The Bash Fuji Thread

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Jan 31, 2005
You are happy having a wife who is oblivious and believes you when you convince her she is in a monogamous relationship with you, and a Girlfriend who apparently knows you are a married man, and you still find time and money to Hobby. Meanwhile you would leave your wife if she cheated on you, and I will assume you would do the same to your girlfriend if she cheated.
Well.. largely correct, but there are two women here you could be talking about when you say "girlfriend". The "immigrant girl", and the girl I have called my "girlfriend" on a variety of threads. The immigrant girl is equally in the dark and does not know that I am married. The "girlfriend" is completely aware of my situation and even knows about immigrant girl. I assume that "immigrant girl" is not dating other guys, although since we have not had any "what's our status" conversation she might well be. I am pretty sure that "girlfriend" is dating, although I think she's single now--our relationship is very much in "affair" territory, which it was for both of us when we started, and although she's left that guy now (I think) she still treats our relationship as an "affair", and I am sure she is either dating, or wants to be.

But you're largely correct, the details that I'm clarifying here don't really alter your point.

I just ask that you keep your belief that others want your lifestyle or that others need to be convinced they should attempt to attain a lifestyle like yours to yourself.
Why would I do that? This is an anonymous escort review board. Why wouldn't I be honest about what I think here? To pussy foot around and pretend that I think other choices are equally self actualizing would be political correctness in the extreme. I'm not one of those sappy people who thinks everybody is right.

Sure in real life if we were having this conversation (we wouldn't be) I would pretend that other choices are equally valid just to be a good guy and easy to get along with. But on an anonymous internet forum? Why?

The wife. Fuji is married. Regardless of the vows he took, whether it was to Love Honor and Obey, or to Love Honor and Respect/Cherish he is breaking his word/promise as a man and his promise to a woman/person, he apparently loved enough to marry.
And this is a problem because....???

But on top of this he has decided to do it a second human being (his Girlfriend) as well.
And this is a problem because....???

In my opinion this proves he is someone who can not keep promises, lies, and can not be trusted.
"Proves" is a big word. It certainly proves that if you want to be my sexual partner that, if you actually knew all this, you ought not to trust me as a sexual partner, or else be another cheater like "girlfriend". I can't fathom why you would think that applies anywhere else in my life though--it doesn't. I am almost painfully honest in my dealings elsewhere, I'm one of those people with a strong sense of civic duty and fairness otherwise.


Executive Senior Member
Jun 29, 2005
Fuji, you sure are an attention whore, and what I envy is you have the time to relish in it. Time is one commodity that I've never been able to master, I'm just a slave to it.


Mar 21, 2011
I find it funny that people believe Fuji.
He admits he lies and cheats with women, but then goes on to expect us to believe that he is: rich, fit and has a hawt wife and an immigrant girlfriend.

Personally, I think its far more likely that the liar is also lying to us, probably he's just a fat ass living in some basement and this is as close to that perfect life as he'll ever get.


Jan 31, 2005
I find it funny that people believe Fuji.
He admits he lies and cheats with women, but then goes on to expect us to believe that he is: rich, fit and has a hawt wife and an immigrant girlfriend.
You can believe whatever you like, I don't care. I never said I'm rich though. To me someone is rich if they don't have to work. I have to work. I have a good income, but if I quit my job I would not be able to maintain my lifestyle, not even close. So I'm not rich.


Jan 31, 2005
No. You wrote chances of success.
Yes, and subsequently clarified for you that what I meant is that people direct their lives into the activities that they think will be most successful. That clearly means long-term planning, not jut spur of the moment thinking. I agree it was unclear in my original post--you ASSUMED one version, I corrected you and clarified that I meant it in a long-term planning sense. Now you're trying to score cheap points by standing on your original misreading.

What's more important to you here? To understand the point I'm making and respond to it substantively? Or to be a pedantic dick and latch on to your previous interpretation just so you can score cheap but ineffective debating points? I understand why you might have misread what I wrote earlier--I wasn't entirely clear there. But I have clarified it for you well enough now that if you continue with this line the answer is clear--pedantic dick.

Nice try. But I explicitly said there were degrees of each, thus articulating the middle.
No. You clearly said that if something was not bad that it must be good. That was just flat out wrong. You then went on to make arguments that depended on that, all of which were flat out wrong.

I have disproved the latter many times, and you only admit the latter grudgingly after I disprove your claim that morality does not apply at all.
I don't care if you disapprove or not, you don't seem to have any reasons for the things you think. I only really care when people disapprove for a reason.

