Hey Guys, Saw this thread and thought I'd add my opinion

I think its all preference, and depends on what your looking for. As an MP I feel its more of an erotic sensual experience, and its safe. Although it is almost as pricey as an escort your coming in for two different services and shouldn't base the experience on the price. I am an MP(with a good following) and have never offered FS and yes some may, not every MP in the business will. I have had many men try to get more out of their appt and when some can't they are either rude or keep trying which i feel ruins the vibe of the appt. If you feel you want more for your money maybe stick with a SP. But I don't feel going to an MP is a waste of money its all preference in what you are looking for as I said above, we take our time with a good massage and an safe sensual release. Thats just my opinion
