Angelica @ Paradise Spa

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Oct 13, 2010
Listen im not one to argue.. nor do i care or have the time to fight over such things.. lol I was giving my opinion and comment for the issues on this thread..
Theres bad things that happen whether in a spa or if your independent.. I don`t know the stats on whether its safer to work in a spa or independent.. for me and some other girls i know they feel safer working out of a spa.. Im not saying as a fact its safer or better..each and every girl has their own opinion.. Im saying from the people I know enjoy working in a spa other then being independent.. and I feel safer..

Also, you should have come in and viewed the place for your self.. yes that one girl had a few bad reviews.. NOT the place itself.. And the owner tried to resolve the problem.. doesn`t that show a good place and good management!? your being jerk and talking about a place you have never even been to.. and I guarantee if you gave Paradise a shot you`d be quite pleased.. heres some reviews... and they also have many reviews on other sites..
Let`s get some facts straight here. Pink Kitty escort stated "Kenpatchi, that is really ignorant." and you even wrote that I was "dumb" for not researching enough. WTF, I guess you and Pink Kitty escort know me enough to pass judgement like both of you did. So tell me JKLP, what do you do other than give old farts happy endings, so I can judge you. And Pink Kitty escorts, what do you do other than being a pimp, so I can judge you too. Will I recommend anyone to use the services of pink kitty escort and paradise spa? Jordyn, and who ever the hell it is from pink kitty escort, think again. I might be just 1 guy, but think about it. In a army, there is only 1 general. One day you or both of you will piss off the wrong person.
Friends what am I gonna do with you all ....sounds to me you all need a spanking.....LOL. Everyone is entitled to their opinion however it is completely unnecessary to be insulting each other and fighting back and forth on this thread ...I would never ask an employee to do such a thing "wander"...if I have something to say I am not shy to say it myself :) Now if we could please get back to more thread hijacking. Thanks, Angie xo
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