You're also the one happy to talk of FORCING women to do what you want
You're a pedantic dick. I clarified for you, repeatedly, on multiple threads, that what I meant the word "forcing" in the same sense that I am forced to sign an employment contract. If someone is desirable enough they can force concessions from the other side--not through any physical or violent threat--just by threatening to walk away from the table unless the other side concedes. That is all I meant by forcing.

And you know that. You've been told repeatedly.

Yet you keep trying to score this cheap point, dishonestly. Why? Because you're a pedantic dick. Clearly.

Wrong. The concept of social contract easily covers it.
The term "social contract" is just an analogy, one that breaks down. It is not really a contract, not in the legal sense, and none of the concepts from common law apply to the "social contract". From a legal standpoint it is very clear that a marriage is NOT a contract in the sense of there being damages awarded if it's broken.

Though in stronger terms I can see one of terb's lawyer dudes saying there are legally based contractual elements to marriage and common law.
Bluntly, there are not. Not in enlightened jurisdictions like Canada. Maybe in Saudi Arabia and some other backwards jurisdictions. But in our society here in Canada we have firmly agreed on "no fault" divorce.

Broader codes inter-lock enough and are situationally flexible enough to do the work.
I've shown you REPEATEDLY why you cannot, and you have never had any reply. Now you are just saying over and over again that you have made this point when you haven't. You lie.

You've never been able to explain, using univeral terms, why sneaking out for a fuck is worse than sneaking out for a donut.

The rest of your post was childish, school yard insults that serve to show you can't argue this on the merits, you have to resort to an appeal to popularity based on name calling and the hopes that you can pull the wool over enough idiot's eyes that you can pretend to yourself that you've won.

However many idiots you may fool we both know you've lost.


Jan 31, 2005
Fuji wrote "chance of success", admitted he was not being clear and that he changed his wording to answer my objection
You are so full of shit, and desperate to score debating points, no matter how cheaply. You really lose and continue to lose.

There was ambiguity in my original statement. I meant it one way. You took it another. Similarly, when I wrote "forcing" before I meant it one way, you took it another. Just because you took it the wrong way doesn't mean I've changed anything you 'tard.

As for broader moral codes and social conventions being inter-locking enough and situationally flexible enough to apply to sexual conduct, fuji has NOT shown this to be in error. Instead he just repeated his life affirming philosophy claptrap and tried to wheel in evolutionary arguments, neither of which worked.
You can't make this true just by repeating it over, and over, and over, and over.

You actually have to respond to the criticisms. You have to explain how these universal rules that supposedly explain everything can explain why it's worse to sneak out for a fuck rather than sneak out for a donut. You can't, and haven't, and won't.

You will cowardly just keep repeating your blustering but wrong statement hoping nobody will notice that it's in flames.

Here is the challenge, fuji, which you have failed to meet: how is that it is more plausible to treat sexual relations as separate from human relations rather than as subsets of them?
I have told you why repeatdly: Because, unlike all other human relations, sexual relations are the point and the cause and the reason for our existence. They are far more fundamental than any other kind of human relationship, they are unique in that regard. Nothing else in human relations--except perhaps war--is so existentially at the driving point of natural selection.

Moreover you once again have a false dichotemy here. You are setting up a false alternative, that something is either a "subset of other human activities" versus being different than other subsets. In fact it's entirely possible (and is my argument) that it is both. As a subset it is subject to the few universal rules, like "aggressive violence is wrong", meanwhile it does not admit some of the moral analyses that apply to many of the other subsets of human behavior.

You made a basic logic error in arguing basically "B is a subset of A, C/D/E are also subsets of A, X is true of C/D/E, therefore X must be true of B".

Once again, you fail. Disconnect from the internet and cancel your ISP.

As for Fuji's attempted analogy involving sneaking out for sex and sneaking our for donuts, well even the fattest among us has more of a relationship with sexual conduct than with donuts, and so we think more hangs on the former than the latter. Only the Fuji's of the world want to make eating a donut without permission as morally equivalent to cheating. And trust me, Fuji will want to take the analogy to that conclusion if you let him!
I plainly think that sneaking out for a fuck is going to result in greater harm than sneaking out for a donut. That is MY point you bloody idiot. You are the one who has no viable way of explaining why one is worse than the other. I'm perfectly capable of explaining why, my theory allows that. Your theory isn't powerful enough to explain the difference.

