Angelica @ Paradise Spa

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New member
Jul 26, 2011
Angelica is above average body with below average service. She was late to come in and she had no interest and rushes the service :frown:

Sorry to hear that gru. Pm me please. [edited by moderator]

gru you have been online since my reply to this post and have posted on another thread. With all due respect I do not put much weight to this post because you haven't even had the decency to pm me back so I can look into the situation. There is 2 sides to every fence and I would like to hear your side please. ty
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Pimp, Player & Hustler
Feb 1, 2005
A Nice Warm and Wet Place
Sorry to hear that gru. Pm me please. [edited by moderator]

gru you have been online since my reply to this post and have posted on another thread. With all due respect I do not put much weight to this post because you haven't even had the decency to pm me back so I can look into the situation. There is 2 sides to every fence and I would like to hear your side please. ty
So gru hasn't responded to you yet, what relevance does that have on his review? gru's reviews have been straight and to the point and that's what we want.
No gru has not pm'ed me. In order for us as a business to properly address a situation like this it would be respectful to message me so I can properly address the situation. The poster previous to you had the decency to message me and I am addressing the issue as we speak. To me having a happy customer is paramount :) When someone takes the time to private message me I put a significant amount of weight to their concern. If there is a ma that works for us whom is not good with the customer on a regular basis than her employment with us is in question.


Apr 24, 2006
Sorry to hear that gru. Pm me please. [edited by moderator]

gru you have been online since my reply to this post and have posted on another thread. With all due respect I do not put much weight to this post because you haven't even had the decency to pm me back so I can look into the situation. There is 2 sides to every fence and I would like to hear your side please. ty
he told you his side of the story in the review, he had to wait for her because she was late and then got a boring rushed session...thanks for the review gru.
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he told you his side of the story in the review, he had to wait for her because she was late and then got a boring rushed session...thanks for the review gru.
Smart Ass! Vague details like Gru indicated are not acceptable. When he came in, how long of a session etc is the info I was looking for


Well-known member
Mar 29, 2006
Smart Ass! Vague details like Gru indicated are not acceptable. When he came in, how long of a session etc is the info I was looking for
He has no obligation to contact you and his lack of response does not necessarily undermine his credibility. Credibility is based in large part on posting history. The review was clear and to the point.
Jul 28, 2006
Guys here's a provider trying to resolve a situation and your shitting on them ? Seems like no one is happy here unless they're not happy. The review was vague, certainly doesn't address particulars that could help not only the spa but the ma in question. Perhaps the poster was being descret, credit to him for that but would it hurt to reply privately to the spa in an effort to review what aspects of the service weren't as stellar as the ma's looks ?

It's great to be able to vent, but once the venting is done open communication can really go a long way to making improvements either that or just keep complaining and nothing get's solved.

So often folks around here complain about the providers not listening or caring about the customers and here's one who apparently does but no one want's to listen. Too funny.


Well-known member
Mar 29, 2006
So often folks around here complain about the providers not listening or caring about the customers and here's one who apparently does but no one want's to listen. Too funny.
Based on post two, seems they were as interested in questioning the posters credibility as muich as anything else.

"With all due respect I do not put much weight to this post because you haven't even had the decency to pm me back so I can look into the situation"

Was that tone and attitude really necessary? Was that going to help feedback going forward? How about simply asking for a PM, or sending a PM to discuss the situation and cutting out the rest of the crap - that would have been more effective if there one and only objective was to rectify the situation with the MA.

But your the expert - apparently questioning one's human decency does not imply they are trying to discredit the validity of a review.
Jul 28, 2006
I'm not an expert and I'm not looking for a fight or debate. I just think it's funny how people in general, like to complain rather than work to resolve.
Thanks Cowboy. If a client is unhappy with anything I do my 100 percent best to address any concerns. I care about our clients and if there is a ma that is not good for our business I want to hear about it. As a business I do not want a ma around that gives a rushed service because she can ruin it for our business. Look at the flip side if people took the time to genuinely contact me through PM this is indirectly helping other members as well because the ma would be let go if the concerns were deemed just and hence there would no longer be a bad service from an ma that is no longer employed with us! We are all here to help each other through open lines of communication whether negative or positive. Thanks, Angie

I'm not an expert and I'm not looking for a fight or debate. I just think it's funny how people in general, like to complain rather than work to resolve.


Active member
Sep 23, 2010
There are always two sides to a story, so take it easy unless you are the OP or the spa in question, who have something at stake .

IMHO, the spa has responded, and been trying to get the story straight. If i were the OP i'd respond either by PM or on here in the open forum. It is not fair to the spa if someone have post something negative about a MPA or MP and give them no chance to explain/defend/resolve the issue.

More often than not we are complaining than trying to see others' POV. The OP has not said a single word after starting the thread more than 2 months ago (?), kind of weird if i may say so. I am no WK, but i'd say let's take the spa response at face value.


Oct 13, 2010
I'm new to this and I have not posted any reviews, but reading the above makes me want to avoid paradise spa. If 1 person had a bad I would still give paradise spa benefit of a doubt. If 2 people had a bad experience, paradise spa does not stand on solid ground.


Oct 13, 2010
So many mp to visit. So many competition out there. Bad reviews can either break or make a business. I never partake, but when an overseas client visits, I will take them to the most recommended mps I can read from terb. So far, the amount of research and reviews I've read has not let my clients down. They go back home happy, and the well reviewed mp profit.

Sorry paradise spa, we will visit once you folks get some positive reviews.
We have many ladies who are highly recommended on the red board. If you chose to base a negative post of 1 out of 15 ladies then in a sense with all due respect it is you that loses out because you miss out on the other lovely ladies:( We have resolved the issues of concern outlined on this thread with Angelica what more can we do. People make mistakes and learn by them and I feel her quailty of service is now there. If some of you wish to judge our business and other staff as a result of this concern so be it! We do our very best! Angie


New member
May 15, 2008
I can't speak about Angelica but I had a great time with Erotic Emily@!

The rooms are also nice.
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