You did not end off with a point. Just an escape out the back door because you lack the intelligence to respond.
It's not a misrepresentation. It is an accurate portrayal of a very weak-willed little boy who, because he cannot cope with the full range of human emotions, has withdrawn into a closed circle of a world. You want to control everything in that world because that's what makes you feel powerful. Your sexual hypocrisy ideology is just another way of you rejecting trust, because it makes you feel uncontrollably threatened. You are not the classic self loathing type, because the classic type is self-reflective enough to hate themselves and project that outward. But being a psychopath, you lack the self-reflection, so your self loathing takes the unreflective form of resenting others, coveting what is theirs, and being jealous of not being able to have whatever you want. Add it all up and you have a cynical view of the world, thinking good outcomes are accidental byproducts and bad actions are totally fine even if you're caught. You don't see the actions as bad, because few things are bad according to you, just losses in games of power and dominance. You only grudgingly admit something is wrong. Certainly you never do anything wrong. You delight in your hidden world because you think it can't get any better. You are the only one who doesn't see your world for what it is - bankrupt.
By the way, cheating as a lifestyle is just your version of punishing. Who you're punishing could only be known via a depth interview, but reasonable speculations for a narcissistic psychopath would be mommy. It is common for your type to have had a mommy inconsistent in her affections, possibly due to substance abuse or a bad marriage, and a daddy a bit of an asshole, mostly punishment-focused and any reward only as sarcastic power play. Most likely daddy verbally abused you. This bullying was copied by you as a teen, and we can all see on terb your penchant for smearing rather than responding to someone. That is just bully stuff in nicer clothing. You're a pathetic person but you cope with it by fucking your own self-image.
Don't cry, Fuji, no-one cares.