tease and seduce you to a nice creative non-penetrating finish.

While some sessions are amazing, others can be very hit and miss as some girls don’t know what they’re doing (I’m really not there for a massage), so I’m often left wanting for more. And with massage rates so close to escorts ($170 - $190/hr compared to many escorts at $200/hr), it doesn’t seem like great value. Am I wasting my time/money? Anyone else go through this major life crisis? I found a few older threads on this that provided different perspectives but I’m curious to see what others think now. Thx.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
cultivate a great relationship with a regular massage girl that you like and connect well with her, and you will be fucking her before you know it, either at the MP, her place, your place ora mutually agreed to common ground...works for me


Active member
Jul 8, 2011
You can go to some massage places where you can have FS. That way you will have both. But as Jabba mentioned in another thread, you should stay away for now from MPs since there is an ongoing LE raid against some MPs.


Active member
Sep 20, 2004
The long and short of it is that if you choose to partake in this hobby, a great big unregulated business, you will find it is all a great big crap shoot. Regardless of reviews sometimes you luck out, at other times you may pay a big price for worse than nothing. The trick is to be absolutely clear in your mind what you want, what you will put up with, and protect yourself. Like others have inferred, you are on your own out there and only you know the value you are looking for. Insist on it and pay what YOU think it is worth to you. Don't compromise.


Jul 31, 2008
cultivate a great relationship with a regular massage girl that you like and connect well with her, and you will be fucking her before you know it, either at the MP, her place, your place ora mutually agreed to common ground...works for me
I hesitate to agree with what WWG said, because he said it so crassly, but it is true, this sort of thing can happen.


New member
Sep 8, 2010
are you wasting your time/money? I'd say yes, because you're way overpaying for it. I really don't want to get into price comparisons between girls, but even with zero negotiating, you should be able to lop $30 or $40 off your prices. I've even seen girls who are advertising prices less than half of what you're talking about.
hell yes i never do that


Active member
Sep 22, 2009
Lots of good comments and suggestions here. Slurp and others hit the nail on the head about the frustrations with massage and the need to be very clear in what I want. I think I knew the answer before but it’s even more clear that I should take a closer look at escorts and hopefully find a few gems that can provide a sensual/non-FS experience. I have a few names in mind but suggestions are welcome. Thanks all.


Jul 9, 2004
Ontario, Canada
I enjoy both. Each one has their own merits and uniqueness.

Unless you ask for it, or it's rare find ... most escorts won't spend an hour pampering you and rubbing themselves all over you. There's some things you can get from an escort, you don't usually find in an MP.

Sometimes it's a matter of what you're in the mood for more than how much you have to spend.

herelookin (pt2)

New member
Jan 4, 2008
This only issue is with Asian MPs that are suspected to have human trafficking..
Again, this is what I am hearing on this board but I have yet to see it in any of the news agency... I would have thought that at least one agency would have picked this up or some one would have brought it to the forefront by objecting to it.

And yet, I've not seen it reported anywhere else but here.


Indy reviewer
May 15, 2003
You can go to some massage places where you can have FS. That way you will have both. But as Jabba mentioned in another thread, you should stay away for now from MPs since there is an ongoing LE raid against some MPs.
Would just like to clarify that I didn't actually say to "stay away" from MPs, but advised you should be careful.
Thread appears to have mysteriously died, but the spirit still lives.

As for me, I don't think you can compare the service (and therefore the value) of MPs to SPs. I've found that MAs for the most part, provide good value for what I'm looking for.


New member
Oct 28, 2006
. Am I wasting my time/money? Anyone else go through this major life crisis? I found a few older threads on this that provided different perspectives but I’m curious to see what others think now. Thx.
Certainly, you are wasting your time and money; not unlike a "junky" who keeps trying to find that first "high" again. Most "paid for" sexual experiences are mediocre at best. Once in a long while you have a great experience.


Jul 31, 2008
Certainly, you are wasting your time and money; not unlike a "junky" who keeps trying to find that first "high" again. Most "paid for" sexual experiences are mediocre at best. Once in a long while you have a great experience.
I've found my experiences were the best ever, experiences which would be amazing stories to tell the grandchildren, if you could've told grandchildren these sort of things, which unfortunately you can't. I replay many of them as fantasies in my mind when I'm with my regular woman, who simply can't compare.
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