Ashley Madison

massage vs escorts


Active member
Sep 20, 2004
If you are careful, do your homework and think with the big head, that is, I think euripides is wrong. I have had some of the best experiences of my life with some of the ladies, without a doubt. They can rock your world. But you have to be careful! Otherwise, disaster will likely strike. Especially in Ottawa.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
Hey Guys, Saw this thread and thought I'd add my opinion :)
I think its all preference, and depends on what your looking for. As an MP I feel its more of an erotic sensual experience, and its safe. Although it is almost as pricey as an escort your coming in for two different services and shouldn't base the experience on the price. I am an MP(with a good following) and have never offered FS and yes some may, not every MP in the business will. I have had many men try to get more out of their appt and when some can't they are either rude or keep trying which i feel ruins the vibe of the appt. If you feel you want more for your money maybe stick with a SP. But I don't feel going to an MP is a waste of money its all preference in what you are looking for as I said above, we take our time with a good massage and an safe sensual release. Thats just my opinion :) -Jordyn


Left-handed user
Jan 6, 2007
The outer fringe
JKLP is right, if you have adjusted your expectations regarding what will you take place, and enjoy what is being offered, chances are there will be good vibes in the room, and a fun time should be had.
If you want to transform a MP experience into a FS experience, well chances are bad vibes will dominate and the rest of the session will become purely perfunctory!

Hey Guys, Saw this thread and thought I'd add my opinion :)
I think its all preference, and depends on what your looking for. As an MP I feel its more of an erotic sensual experience, and its safe. Although it is almost as pricey as an escort your coming in for two different services and shouldn't base the experience on the price. I am an MP(with a good following) and have never offered FS and yes some may, not every MP in the business will. I have had many men try to get more out of their appt and when some can't they are either rude or keep trying which i feel ruins the vibe of the appt. If you feel you want more for your money maybe stick with a SP. But I don't feel going to an MP is a waste of money its all preference in what you are looking for as I said above, we take our time with a good massage and an safe sensual release. Thats just my opinion :) -Jordyn


Jul 31, 2008
If you are careful, do your homework and think with the big head, that is, I think euripides is wrong. I have had some of the best experiences of my life with some of the ladies, without a doubt. They can rock your world. But you have to be careful! Otherwise, disaster will likely strike. Especially in Ottawa.
I've also heard many of the ladies say that the best times they've had, they've had with their customers, not with their boyfriends or whatever. That would stand to reason as they see many dozens of customers during the time they are with any specific boyfriend, so the law of averages would mean that you're bound to have a mind-blowing experience with one of the customers than with any single boyfriend. There's a lot of interesting fantasy ideas that can be generated by many customers.

BTW, why do you say disaster will strike -- especially in Ottawa? What's so different about Ottawa?


Active member
Sep 22, 2009
I think its all preference, and depends on what your looking for. As an MP I feel its more of an erotic sensual experience, and its safe. Although it is almost as pricey as an escort your coming in for two different services and shouldn't base the experience on the price. I am an MP(with a good following) and have never offered FS and yes some may, not every MP in the business will. I have had many men try to get more out of their appt and when some can't they are either rude or keep trying which i feel ruins the vibe of the appt. If you feel you want more for your money maybe stick with a SP. But I don't feel going to an MP is a waste of money its all preference in what you are looking for as I said above, we take our time with a good massage and an safe sensual release. Thats just my opinion :) -Jordyn

Jordyn, massage isn't a waste of money - I loved every minute I spent with you! In the hands of a skilled and sensual woman (literally and figuratively), massage can be amazing. But as someone who enjoys giving pleasure just as much as receiving (maybe more), I'm wondering if non-fs with the right SP could be a better fit, especially since massage has been less than amazing lately. Maybe I should just see you. :)
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