Feds will intervene if Air Canada workers strike: Raitt


Apr 24, 2005
Most (or all) unions are controlled by the MOB. The worst example is construction in Quebec where overpaid construction workers built bridges, overpasses, etc. that are falling down and killing people.


Jun 6, 2009
The fact that the Conservative are doing this is not the sad part, but they're being dishonest about it, nothing new there. They claim they're doing this for health and safety reasons.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
At the end of the day be thankful you have work. Greedy unions get zero sympathy from me.
Greedy management gets the same from me. And it is incompetent as well as greedy managers who negociated and signed those deals they now say they 'must' renege on. Maybe that is the market reality, and maybe even they were only averagely incompetent at not seeing it on the horizon, but they still have a deal to make with the folks who actually do the work.

Nothing wrong with two parties doing deals together, last time I heard. Government's role should be restricted to keeping the deal-making honest.

Or should they, for instance be legislating your house price down to a level 'everyone' can afford, like they're doing to wages?


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2010
So you guys believe that union workers should take whatever management decides to give them? Its this economic ignorence that destroying this country. Benifits only for the rich, fuck everyone else who does the real work. And the whole penisions can't be afford is a big fucking lye.

As for calling Union worker lazy, what a pile of bullshit. I've worked on landscaping jobs with former Union guys, lazy my ass, most of the people taking cheap shots at Unions probably sit thier fat asses at a desk all day telling the people who do the actual work that they're all lazy bums.

We need more Unions, not less, to drive up wages so there are more people who can afford to buy stuff without going crazy into debt.

As to Union corrurption, no major union today is envolved with the mob, you got proof other wise provide it. In Quebec the Unions work for all the companies, its the management that's corrupt.

I sick of bullshit union bashing and attacking people because they don't want thier futures and retirements robbed while corporations make a billions and executives get insane wages while asking the people that do the real work to make "sacrifices". I'll support the "sacrifice" the minute CEOs and the like agree to work for the same wage as the union workers and for the same penision and benifits.

If you really want less Union strife, Unions should have a seat on company boards like in Germany, where thier is little union strife.


Jun 6, 2009
So you guys believe that union workers should take whatever management decides to give them? Its this economic ignorence that destroying this country. Benifits only for the rich, fuck everyone else who does the real work. And the whole penisions can't be afford is a big fucking lye.

As for calling Union worker lazy, what a pile of bullshit. I've worked on landscaping jobs with former Union guys, lazy my ass, most of the people taking cheap shots at Unions probably sit thier fat asses at a desk all day telling the people who do the actual work that they're all lazy bums.

We need more Unions, not less, to drive up wages so there are more people who can afford to buy stuff without going crazy into debt.

As to Union corrurption, no major union today is envolved with the mob, you got proof other wise provide it. In Quebec the Unions work for all the companies, its the management that's corrupt.

I sick of bullshit union bashing and attacking people because they don't want thier futures and retirements robbed while corporations make a billions and executives get insane wages while asking the people that do the real work to make "sacrifices". I'll support the "sacrifice" the minute CEOs and the like agree to work for the same wage as the union workers and for the same penision and benifits.

If you really want less Union strife, Unions should have a seat on company boards like in Germany, where thier is little union strife.

First no the unions should not accept everything and this case you don't know how the bargaining went. Both bargaining parties were happy.

The fact that your 'former' union workers weren't lazy, doesn't mean as a group they aren't. Perhaps there are good reason these guys were former members.

Drive up wages just drives up cost and guess what, prices go up. One seldom catches up to the other. Sure put the union on the boards, but like every board member they'd better expect to take on the risk members are exposed to. I bet you they wouldn't like that.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
maybe if they let them turn tricks in the washroom for extra money...................................

Possum Trot

New member
Dec 7, 2009
The fact that the Conservative are doing this is not the sad part, but they're being dishonest about it, nothing new there. They claim they're doing this for health and safety reasons.
Huh? That makes no sense I thought they said it was for economic reasons.

Actually, quite often back to work actions by governments end up favouring the workers as there is usually some kind of binding arbitration - look at the TTC.

If we had sufficient airline coverage from other airlines I 'd say stay out of it - let AC go bankrupt and then re-organize without all the federal baggage imposed on AC by the government, such as forcing them to service unprofitable routes and all the bilingual horse manure across Canada.


Sep 24, 2004
Interesting tactics that Harpers Reform Party is using. I predict that 3.5 years from now the Reform Party will be booted back to their Alberta rural roots. He will win this skirmish against the flight crews, he will win the scuffle with the pilots next time, he will win against the female civil servants who still do not get equal pay for equal work...and every time that he wins his little battles he is stirring up a hornets nest of opposition that will bite his ass in the next election. These folks will NOT forget and what Harper is doing is making militants out of everyday Canadians. Folks who would never thought to do anything political. Folks who consider themselves middle class. Folks who let the 40% of their fellow union members elect the union leaders and rarely voted. Now things are slowly changing. And you will see an explosion of anger that will drive the religious right Harperites back to minority status.
LMFAO! Now that there is funny. Do you actually believe any of the drivel you wrote? You're in for a rude awakening when your predictions fall flat. Religious? Where? You don't have one iota of proof to back up any of your nonsense. It's plain dogmatic drivel from a sour Toronto lefty. Newflash.......no one else agrees with Toronto's political bent.


Jun 6, 2009
Huh? That makes no sense I thought they said it was for economic reasons.

Actually, quite often back to work actions by governments end up favouring the workers as there is usually some kind of binding arbitration - look at the TTC.

If we had sufficient airline coverage from other airlines I 'd say stay out of it - let AC go bankrupt and then re-organize without all the federal baggage imposed on AC by the government, such as forcing them to service unprofitable routes and all the bilingual horse manure across Canada.
You right having the government say they're doing this for health and safety reason doesn't make sense. It's never stopped them before. I'm not sure the other airlines could cover the lost flights.
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