Blah, Blah, BlahWe go in circles because you keep making circular arguments. You wrote (several times) things like "it is not my moral system it is societies moral system" and I challenged that by saying that my moral system was not a popularity contest, that my moral system was based on principles. Ultimately your support for your original statement was just to come back and say "Rational people like myself take into account a) Societies norms..".
It's completely circular. Your justification for saying that it's society's moral system is to say that rational people take into account societies norms.
I think it's not obvious to you that this is circular. I think that's because you are an ideologue. You have bought into this idea, and you now see it as a truism. You don't see any reason why you should have to defend a statement like "rational people like myself take into account societies norms". Why would rational people do that?
I have already told you that rational people base their morality on principles. We now have two competing propositions--moralities are based on social norms, or they are based on principles. I'm defending one, you're defending the other. If you want anybody to believe your proposition over mine you had better come up with some reasons!!
Now we can just agree to disagree at this point--you could say something like "I have no idea why basing morals on societies norms is better than principles, but that's how I do it, and it's a religious matter to me, I just believe in that."
Alternately you could try and produce some sort of reason WHY anyone should believe that basing your morality on "societies norms" is the right thing to do.
I can, and will, give you a lot of good reasons why it makes more sense to base morality on principles. I think most of the figures in history who are seen as eminently moral people were motivated by principle, rather than mimicing the norms of their society. I think there is much argument that norms of a society are generally a reasonable default, for evolutionary reasons, but not necessarily a GOOD morality.
In any case, if you get nothing out of this post, please at least get this:
You can't justify a statement by repeating it. You can either say it's just your belief, and admit that it is a faith-based assumption, or you can try and come up with some reasons why anybody should believe you.
You are wrong and you know it, otherwise you would not have to decieve your wife