According to you all the harm arises from breaking a promise, being dishonest, lying, and so on. But all those elements are present in both examples. A guy's wife is unhappy with his weight gain, made him promise to be on a diet, and he sneaks out for a donut. It's equivalent, in YOUR way of thinking, to the guy's wife making him promise to be monogamous.

Of course we all know that the wife is going to care a hell of a lot more about his monogamy than his diet! But you are at a loss to explain why.

Moreover if you look at it in greater depth it comes into even stronger focus: She's likely to forgive him slipping up on the diet once or twice, but she's NOT likely to forgive a couple of slip-ups on the monogamy side. It's VERY different.


May 25, 2003
Wherever I'm At
Blah, blah, blah...

Blah, blah, blah...

37 pages of circular, inane arguments...

Blah, blah, blah...

You can believe whatever you like, I don't care.
For someone who doesn't care what others believe, you certainly have a lot to say to them.

Fuck me three times sideways....your act is way, way old.



Spanked by Josie@Cupids
Mar 11, 2009
Fuji? Did you really say this?
you cannot engineer codes specifically for sexual behavior. There is nothing whatsoever arbitrary about it
and then didn't you say this?
"Proves" is a big word. It certainly proves that if you want to be my sexual partner that, if you actually knew all this, you ought not to trust me as a sexual partner, or else be another cheater like "girlfriend". I can't fathom why you would think that applies anywhere else in my life though--it doesn't. I am almost painfully honest in my dealings elsewhere, I'm one of those people with a strong sense of civic duty and fairness otherwise.
Reading those two quotes, aren't they contradictory? Hey, don't go starting an argument or explaining things, these were your words and thoughts not mine. All I need is a yes or no answer from you.

Will you say "Yes they are contradictory" or "No they are not"?


Mar 21, 2011
You can believe whatever you like, I don't care. I never said I'm rich though. To me someone is rich if they don't have to work. I have to work. I have a good income, but if I quit my job I would not be able to maintain my lifestyle, not even close. So I'm not rich.
I understand.
I hear that basement apartments are quite expensive these days, but I'm sure you'll survive until you are a billionaire and can finally force some women to have relations with you.


Spanked by Josie@Cupids
Mar 11, 2009
PW, I don't think Fuji likes direct questions.
Reminds me of a quote:

The only exercise some people get is jumping to conclusions, running down their friends, side-stepping responsibility, and pushing their luck!


Spanked by Josie@Cupids
Mar 11, 2009
Kiisskisskiss I am just feeling left out :( I wanna be included now.
LMAO, Just kidding.
Just waiting to see how he will react to my question. Waiting to see what kind of BS he's going to try to use to explain something that h should only be saying yes or no to.


Jan 31, 2005
Reading those two quotes, aren't they contradictory?
Maybe you can explain to me why you think they're contradictory. I think you are confusing pragamatic advice with moral advice. If I tell you that you will get burned if you touch a hot stove that's not moral advice that's pragmatic. It doesn't mean that it's immoral to touch the hot stove. If you know someone is likely to cheat on you, and you don't want to be cheated on, then my pragmatic advice is not to trust that person as a sexual partner. Plainly if someone knew my entire history of cheating, and they didn't want to be cheated on, pragmatic advice would be for them not to be my sexual partner. That's not a moral imperative, that's just pragmatic advice.

So, how are the two statements contradictory?


New member
Aug 13, 2010
Kiisskisskiss I am just feeling left out :( I wanna be included now.
LMAO, Just kidding.
Just waiting to see how he will react to my question. Waiting to see what kind of BS he's going to try to use to explain something that h should only be saying yes or no to.
Just fun then?


New member
Aug 13, 2010
Fuji don't you have other things to go swimming,canoeing,fishing,work,showering,anything..................doesn't this take up a lot of important fun time?Throw your net out the window and live ,spazz.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
i said what i had to say and i am not commenting on the topic at hand anymore. i am just gonna go back to picking sides. not that i was beaten or bested in anyway, just can't convince a man that he is a not a man when he has no idea what being a man is.


Jan 31, 2005
Fuji don't you have other things to go swimming,canoeing,fishing,work,showering,anything..................doesn't this take up a lot of important fun time?Throw your net out the window and live ,spazz.
I'm back in Toronto now, no more swimming/canoeing/fishing. I'm going out for dinner with my wife as soon as she knocks off work. She's late, again... finance jobs are like that sometimes.
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